Translator: Davood Salehan
One day after the passage of Resolution No. 181, Jewish Agency asked all Jews of 17 to 25 years old to enroll in Hagana for military service. The Agency purchased necessary weapons from the United States and the head of Hagana operation prepared the map in which there were characteristics pertaining to all Arab villages.
Palestinian people, perplexed by the formation of a big and unprecedented plot from international community, were thoroughly amazed and failed to react properly. High Arab Community suggested a three-day syndicate strike.
They had been disarmed from1936 by the British forces and now lack any coherent political organization and regular armed forces and were lonely under the massive volume of global conspiracy, but the Zionists who saw themselves heavily powerful during the Thirty Years' led government, in every respect and had the unconditional support of Britain and then America had all the necessary facilities, and about seventy thousand troops trained and armed to the most modern weapons of the day, in the form of Hagana organization, Shitron, Oregon and lived in full military readiness, with Resolution 181 of the United Nations itself have the legal right to establish a Jewish state in Palestine and that any acts of violence for achieving this goal.
Britain has already announced that the caretaker government in August 1948 will come to an end and the government of Great Britain recalls its forces from the Palestinian; however, after the Jews had declared that they are ready to dominate the strategic areas and army Zionism is armed with weapons and military training intended to be seen, suddenly the 15th May of that year, with the transfer of all weapons caches to the Jews, took out its forces from Palestine and it was the end of the government's supervision.
While the Arabs did not know exactly how to face the Zionist in this new condition, everything was clear for Jewish. In the final days of the caretaker government, in order to control the situation and forced the Muslims to leave their homes and villages and thus achieving greater part of the land in question, by the Hagana, the ring of shipments of explosives blew up overnight around the villages built and built. Door and window and soaked in petrol and set on fire and then firing machine guns pulled it to the somnolent panicked residents. Villages "Al Sheihk Helo" and "Sa'sa'", a suburb of Haifa, including the villages that were evacuated in this way.
The occupation of new lands did not satiate Jewish hunger. They sought to create a climate of fear in order to force people evacuate the towns and villages in preparation for Jewish settlement. For this purpose, groups of armed terrorists, in crazy and terrible ways started killing Arabs.
In this case, Deir Yassin catastrophe happened in April 1948, before the end of the period, led by the UK government, is noteworthy. The village is a few kilometers from West Jerusalem, in a region where the United Nations partition plan was located.
"The residents of this village, about four hundred men, who were engaged in trade with the surrounding areas. In the midnight of 9th of April, Oregon forces of the East and South of the village that its residents were asleep, they attacked. Shitron forces also arrived from the north around the village, but the Western way was blocked.
First, people resisted using weapons of the First World War as a result of which four Israelis were killed and four others were wounded. In the face of this resistance, the attackers Balmakh forces, stationed in camps around Jerusalem, sought help. Around noon, there was no resistance from the people. At this time, the forces of the Irgun and Shitron used their common practices and with dynamite blew up homes and villages and overpowered. After that they made use of hand-held bombs and automatic weapons, to clean the premises, they killed children and old men and women and shot dozens of people on the wall and opened fire on them.
Destruction continued for two days and at this time they didn't hesitate to do any actions such as torture, rape, mutilation, tearing the abdomen of pregnant women and bet on the sex of the fetus. Mirsbion writes: In this incident, the men and women of the armed organizations in Oregon and Shitron turned into cruel butchers just in a few minutes and in the ultimate cruelty and coldness, like the Nazis, did crimes.
While the Zionist military organizations prevented Jacques de Rianah, official representative of the International Organization of the Red Cross from entering the village, members of the Hagana collected the bodies and blast them to pretend that they were killed during armed conflict. Rianah was later informed of the bodies dumped into a well, but a day after the incident he visited the place and wrote in his report: Many of the victims were killed with a stiletto by Zionists and their heads were cut off.
52 children were murdered in front of their mothers; they torn abdomens of 25 pregnant women and took out and killed children in front of their mothers. Following this action, Menachem Begin, commander of the operation, wrote a telegram to Ranah, Regional Command of Oregon, and congratulate him because of this great victory. He told him to ask his people to establish the history of Israel with their own actions.
