Do the blue eyes people have double vision problem?



Since the beginning of the present century, with occurrence the September 11, 2001 terrorist incidents, assigning any act of terrorism anywhere in the world to Muslims has become commonplace. This Islam phobic technique, has been pursued by the media with such seriousness and coordination that no one, whether Muslim or non-Muslim don’t surprise when armed and criminals terrorists immediately address "Islamists", "Muslim extremists", "Islamic jihadists" and etc.
Media propaganda has not neglected any efforts to defame Muslims and instilling fear from this holy religion. In the past three years that the terrorist group "Daesh" is known as the fear factor around the world, despite all Islamic sects have excommunicated the extremists, we see that even in some media "Islamic State" is used without quotation marks again with the misuse of public hatred and fear.

***Media war on religious occasions

Now, we are in the days of mourning for the chieftain of martyrs, Imam Hussein (AS) and it is for centuries that his followers mourn and lament in all over the world. Every year, in these days, intense wave of anti-propaganda against the Shi'ism influence the reflections of the Ashura mourning in cyberspace.
The anti-propaganda wave and in general the information way on Yahoo, Google search engine, News agencies and the Western media that is not a new issue just for this year may have two main reasons:

Media representations claim and neutral events representation?!

If reporters and the Western media stated that their reason for representing all the violence is that it is their job, but they have ridiculed the impartiality and integrity in reflecting the news in this task. Because, this great celebration of the first ten days of Muharram even includes photography of children in the most remote areas of Pakistan, but for example, it does not encompass the passionate community of Hosseinian mourning in the biggest cities of Iran.
Every year, many scholars and researchers have written articles in the praise of Ashura uprising and anti-oppression of the son of the last prophet of God (PBUH) that none of them are considered by the journalists not at this time and not at other times as it should be.

Introducing Shi'ism with fear and violence

This year, on the initial hours of Ashura, Yahoo site’s home page was full of tragic images related to use cutlass, chains, and scarification in Iraq.
Reuters News Agency, BBC, Deutsche Welle and the New York Times directed their lens of their cameras and just selected bloody daggers around the world in great lament ceremony of Ashura.
In addition to these special occasions, at any time that the Latin word "Ashura" is searched in the Google search engine, up to 897,000 web pages provide just heartbreaking and sickening images from using daggers!
Biased West News from the funeral of the Muslim religion is more obvious, when we find out that such ceremonies and religious rites are not assigned to Shiism.
"Passion presentation" is one of the traditional and religious Catholic rituals in that the Passion of Jesus Christ (PBUH) including trial, suffering, torture (in the Christian faith), death and finally his crucifixion are portrayed.
The Christian ceremony is one of the rituals associated with fasting in the "Holy Week" (29 March: The last week of the life of Christ) and it is common in all Europe and parts of East Asia from Poland and Romania and Spain to Philippines.
In this event, mourners and followers of Christ so-called crucified, not only totally scratch and lash their face and their naked body with various tools, but also they insist on wounding and torturing themselves like the same sufferings which this prophet suffered.
Mourners at this funeral pull handmade tools that are made for this purpose by handle and nails and small glasses on their naked chest, legs and arms with press repeatedly and thus, they keep alive the traditions and customs with blood streaming from their body. The holders of this funeral believe that blood eruption on the body in holy week will remove their sins.
However, we see that with searching the word "Passion" on Google, the only images of the ancient church paintings and photographs of the scenes of the film are available on this subject!
Some of the experts and historical researchers believe that the funeral and mourning rituals have entered from the Christianity to the Shiite culture.
As we said, such an event will not only criticize the Catholic Church and accuse this religion to violence and brutality, but also the lack of its media reflecting against trying to introduce Ashura with using daggers is thinkable.
This kind of mourning rituals is also common among Hindi ascetics and East Asian countries. But very mild media representations and more importantly, introducing these religions as the established cultural customs show that it is just for Shia and school of Ashura that such huge advertising attacks are carried out.
Otherwise, why walk on nails, swallowing fire, bring out the eyes from the socket are never have been criticized in the Buddhist religion to destroy their religious figures in the public eye?

*** The reason for prohibiting the referred clergymen

Throughout the history of using daggers in Iran, most Shia scholars have prohibited this practice. Verdict of being unlawful is based on this Ijtihad principle that any action such as speech, behavior, discourse or action that provide platforms to abuse from Islam by enemies or destruction of religious sites among non-Muslims is prohibited.
In this current situation that Western media are widely broadening the performance of the limited stratum deliberately and this caused abuse and insult the Shia by the enemies, the Supreme Leader declared unlawful such measures even in private.
