Myths and foundations of Jewish political thought

I thank Mr. Shahbazi, who participated in this discussion. Let's ask the first question. What happened that Jewish plutocracy became an interesting issue
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Estimated time of study:
author: علی اکبر مظاهری
موارد بیشتر برای شما
Myths and foundations of Jewish political thought
Myths and foundations of Jewish political thought

Translator: Davood Salehan


I thank Mr. Shahbazi, who participated in this discussion. Let's ask the first question. What happened that Jewish plutocracy became an interesting issue for you so that you started work in this regard?
I thank you too that you came here. My interest in this issue began by book "the rise and fall of the Pahlavi dynasty". In early 1369, I was working on this book and I was preparing materials that were published as Volume II of the book with the title "essays from contemporary history of Iran". If you have read the book, the important new issue in it is mentioning role of Reporters (Ardeshir Jay and his son Shapur Jay ") in the contemporary history of Iran which was previously completely unknown. Reporters' issue due to its importance had occupied my mind and I went for finding the origin of it. I wanted to know what centers were behind the father and son and what interests and motives led Ardeshir play that important role in the establishment of the Pahlavi regime. In the first place, well, it was clear that Ardeshir Reporter is head of British intelligence network in Iran. But this was not all the issue. I saw it on my own that Ardeshir had his personal interests, and in fact he was not a British intelligence agent who obeyed the Dasatir but he was effective in generating interest in English to depose the Qajar and establish Pahlavi dynasty. Where did the interest come from? Since Ardeshir Reporter was one of the Indian Zoroastrians and was as a representative of Persians of India in Iran, I reached a phenomenon known as the Persian oligarchy in my study.
Persia Oligarchy and Iran
Persians are a small Zoroastrian tribe living in the West Indian subcontinent. Within this tribe, whom I have seen during my visit to Mumbai and most of them are hardworking people are, there is a very rich minority that since the eighteenth century were based mainly in Mumbai and they had power in British colonial system. They had all positions in Mumbai. Note that in colonial times, Mumbai in terms of political and economic importance and population was the second city of the British Empire. The first one was London and the second one was Bombay. In the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, Bombay was capital of the British Empire in a large region encompassing local governments from the East and the Westerns Indian subcontinent and from West it got to the Egypt and Ethiopia and Sudan and the African continent. In this era, Persia and Mesopotamia (Iraq) lands and the Arabian Peninsula and Afghanistan and Central Asia were in responsibility score and supervision of Bombay state.
In Mumbai the real power was in the hands of a cohesive group of rich Persian and many political and intelligence officers of British India government in other districts or were elected by them or were in close relationship with them. For example, the Persians such as members of Petit family and Khoras and And vala, not only had active commercial relations with Oman, but some of them from the British Indian government acted as an advisor to the Imam. Sir Hormoz Jey And Vala was a very influential figure in the early nineteenth century, and He was the one who came to Iran after the formal establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty (in Persian date Azar 1304.), in the Persian date Mordad 1305 at the head of a large delegation to congratulate Reza Shah. The trip was taken by initiation of Ardeshir Reporter. In Zanzibar was also the same situation and a Persian named Bahman Jey Mankajy Darukhan vala settled in the country as a consultant of Sultan Zanzibar, and did everything for Sultan and aftehr him, doctor Framrz Jey Pestan jey was in this position that was also Professor of Zanzibar Freemasonry Lodge. In the Indian subcontinent states that were apparently independent but informally were under the auspices of Britain's Indian empire, the Persians were again active as official and unofficial representatives of UK. For example, in Hyderabad Deccan, one of the Persians called Darab jey Chenoy did all issues in the system of Hyderabad and members of the family Vikajy controlled all tax affairs of state and by aid of private banks of England had heavily indebted Hyderabad government. In Pune and Baroda states also there was the same system.
Much of the wealth of the oligarchy Parsi was obtained through the nineteenth century opium trade, and in the era, they were opium trade partners of the British and the Americans and the Jews in the East. Opium trade was one of the major branches of the global economy in the nineteenth century and the trade caused two great wars happen between European allies powers and China, which was the main victim of this trade, that is known as "Opium Wars".
This Parsi oligarchy knows it from descent of Sassanid nobles and priests based on a fairy tale in verse called the story of Sanjan that they seemed to run away to the West Indies at the time of the Arab attack on Iran to keep their faith and religion and took their own religious books to India. Since the early eighteenth century, the heads of the tribes not only had relations with Iran, but they were also very effective in the fate of Iran. This tribe had serious role in bloody attack of Mahmoud Afghan to Iran and occupation of Isfahan and destruction of the Safavid state, and someone called Nasrallah Gabr was second man of Afghans troops and was commander of Mahmoud Afghan. We know that Mahmoud Afghan's attack on Iran was the most important event that changed the fate of Iranian history. In the new era, Ardeshir Reporter and his son, Shapur, were not only representatives of the British intelligent service in Iran, but they were considered Pars oligarchs' agents. For example, Ardeshir Reporter in Tehran was representative of Tata companies that belongs to the Persian oligarchy and even today it is the largest India's company.