In his book entitled "Rebellion, the story of Eragon" (p. 16) Begin acknowledges that if the Deir Yassin accident had not happened, Israel couldn't be established. Then Hagana conducted successful attacks in other places and frightened Arabs ran while shouting: "Deir Yassin".
Brutality and cruelty of Menachem Begin, commander of the Deir Yassin, was in a way that he would usually said in the style of Descartes' famous statement, saying: "I fight, therefore I am." The Prime Minister Menachem Begin as Israel later received the Nobel Peace Prize!
David Duke writes: The granting of such an award shows the power of the World Jewish propaganda, because the atrocities and crimes committed is to say, less than what the Nazis did, and every day the Jews, agents caught them and executed not. Instead, they say, because of their crimes against humanity, prosecuted and punished, received an award that the group is considered the highest international honors.
However, in the terrifying Deir Yassin event, just a handful of girls and young women were kept alive for the animal purposes; they were taken along their ride on the open machines and the Jewish neighborhoods were circulated to spit on their faces.
Haganah with the aim of exploiting Deir Yassin murder using loudspeakers in cars and vans in Jerusalem shouted in Arabic: If you do not leave your homes, your fate will be like the fate of Deir Yassin. The apparent aim was intimidating them and forcing them to leave the Palestinian Arabs.
The Jewish Agency also effectively used forces of psychological warfare to complete the direct force. Haganah radio broadcasted rumors that "the cholera and typhus" in the Arab region will spread in April and May. The radio announced that an outbreak of smallpox in Jaffa, as a result of irregular Iraqi and Syrian troops have been reported.
The Palestine Post reported that the Israeli press, the Haganah through leaflets in Arabic, has announced the immediate Arab women, children and the elderly, to evacuate the city. Haganah this warning was repeated on a regular basis trucks. Speakers’ message stating that dire consequences await those who ignore this warning.
Haganah units attacked when Arab cities, the barrels full of explosives ... were ... they barrel bombs that destroyed the walls and doors were Arab homes, forcing residents to flee threw up. Bombs would explode with a loud bang and like a volcano and sheets of flame and columns of smoke into the air, sending confusing. Then the Hagana speaker brought with them the horrific sounds can put people in terror. The loud voices shouting, wailing and groaning of Arab women, sirens and ringing fire alarm broadcast in Arabic and said that she did these words: "O believers! Save lives. Escape to save lives. Jews use of poison gas and nuclear weapons.
Begin said we Haifa, Jaffa, Tayrh and Yazar were attacked. We have repeatedly brought to the Jerusalem attack ... enemy casualties, both dead and wounded was very heavy ... Lehi's was also attacked Arab civilians. According to an English officer named Major R. January. Wilson, Lehi's animal attacks on Arab villages did. They did not make any discrimination for women and children, as well as the opportunity came, they murdered.
... Ben-Gurion proposed a plan for destruction of the Arab transportation. He hoped that the people of Haifa and Jaffa, the two main cities of Arabs, were forced to evacuate the city as a result of starving. On the fourteenth of December, Ben-Gurion wrote: through starvation we can throw them out.
In March 1948, the Zionist gang "Hagana" called all Jews aged 17 to 45 years old to mobilize. In 1st April, the Arab popular forces, liberated the port of Haifa and the Hebrew Palmach forces in April to capture Qastle attacked this city. Qastle residents conducted a memorable resistance, but few mercenaries betrayed and the city fell on April ninth.
During the struggle, Abdul Qader Al-Husseini, a Palestinian militant leader, before his martyrdom, addressed Arab rulers and said: You're a traitor and criminal, history will write that you've ruined Palestine.’
After Fawzi forces in "Mishmar" were attacked by Jews, seized the opportunity to transfer forces from Tiberius and Haifa, Great Britain, the two cities after little resistance to the occupation out, but terrible news slaughtered quiet village (Deir Yassin) Israeli forces and killed all its inhabitants and fragmentation of their bodies, people in many areas, fled terrified from the Jewish army.
On April 25, Jaffa was attacked by Jewish forces. Menachem Begin, in his memoirs that have been published as revolution, war Jaffa described and explained how five times their attacks, due to fierce resistance failed and how the people of Britain with its intervention, a truce Jews could not regroup.
With the retreat of the Arab forces in Jaffa in May 1948, Jews attacked the city and beheaded everybody they saw. On April 22, Haifa fell the same way and in the eleventh to the sixteenth of the same month Acre and Safad fell to the Zionists.
