Translator: Davood Salehan
1-The literature of return to Zion
In order to get familiar with what is known as the beliefs and the cultural principles of Zionism, it is necessary to primarily introduce these concepts briefly so that we can have access to the essential information regarding the rudimentary and the belief issues of Zionism which have a basic role in determining the ideals and goals of the Zionist movements and parties.1. (1) Concepts
Ten Commandments:50 days after the Exodus from Egypt and during their presence in "Mount Sinai", the Prophet Moses through direct communication with the divinity received the Ten Commandments of God in the form of two tables: the first four commandments, which were revealed in one tablet referred to the relationship between man and God:
"- I am your Creator God, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery;
- For you, there must be no other Gods before me;
- Do not call the name of your God in vain;
- Commit the day of Sabbath (Saturday) to memory, that you should keep it holy. . . The seventh day is the Shabbat for God, your creator, you must not do any work [in it]."
In the second tablet, the relationship between human beings has been the subject of order:
"- Honor your father and your mother;
- Thou shalt not kill;
- Do not commit adultery;
- Thou shalt not steal;
- Do not be a false witness for your fellow-creature;
- Do not be envious and do not yearn for the house of your fellow-man and what belongs to him;
After the Israelites repented the worshiping of the Samaritan calf and said that we have been guided, they were called Jewish in that they were guided. On the other hand, because most of them are the descendants of Judah, the son of Jacob, in general terms, the word “Jew” which is a solid name is used to refer to them.
"The Old Testament":
What we mean is the same holy book of “Tura” which belonged to Moses (peace be upon him) and is famous for having five divisions which are known as the smaller divisions Of Moses and include the following:
-Genesis (the creation date to the time of Prophet Jacob (peace be upon him));
- Exodus (Exodus from Egypt and the revelation of the Ten Commandments);
- Leviticus (laws and limitations of the tribe of Levi, son of Jacob);
- The journey of Adad (the displacement (and homelessness) of the Israelites and the land of Canaan);
- And Deuteronomy (the commandments and doctrines of the laws and religion of Moses)
Sometimes the "Book of Joshua" is also added and it is introduced in six parts.
The assumptions:
It is a complete set of commands and orders and the Jewish religious practices which consists of 613 recipes and orders. Within this text, there are 248 commanding and compulsory assumptions (learning the Torah and observing ceremonies and worship...) and there are also 365 prohibition orders (to avoid theft, betrayal, adultery and...).The Rabbi:
This term is a name and a title to represent the Jewish clergy and religious experts, mainly used by Sephardi (Eastern) Jews. However, the (western) Ashkenazi Jews use the word "rabbi" to introduce them. In some texts, the word ‘rabbi’ means the same thing.The Tribes:
What we mean here are the 12 sons of Jacob (peace be upon him) whose names are as follows:1. Joseph (peace be upon him), 2. Benjamin, 3. Levi, 4-Judah, 5-Reuben, 6-Simeon, 7-Eibi xar, 8 Zebulun, 9-Dan, 10-, Naphtali 11- Ysakad, 12 - Asher.
It is the most important source for the interpretation of the teachings and the laws of Moses (peace be upon him) (Halakhah) that has been compiled in two parts "Mishna" and "Gmara" set by the rabbis and signify education and training.Mishna has been compiled around the year 200 AD and Gomara has been developed around 400- 500 AD and over the years. In fact, Talmud is assumed to contain the laws of Judaism and is of two types. There are the Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud and, of these two, the Babylonian version has been compiled in a much richer way and in much more detail than the Jerusalem Talmud.
Israel is another name for Jacob (peace be upon him), which refers to the children of Israel and his people. The Canaanites in "Palestine" are called Hebrews.Sephardim:
The group of the eastern and non-Ashkenazi Jews are known as Sephardim. The term is derived from the Hebrew word “Espin” and is often used to refer to all of the Jews who have roots in the Arab world and in Islamic countries. However, more precisely, the term is also used to refer to the Jews residing in the "Iberian Peninsula", who migrated there during the period of the Spanish Inquisition. The Iberian Jews were generally called Ladino in that they used a Judeo-Spanish language and the medieval Hebrew literature (known as the Latin literature), while among the Middle Eastern societies, they were not called by that name. The Sephardim have maintained strong traditional beliefs and usually their standards of living and their education are lower than that of Ashkenazi Jews.4- Ashkenazim
The majority of the population in Israel is made up of the Sephardim and they are in a political alliance with the right-wing parties like Likud and Shas and before the presence of the Ashkenazi in "Palestine" they had a population of several hundred people.Ashkenazim:
They are the Jews whose origins are from Central and Eastern Europe. These Jews were the main supporters of the first waves of Zionist immigration to Palestine, and many of them fled the Jewish ghettos (The crowded Jewish neighborhoods) of Europe such as 'Russia' and sought to establish a new society which was both secular and socialist in nature.The political elite who were dominant in Israel had Ashkenazi roots, and established the foundations for the development of a fundamentally European culture in "Palestine" with the concepts, ideals and ideologies in which they were interested. The influence and leadership of the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews still remains even when their area of authority increased.
