
I took her classes for her while she was sick They are anxious for her safety I am speaking for...

I took her classes for her while she was sick They are anxious for her safety I am speaking for everyone in this department She’s working for IBM Shaking your head for ‘No’ is not universal. We got a new table for the dining room. Are you for or against the proposal? They voted for independence in a referendum There’s a strong case for postponing the exam Are you learning English for pleasure or for He came to me for advice Copies are available for two dollars each The weather was warm for the time of yearبا عرض سلام لطفا این جملات را معنی کنید اگر زحمتی نیست ولطفا بگوییدforدرهرکدام ازجملات به چه معنااست با تشکر
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Estimated time of study:
موارد بیشتر برای شما


I took her classes for her while she was sick They are anxious for her safety I am speaking for...

جواد ( تحصیلات : دیپلم ، 25 ساله )

I took her classes for her while she was sick
They are anxious for her safety
I am speaking for everyone in this department
She’s working for IBM
Shaking your head for ‘No’ is not universal.
We got a new table for the dining room.
Are you for or against the proposal?
They voted for independence in a referendum
There’s a strong case for postponing the exam
Are you learning English for pleasure or for
He came to me for advice
Copies are available for two dollars each
The weather was warm for the time of yearبا عرض سلام لطفا این جملات را معنی کنید اگر زحمتی نیست ولطفا بگوییدforدرهرکدام ازجملات به چه معنااست با تشکر

مشاور: سيد نصير کتابی

با سلام به شما کاربر گرامی ( من کلاسهای او را برگزار کردم در مدت زمانیکه او بیمار بود-took for-مسئولیت پذیرفتن-مسئولیت کلاسهای او را بر عهده گرفتم در طول مدت بیماری او)I took her classes for her while she was sick They are anxious for her safety(آنها دلواپس سلامتی اویند-برای) (من در این بخش برای همه صحبت می کنم)I am speaking for everyone in this department (او برای ای بی ام کار میکند)She’s working for IBM Shaking your head for ‘No’ is not universal.(تکان دادن سرت به نشانه "نه" همه گیر نیست) (یک میز جدید برای اتاق ناهار خوری گرفتیم)We got a new table for the dining room. (شما موافق این پیشنهاد هستید یا مخالفید؟-موافق بودن)Are you for or against the proposal? (آنها برای استقلال در یک رفراندوم رای دادند)They voted for independence in a referendum (یک مورد قوی برای تعویق آزمون وجود دارد)There’s a strong case for postponing the exam (شما انگلیسی یاد میگیرید برای لذت بردن یا برای...)Are you learning English for pleasure or for (او برای مشاوره نزد من آمد)He came to me for advice (کپی ها موجود هستند برای هر کدام 2 دلار)Copies are available for two dollars each The weather was warm for the time of year(هوا برای مدتی از سال گرم بود) موفق باشید

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