Escape of Arab residents from Haifa before Hagan main attack was widespread and hasty. Palestine Post reported that the residents of Haifa with any marched en masse to the port area with any vehicle that was available to them, and many of them were on foot- the men, women and children. Then, thousands of people stormed towards the gates.
While people were fleeing from army, Hagana fired their weapons pointed at them, so that they remain moving. English officials reported that when women and children ran to the dock, Hagana fire machine guns indiscriminately. According to them, many women, children, old men and women were terrified Arab tense and Jews mercilessly firing them.
Hagana commander recalls that at that time the largest mortar shells was ours and get them ready. When we gathered all the Arabs in the area, we started firing on them. When mortars were fired at them, they ran to the boats and went by sea to Acre.
Killing of fugitives was so widespread and pervasive that "Arab leaders wanted commander of English to guarantee the health of those fleeing."
On the first day of May, Palmach occupied Ein al-Zeitun village through the rolling barrels full of explosives, hand grenades thrown from the top of the hill down and captured. Then all the people of the village were forced to go to the suburbs and were ordered to leave. While the villagers were leaving their villages, Palmach forces opened fire on them.
English army withdraws from Palestine (in 15th May1948), Moshe Dayan moved a column of military vehicles in the streets of the city of Lod (located in Al-Ramlah) and opened fire on each direction.
The truth is that the bloody incident that Zionists created in those days requires broader investigation which is not in the scope of this article. Haitham Kilani in the pages 232- 239 Alarhab founded government, browse seventy samples of terrorist acts only within a period between 20/5.1947 and 31/3/1948 against Palestinians.
The Jews claimed that with these actions, they are only defending boundaries drawn by the United Nations!
But which person familiar with the events of history does not know that this tribe when felt free and strong, and saw his opponent weak, as soon as possible, relied on the teachings of the Talmud and Jewish spiritual and moral self, suffering humiliation and dispossession and humiliation revenge for thousands of years throughout the world, especially Europe, as a nation gather here over the centuries, as the hosts gracious and compassionate, the people as a minority religious, loving embrace and his purity, his reception.
Martin Popper, an Israeli philosopher has said:
What more Jewish people have learned from Hitler, more than that of the Prophet Moses have learned because it was Hitler, not on those who have faith, but belong to those who have power. Since power and authority, they can kill forthright.
Arnold Toynbee (historian and philosopher of contemporary English) also considers widespread massacres of Jews during the establishment of the Zionist regime to be like crimes committed by the Nazis against the Jews which was carried out" because a large number of civilians, out of the arena, were killed.
However, the sheer volume of terrorist attacks and creation of an atmosphere of fear and horror of atrocities and heinous mass killings against the Arabs, led hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Muslims, in Haifa, Acre, Beit She'an and Al-ramlah leave their homes.
Arab leaders, in the hope that the Jews will be faced with an immediate failure, encouraged the Palestinians to emigrate from their homeland.
The result was that the sum of one million and three hundred thousand Palestinians, and 780 thousand people fled from the occupied territories and neighboring Arabic countries were replete with refugees.
On the fifteenth of May 1948 with the withdrawal of forces from Palestine and declaration of official end of the Mandate by UK, the Zionists immediately declared the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel. Within a few hours, the government of America asked the Soviet regime to recognize and then help other countries, except for Arabic and Islamic states to recognize this newly created state.
Israel had been established in the Declaration:
Citing the historical right and on the strength of the United Nations General Assembly resolution, the establishment of a Jewish state, which will be called the State of Israel.
Declaration also stated:
We invite Jewish people all over the world through migration, to join their fellow citizens, and to fulfill the aspirations of previous generations placed alongside them, in the Great War to liberate Israel.
The invitation was made since the occupation as soon as possible to new immigrants in the discharge of indigenous peoples, resettlement so that the policy of "change the demography of Palestine" will realize faster.
House of Zionism expressed willingness to accept powerful immigrant youth, and especially the Jews of America, and said that the immigrants will be unable to accept Jews in any way.
Because many Jews prepared to leave the land where they grew up and lived comfortably, the Jewish Agency designed a series of terrorist acts against Jews in these countries in a way that they have fear and anxiety and insecurity and had to be moved. What happened against the Jews of Iraq in this case is very striking.