The protocols of Zion:
It is a set of 24 secret instructions and the execution strategy of the United Jewish groups in Russia which was constituted by a Russian scientist named Sergey Nivelles following a President of the Parliament of Russia who was named Alex Nicolas in 1901. He acquires these instructions and then publishes them in Russian. The spread of these malicious codes in 1902 brought about the massacre of thousands of Jews in Russia. Some believe Ashergynzberg with the pseudonym “Ahad Haam” is the main author of these protocols.Following what has given a historical identity to the literature and culture of Zionism and has maintained it as a forged theory over the centuries, we investigate the course of deliberations and the verbal reflections among the political and religious claimants of Zionism because the owners of these ideas are the true supporters of the political Zionism and the Jewish state in Palestine and, in the next stage, the international Zionism and global government. The Zionist theories were developed in the 18th and 19th century as far as the literature developed to promote the return to Zion, in the Ottoman era, was mainly used for the cultural destruction of Muslims and for achieving a Zionist alliance and the writers. Furthermore, the theorists associated with the Jewish communities had the largest share in this area during the Ottoman rule.
2 1. The theory makers:
As mentioned earlier, one of the most famous personalities in the history of the Jews in "Spain" was a poet and philosopher named Judah Haloi (1142- 1084 AD). As a Jewish ethno-centrist, he was of the opinion that the Christians and Muslims will respect the Israelites at the time of the advent of Christ. A book titled "Khazari" has remained of him, which contains poems related to the Messiah.As a philosopher of the middle Ages, he naturally believed in the messianic fantasies which were common in that period but when talking about the future of Israel and "Palestine" his spirit was excited by religious fervor and forgot everything for the passion and emotion he had for the country. It only suffices to read the lyrics of this great and faithful Jew to be aware of the actions of his spirit:
"Do not count the date of our salvation, but patiently wait, do not hurry, eventually you will see the glory of God by my action. Say to those who are taking pride for having kings and princes that my king is the retainer of the holy house of Jacob and He is the rock of my salvation.”
Judah Haloi saw a prophet in every Jew at a time when Jews in the Islamic Spain enjoyed a privileged position and he said:
"Divine revelation which is special gift of his cannot flourish anywhere except in Israel."
Nashmanyd, a philosopher and religious scholar of the thirteenth century, also believed this and went to live in Jerusalem but his method was not followed there. In 1570 AD, Joseph II (Duke of Naxos) while fleeing the Portuguese Inquisition asked for permission from his Muslim friends who were Salim and Suleiman for the reconstruction of a city that was called "Tiberias”, by their coreligionists. This intention of political establishment did not cause any interest in Jewish communities and was abandoned immediately.
It is evident in history that Spain was the safest land for the scientists, the Jews and wealthiest among them. During the rule of the Muslims Therefore, the Spanish Jewish intellectuals gradually were inclined towards the Zionist beliefs and of these intellectuals we may name Ben Yehuda Brabanl (1437- 1509 AD), among others. He wrote three books, claiming to know the date of the emergence of the Christ and also claimed:
"God will send a savior of the house of David, to send the humiliated and the poor nation back to “Jerusalem" to restore and rebuild the temple. The duty of prophecy will be returned to the Israelites for whom miracles will take place again. Material success and countless blessings will be their inheritance and the children of Israel from then on will not be caught in exile. All the nations of the earth will accept the monotheistic religion when they see the ascendance of the wrath of God. After returning the people to "Palestine", the dead will become alive again."
