Translator: Zahra Zamanloo
1. Rational basis of Islamic government
1-1. logic of amenity
theologians believe that the purpose of the creation of human beings is achievement to higher goals and on the other hand, human is created free and he can choose path of redemption or the path of sin, God due to his kindness and mercy provides the things that is close to the obedience of God and far from sin; without any coercion.According to the logic of grace, as the legislation and regulation of prophets is essential for guidance of human, it is necessary that there be some executives to implement the law of God and provide the needed fields for growth and sublimity of humans.
The mission and aim of the executives is the realization of the passions of God and the implementation of his laws and decrees. the Islamic ruler should use all his authority to revive the divine traditions, implement the individual, social, civil and criminal rights on the basis of the canons of Islam and provide appropriate place for the growth and sublimity of individuals and the society, and remove the barriers of perfection in the society and provide the space for obedience and divine worship.
According to the above mentioned points, we can arrange a categorical list that is composed of the following items: the implementation of decrees is good because approaches people to the obedience of God. The implementation of the decrees, requires the administration and governance to chaos. So it is necessary for an Islamic state in every time.
Therefore, Speakers at the base of the logic of grace, consider the necessity of the installation of the man by God, and they have proved the high position of imams and prophets peace upon them, others have also proven the ruling of a divine ruler in all ages as a necessary requirement, and they have considered it as the basis of a divine justice government. The mission of a divine government is the implementation of the laws of God and providing the context, the conditions and preliminaries that approaches men to the good and banishes them from bad and ills. One of the mechanisms that helps the Islamic ruling to achieve this goal is determining the guarantee for the implementation and governance requirement toward all sharia laws, ranging from personal and social circumstances, including hijab; as it has been mentioned in the narrative of Imam Reza quoted by Shazan Fazl:
one of the reasons for the installation of Saint is this: humans have been imposed by regulations and they have been asked to observe its limitations, lest they should not be corrupted and degenerated; and it would not be done unless an honest person be appointed on them to block their entry to what is banned because otherwise, no one would not abandon his benefit, even though it may hurt the others by suffering and destruction; then they have been headed by Saints that keep them away from corruption, and implement the verdicts among them . … And one of the reasons of the installation of Saints is this: If a guardian faithful Saint does not rule on people, the religion will be lost and tradition and decrees will be changed."
Without any doubt, forcing people to observe good coverage, in addition to having the people far from corruption, makes the community free from contaminants, sexual deviations and provocations and the environment will be ready for divine obedience, whereas if humans would be deserted, without doubt, many people are under the influence of the instincts, and sensual climates and they will not perform their duties and they will move toward corruption.
2 - 1. The logic of wisdom
Islam is the last religion of God and its rulings are the last divine laws for setting the human life. The rules and regulations however progressive and appropriate and balanced, if they are not be ensured by the state and they are not implemented in the society, after a time they will be forgotten. Islamic scholars on the same basis, stressed the necessity of divine government and they have used the divine theology to prove it. This argument is in some of these resources as this:1. The canons of Islam remain until the Day of Judgment;
2. The survival of its rulings depend on their implementation in the society;
3. The implementation of verdicts need the administration and governance system to save the society from disorder and chaos; so the Islamic rule is necessary in every time;
4. Then the necessity of divine theology is this not to abandon the government ruling, and determine a governor personally.
In the context of the necessity of forming the Islamic rule and the implementation of the canons of Islam, Imam Khomeini says:
“Islam is a full - fledged government and Sharia verdicts are the Islamic rules and one of the government dimensions."
The result of this argument is that the ruling legislatures must implement the decrees and regulation of Islam in society and by this way ensure their survival. Can this perspective prove that Saint should implement all orders and instructions of God as possible and use his authority in this field?
Though it appears that we can prove the necessity of implementing many criminal verdicts, civil rights, economic and financial decrees through the logic of grace and wisdom, but about each of these two considerations, some points also seem important, however in the logic of grace it can be claimed that as the legislation of decrees is from Allah, setting to do decrees are also the grace of God; but the government might not be able to force people to observe the requirement for all laws and decrees. The effect of cultural and construction of some of the decrees is in implementing them willingly without the authority and forcefully. So possible approach to God is realized when people do their duty willingly and by heart.
On the other hand, in the logic of wisdom, what is proved as the necessity to be implemented by Islamic rule, are things that require the government and the expansion of radioactive iodine and authority; things such as the judgment, the implementation of sanctions on the Islamic taxes and in general, the decrees that are enforced only by the ruling power; otherwise it will cause disorder and chaos.
In short, the first preamble in the logic of grace and third preamble in logic of wisdom is a Nonsense argument.
Therefore, in the above mentioned logical reasons, they should be assured and it seems that the fans also have the same idea and this is because of their theory that they just care about only the implementation of rules such as the Islamic Jihad, taxes, defense, judicial rulings and Islamic punishments.
The conclusion is that through the logic of necessity of the Islamic government, we cannot prove the need to implement all the laws and decrees by the government, in addition to the point that the first principle is also denying the Islamic leader. The provisions of this principle is that humans have been created free and he has the right to seize his affairs. The necessary condition of such freedom in the field of social relations is lack of individual dominance on others. The only one who has the right to dominant on humans is their creator and those who have been permitted by God. The thing that is proved by God is the authority of Saints and Imams on people - while to prove the dominance of others we need a valid reason that the governing has the principle and suspected cases and in doubtful cases, the principle is lack of dominance.
2. Rational basis of ordering to good and preventing the evil
In religious texts, ordering to good and preventing the evil has been emphasized a lot; where Imam Reza (peace be upon him) has said:"The messenger of God said: If my followers abandon ordering to good and preventing the evil, they must know that they have begun a big war with God, the Almighty.”
Islamic thinkers have mentioned various bases to oblige the ordering to good and preventing the evil rationally, including the logic of grace and obligation of preventing the sin.
1 - 2. The logic of grace
Having said that God's grace is that approaches human to his obedience, and making him far from the sin. Theologians have used the rational logic to oblige ordering to good and preventing the evil. Since this is one of the affairs that help people to move on the route of guidance, God's grace helps humans to be obliged to do the requirement.Based on this rule, people are obligated to make each other do good deeds and avoid bad deeds. This task is not only for common people and it includes the Islamic ruling, but he is the clear symbol of this divine task and he is bound to do it and in this way he should use his authority and facilities, including that he set government requirements toward sharia laws and perform punishment for evil doers.
It seems that the logic of grace is not more than this: God for the achievement of humans to his final happiness has put them responsible towards each other and has prevented them to neglect each other, and this charity and responsibility will be realized with the initial levels of ordering to good and preventing the evil; but it is not clear that whether ordering to good and preventing the sin is due to the logic of grace or not and since the logic of grace is an intellectual reason, it is assured by (preventing the evil by heart and word) and it cannot be used absolutely.