Since the serious presence of British colonialism in Iran till World War II, , Mumbai was the one that had central place in political and informational, military and economic operations of United Kingdom in Iran, not London. This is a big mistake that our historians committed and in analysis British colonial role in Iran they had their attention to London till when I started to work, almost no one had not considered role of British India state seriously in the developments of Iran. I have shown that the coup in 1299 was plan of the British Indian government, headed by Lord Reading and his intelligence service in Iran, headed by Ardeshir Reporter, and Foreign Office of England, headed by Lord Curzon, opposed it and wanted its own plan, contract 1919, to be fulfilled. Of course, the coup in Iran had the support of a powerful lobby in the British government that the core was Lloyd George (prime minister) and Winston Churchill (Secretary of War and later Colonial Secretary) and Sir Philip Sassoon (secretary of Lloyd George) and Edwin Montagu (Minister of India) and Sir Herbert Samuel and other members of the powerful Zionist lobby in Britain constituted government.
When big role of Persian oligarchy in the history of Iran's developments was clear to me, naturally the question was raised that why the role unknown and no one was noticing it? In this study, I realized that during this long period Pars oligarchy was deliberately unknown in Iran and was avoided. So, I decided to publish my research's results about the role of Pars oligarchy in Iran's history. This study actually filled a huge void in Iranian contemporary historiography and introduced one of the most important factors that has been totally neglected in developments in Iran.
When I followed working on the Persian oligarchy gradually I noticed its strange ties with the Jewish oligarchy and I realized that there is such an association between these two centers that they cannot be separated. For example, if Sir J. J bahay Parsi was one of the biggest opium traders of the nineteenth century in the world, the Sassoon family, who were Baghdadi Jewish leaders, also had the same position and acted together and in partnership with the Persians. During the nineteenth century the cultivation and export of opium of Iran was monopolized by a network of brokers of Sassons and the heads of the Persian tribe. In the coup in 1299 and the establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty in Iran also Persian oligarchy and Jewish plutocracy acted jointly. Lord Reading was vicegerent of India since the coup to official depose of the Qajar (1299-1304Sh). Sir Rufus Isaac is the first Jew who was regent of India. Lloyd George and Churchill (British Prime Minister and Minister of War in time of the coup) both in terms of family and personally had very close ties with wealthy British Jews. Edwin Montagu (Minister in the government of British India) and Herbert Samuel belonged to Samuel Jewish families and during the First World War played an important role in the Jewish settlement in Palestine. The two were cousins of Sir Marcus Samuel, founder of the Royal Dutch Shell Company, which was known as the largest and deceitful oil giant of the twentieth century. Toward the 1299 coup in Iran, Sir Herbert Samuel, was appointed as the British first supreme Commissioner in Palestine by Government of Lloyd George and according to the Jewish Encyclopedia, "he was the first Jew, who ruled Israel after 2,000 years." In this way, a new image of the West strategy colonial centers during the First World War and later in the Middle East was respected. A main aspect of this strategy was the establishment of the Pahlavi dynasty in Iran and the other main aspect was Jewish sovereignty on Palestinian.
In further studies, I found out the Jewish role in shaping the Persian tribe. We know that Portugal is the first European power which created a colonial empire in the East in the sixteenth century and the legacy was passed to the Dutch in the seventeenth century and the British in the eighteenth century. I realized that Persian tribal leaders since the sixteenth century in the West Indies were elevated as local administrators of the Portuguese, and gradually they reached power and wealth in later centuries in conjunction with other European colonists, and I realized that Jews played an important role in the development and creation of Portugal and Spain's colonial empire, and later they played the same role in the colonial Dutch and British empires. Another phenomenon that I met at this time was "Marranos", or hidden Jews. These are a group of Jews who were apparently Christians, but inwardly they were still Jewish people. Marranos were a very important phenomenon in European new history. Some of them were powerful ministers of Spain and Portugal and some were replaced in church high officials and some of them even reached the rank of cardinal. Christopher Columbus came to the Americas with the money and the capital of Marranos, and he was a Marano as well. In the book "plutocracy" I have talk about this phenomenon in detail and have raised serious hypothesis that John Cabot, founder of expeditions - colonial England journeys, and his son, Sebastian Cabot, should be Maranos.



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