With the Jewish influence in the ranks of Christians renegades known as Marano and their penetration in the church and among the clergy of the mainly Protestant Christianity, some theorists who were apparently Christian, but were in fact influenced by Talmud advocated and corrected the theory of the return to Zion.
The most famous figure among them was Isaac Lapyrr (1594- 1676), a French Marano." The Jewish Encyclopedia recognizes Lapyrr as the father of Zionism. Lapyrr used to claim that:
"We should seek the lost tribes and bring the Israelites together once more because Jesus will rise to meet them. Then, Christians and Jews should be united, and conquer the land of Zion with the help of the French king. The restoration of the State of Zion in "Palestine" will pave the way to the final victory of Christianity over the Muslim and the world empire will emerge whose center is located in "Jerusalem."
Isaac Lapyr AD was the ambassador of "France" in "Copenhagen" in 1644 and he tried to spread this thought among the cultural and political circles related to the "Christina court”.
In examining the Zionist thoughts and opinions, we come across the Rabbi Hirsch Kalyshr (1795- 1874) who was born in "Poland" and continued his education in "Germany" and became a rabbi in the city of Turin.
In his book entitled "In Search of Zion" which was published in 1861, he was calling for the rapid immigration of Jews to "Palestine" for permanent residence there. He was a student of Judah Ghalii and, through him, he had gained a deep understanding of "Talmud".
He explained his position about the Messiah in a letter addressed to Anselm Mayer Rothschild:
"No one should imagine that the Messiah will suddenly emerge and by miracles and wonders, will lead Israel to its ancient heritage. Salvation will begin by normal means.
The Jews will be inclined to settle in Palestine and the nations will be interested in helping them. When the Jews settled in Palestine, "Jerusalem" was restructured, the temple was re-established and the sacrifices were pleasant to the sense of the Lord, your God will show to the people the miracles that have been described by the prophets and sages. First, a man will appear with great natural abilities and he will open a natural way for the Jews to settle in Palestine. Then God will send a prophet and his anointed king."
He raised four proposals for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.
1. Establishing a Jewish Fund to collect money to buy lands in Palestine;
2. The displacement of the Jewish diaspora (refugees of the world) to "Palestine";
3. The establishment of a police organization and a security organization in Palestine;
4. The establishment of agricultural and industrial schools in Palestine.
Also, with careful attention paid to some of his ideas later we may discern that his executive instructions are indeed observed in the Zionist Congress. Another person who had an important role in expanding the fictitious theory of Zionism is Rabbi Yehuda Ghalii (1798- 1878 AD) who was a Serbian Jew. In his opinion, the rescue of the Jews is possible by living in the Holy Land and the mystical teachings "Kabala" and "Talmud" are the source of his views. Judah Ghalii is known as the founder of the modern religion of Zionism by writing some treatises such as "the third rescue", "Hear Israel" and "the sacrifice of Judah" . In his comments, the concept of “waiting” will be realized merely through the residence of Jews in "Palestine" and afterwards the coming of the Messiah. For the same reason, at the age of seventy, he went to Palestine in 1878 AD and passed away in the same place.
In the nineteenth century, we witness the emergence of other important Zionist projects and ideas by a Jew born in "Lithuania". Rabbi Shamuel Mohilio (1824- 1989) who was of the elders of the Zion movement and was under the influence of the teachings of Rabbi Kalyshir. He founded the first branch of the lovers of Zion in Methuselah as an institution and despite the fact that this institution was a Secular Association, he remained as a member as a representative of religious thought in the association. He was of the opinion that:
"God prefers that his children live in their own land, even if they do not perform and obey the provisions of the" Torah” rather than they stay in a diaspora and remain in exile to perform the provisions of the law to the point."
Moses Mendelssohn is another well-known writer and scholar who is viewed among the designers of the assimilation theory or homogeneous tendencies. He attempted to explain his view in his book "Jerusalem or the civil emancipation of the Jews" in 1873. Mendelssohn argued:
"As Jews in Europe took advantage of the slogan of liberty and freedom to achieve equal citizenship privileges, they can integrate into their communities to achieve the desired freedoms as well.”
He was a German, and also benefitted from the advantages of this concept, and with the German translation of the Pentateuch Moses and the publication of a journal called "Hamyasef" he made many efforts in the convergence of German and Hebrew cultures.
The experts on the crucial problems of Zionism also point to another Russian Jew by the name of Lillian Bloom in introducing the effective elements and factors used in posing this thought. He wrote a treatise which was titled as “The Mission of the Jewish People in the Holy Land of their Forefathers” and thus had a major impact on the growth of the Zionist movement of the lovers of Zion.
Another Rabbi Abraham Cohen Cook (1865- 1935) was a Jewish man of "Lithuania" who is considered another major religious figure advocating Zionism. He has also had a major part in the declaration of "Palestine" as the Holy Land of the Jews. He immigrated to Palestine in 1904 and believed:
"The generation of Jews residing in Palestine belongs to the era of Christ the Redeemer and the descendants of the Zionist pioneers who have come to the Palestinian territory, although most of them are considered irreligious, just by settling in Palestine they assist in implementing the religious teachings. He considered Zionism as the prelude to the appearance of a waiting Christ and called them the hand of the Lord which does the task of heavenly salvation.”
On the other hand, he argued that:
The link between the Jewish religious teachings and the wish to return to the land of Israel saves the Jews from the destruction of Israel and "Torah" and the Jewish creativity in theoretical work and in everyday fields will not be realized unless when the Jews are in the territory of Israel.The thoughts of this rabbi later inspired and constructed the opinions of a radical group “Goush Amounim” which already has many fanatics and supporters who back the group.
In summary, it can be said that several political and religious scholars have had a hand in the development and completion of the Zionist ideas and among them we can name figures such as Joseph Salvador 1865. Rev. Thomas Fuller (1608- 1661 AD), Thomas Draks the Christian pastor of the seventeenth century, Thomas Bratymn (1562- 1607 AD) the predictor of the Puritan sect, the Christian pastor James Durham (1622- 1658 AD), Theodore Herzl (1860- 1904 AD), the originator of the theory of political Zionism in his book "The Jewish State," which he wrote in 1896 in this context.
3 1 The authors:
Earlier, we mentioned that the suitable Islamic and cultural and scientific atmosphere during the reign of Muslims in "Spain" caused the Jewish community to pose their own opinions and thoughts and even establish their community in the city of "Castile". As one of the Jewish astronomers and a rabbi of Castile by the name of Al-Bari Ibrahim Ben Jelloun also known as Shahriar (1065- 1136 AD) raises his views on the advent of Christ and the salvation of Israel. But he does not provide a plan for the return or the transfer of the Jewish state and after the fall of the Islamic government by Ferdinand and Isabella who were Christians all of the Jews were expelled and difficult conditions were imposed on them. Nonetheless, the political situation prevailing in other conditions in "Europe" and "America" led to the compilation of several books and treatises in the 16th century and the 17th century (due to the Protestant rule) against Muslims and the Islamic state in Palestine.The instrumental use of the concept of savior in 1655 caused the German Protestant Paul Falken Havre to declare that:
"The Jews in the Second Advent of Christ will recognize him as their Messiah."
He wrote in "new evangelism, to Israel," that:
"The sign that proves this point is summarized in returning permanently to their home country which has been granted as a blessing to the Jews by God's unconditional promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The famous Jewish and Zionist author, Menashe Ben Israel (1604- 1657), who made utmost efforts to enforce the plan for the return of the Jews to "Palestine" in a book called "The Hope of Israel," explains the imminence of the era when Christ, the son of Joseph reappears.
Also, we may mention John Milton, the contemporary writer in "England" that is a Puritan Jew (1608- 1674) and is among the top three English authors and is the creator of the poem "Paradise Lost" in 1665 AD. The message that John Milton sends in his Paradise Lost is the following:
"The twelve tribes of Israel will return to Zion and will establish their government."
He has also expressed this thought in the poetry book called "Novasolima" in 1648 AD which was published in "London". These Zionist whispers gradually prepared the necessary conditions over two centuries for the creation of a cultural wave against the Ottoman Empire and the Muslims.
This Zionist approach which is in fact a soft destruction of the Ottoman Empire and dominance over the Islamic East gained a more powerful momentum and was intensified under the influence of Christian Zionists and the Jews at the beginning of the 19th century.
As George Bush’s grandfather, the president of "the United States of America" who was named Prescott Bush revealed his Zionist hatred towards Muslims and the Ottoman government in his book "Muhammad the founder of Islam and the Muslim empire".
In this book, he has called Muslims insects and animals. The author of the book is George Bush the grandfather who published this book for the first time in 1830 AD in the United States of America. He has written many books about the "Tura" and "Old Testament," which are available in the library of the "University of Michigan".
Many American characters know the books of George Bush's grandfather as a reference. One of the most prominent promoters of the Zionist and anti-Islamic culture in the United States was Charles Taz Russell (1852- 1916). In 1886, by writing a book called "the three worlds" that was later known as "The plan for sacrifice" he declared the year 1914 as the end of history and the world.
He believed that:
"God has anger towards the Jews for failing to create a Jewish state Palestine, unless such a state established in Palestine before this date.”In expressing the views of the American writers which depict political colonial flavor as well we come across someone like Varder Carson (1798- 1860 AD) who was the American ambassador to "Jerusalem" and is a complete Zionist writer. In his book, "The return of the Jews to Palestine" he holds that:
"The nations of the world predict the realization of a very important movement [of Zionism] which is comprehensive and effective."
His colleague and his fellow named Mordechai Manuel Noah who founded the newspaper "National Advent" during the years (1816- 1844) and had founded the "New York Inquirer" and the "Weekly Times" believed that the Jews will conquer Syria again. He wrote many essays, stories and plays in the journals and publications which belonged to him. Among his writings, a book entitled "speech about the return of the Jews to Palestine" was released in the year 1844. The promotion of the idea of Zionism had a great reflection in the works of yet another Jewish author, Dr. Abraham Behnisch (1811- 1878 AD) in the European press so much so that he wrote in an essay on March 21, 1856, as the publication of the "Jewish Chronicle" that:
"The Sultan may free his own Jewish subjects from slavery, but for the Jews to have the blessings of liberty, they should have a strong government.
A government that can defend the lives and property of the Jews. The powerful hand of justice must put an end to chaos and suppress the outlaws. Will the Ottoman Court establish a powerful government that has liberal institutions in Palestine?"
This is a question that time and only time will answer and the answer depends entirely on the success of agriculture for the Jews in Palestine."
In Eastern Europe, a Polish Jew named Yahyl Mikhail Bannis (1842- 1912) tried to promote the idea of the Zionist immigration to "Palestine" as a religious writer in 1871 in a series of essays labeled as "the Children of my soul", and later traveled to Palestine as the most effective member of the group which was called the Moses Reminder.
In 1876 AD, Lord Shaftesbury also published a famous article in the European press. He wrote in this article:
"Syria and Palestine will soon become extremely important. On the banks of the Euphrates River, the old cities will prosper again and new cities will be built. This land needs capital and a population; the Jews can supply both. Doesn’t Britain have a keen interest in settling the Jews in Palestine? Britain should retain Syria for itself. Doesn’t the British government policy dictate that the Jewish nationality be strengthened and the Jewish people be assisted in using the opportunity to return to their old home?"
One of the elements of the Zionist narration is Leon Pynsker (1821- 1891 AD) who was a doctor from "Russia". In 1881, he wrote an article in German to raise his opinions, and ended it by the signature of a Russian Jew. The most important of his books is "freedom" or "self-liberation" which came out in 1882. This is one of the strongest and most influential political works of early Zionism. The author begins writing the book with an analysis of the general condition of Jewish people and ends the book by advocating the slogan of establishing a Jewish national state in "Palestine" or "America".
Along with Pynskwr, we can name Lvnts Abraham Moses (1854- 1917) who while staying in the Ottoman Palestine, tried vehemently to introduce the historical and geographical background of the land in favor of Jews by writing the Hebrew calendar for Palestine. Also in "France", a Jewish writer named Jean Henri Dunan (1828- 1910 AD) wrote the book "Souvenirs from Sulfoyno" to reinforce the idea of the Jewish return to Palestine.
As Isaac Disraeli, the father of Benjamin Disraeli, a former prime minister of the United Kingdom was a writer whose works and poems raised slogans in support of Zionism such as "A Defense of Poetry" and "the gift of literature". Another Zionist writer who is considered to be among the Jewish religious leaders in Palestine is Rabbi Mayyer Bar-Ilan (1880- 1949) who was born in "Russia" and after immigrating to the United States and the establishment of a branch of Mizrahi Jews (the religious Zionists ) went to stay in Palestine in 1926. Prior to his trip to Palestine in 1922, he became renowned by writing an essay entitled "how to make a life in the land of Israel" and, in 1936, he published a newspaper called "Hatsoufiyeh”.