
Translator: Zahra. Kalaa
Source: rasekhoon.net
Source: rasekhoon.net
ومن البخلاء عبد الله بن الزبیر وكانت تكفیه أكلة لأیام ویقول إنما بطنی شبر فی شبر فما عسى أن تكفیه أكلة وقال فیه أبو وجرة مولى الزبیر:
لو كان بطْنُكَ شِبراً قد شَبْعْت وقد أبقَیْتَ فضلاً كثیراً للمساكینِ
فإن تُصِبْك من الأیامِ جائِحةٌ لمْ نبْكِ منك على دُنیا ولا دینِ
ما زلتَ فی سورةِ الأعرافِ تَدرُسُها حتى فؤادی كمِثْلِ الخزِّ فی اللِّین
إنّ امْرَأً كنتُ مولاهُ فضیَّعنی یَرْجُو الفَلاحَ لَعبدٌ عیْنُ مغبونِ
وابن الزبیر هو الذی قال أكلتم تمری وعصیتم أمری فقال فیه الشاعر:
رأیتُ أبا بكرٍ وربُّك غالبٌ على أَمرِهِ یبغی الخلافةَ بالتَّمْرِ
وأقبل إلیه أعرابی فقال أعطنی وأقاتل عنك أهل الشام فقال له اذهب فقاتل فإن أغنیت أعطیناك قال أراك تجعل روحی نقداً نسیئة وأتاه أعرابی یسأله جملاً ویذكر أن ناقته نقبت فقال أنعلها من النعال السبتیة واخصفها بهلب قال له الأعرابی إنما أتیتك مستوصفا فلا حملت ناقة حملتنی إلیك قال إن وصاحبها
One of mean persons was Abdullah Ben Zbeir. He ate food related to a meal several times and said my stomach is a span in a span. Maybe, a morsel is enough. Therefore, Abu Vajre Gholam Zobeir said about him '' if you stomach were a span in a span, you would remain something for poor people.
If the world makes you suffer from a plight, we will not cry for yor religion and the world.
As you are reciting Araf Surah (you consider yourself in a high rank, but you do not pay attention to others), my stomach is getting thinner (from hunger).
The person that was my master corrupted and hopes for salvation. But he is a person that is incurring a lot of losses.
Abdullah Ben Zobeir Hamu said '' you ate my dates and disobeyed me''. Hence, the author said about him '' I saw Abubakr (Abdullah Ben Zobeir) while God had dominated on his order and sought caliphate with his dates.
One day, a wanderer in the desert came to me and said give me something so that I defend you against the people of Sham. He said '' go and fight. If you fight well, I will give you something''.
The wandered in the desert answered '' do you want me to risk my life and you will give me something later?''
One day, a wanderer in the desert came to him and requested a he camel and said '' the feet of his she camel had wouned and he could not walk''.
He answered '' have your camel wear the shoes of Sabti and cover his feet with a lot hair (until his feet get better).
The wanderer in the desert said '' it seems that I have come to you in order to cure my camel. The camel that made me see you has no luggage any more. Abdullah Ben Zobeir said '' yes! his owner also dies ''.
Al-Andolesi, Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abd Rabe (Died in 328 Hegira) Al-Aghd Al-Farid v 6 p 188; published by: Dar Al-Ehya Toras Al-Arabi; Beirut; Lebanon; third edition; 1420 Hegira; 1999
وذكر سعید بن جبیر أن عبد اللّه بن عباس دخل على ابن الزبیر فقال له ابن الزبیر: أنت الذی تؤنبنی وتبخِّلُنِی. قال ابن عباس: نعم، سمعت رسول اللهّ صلى الله علیه وسلم، یقول: لیس المسلم الذی یشبع ویجوع جاره
One day Abdullah Ben Abbas came to Abdullah Ben Zobeir. Abdullah Ben Zobeir said '' did you criticize me and consider me a mean person?'' Ibn Abbas said '' yes. I heard that the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) bade '' he is not Muslim if some one goes to bed with full stomach whereas his neighbor goes to bed with hungry stomach''.
Al-Masoudi, Abu Al-Husain Ali Ibn Al-Husain Ibn Ali (died in 346 Hegira) Marvej Al-Zahab v 1 p 382; according to the software of Jamat Al-Kabir
Abdullah Ben Zobeir received hush money from Moavie
وقال ابن أبى الدنیا أخبرنى عمر بن بكیر عن على بن مجاهد عن بن عروة قال سأل ابن الزبیر معاویة شیئا فمنعه فقال والله ما أجهل أن ألزم هذه البنیة فلا أشتم لك عرضا ولا أقصم لك حسبا ولكنى أسدل عمامتى من بین یدى ذراعا ومن خلفى ذراعا فى طریق أهل الشام وأذكر سیرة أبى بكر الصدیق وعمر فیقول الناس من هذا فیقولون ابن حوارى رسول الله صلى الله علیه وسلم وابن بنت الصدیق فقال معاویة حسبك بهذا شرفا ثم قال هات حوائجك
Abdullah Ben Zobeir wanted Moavie something, but he did not give it to him. Abdullah Ben Zobeir said '' O' Moavie! Do not think that I cannot reside in these buildings, abuse and disgrace you. However, I drop my turban from my front and behind head; I will sit beside the people of Sham and will say the biography of Abubakr and Umar so that people know that your biography is different from the biography of Abubakr and Umar.
People will also say '' who is this person?'' they will say '' he is the son of the disciple of the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and the son of the daughter of Abubakr''. Moavie said '' this amount of grace is enough for you. Tell me whatever demands you have''.
Ibn Kasir Al-Dameshghi, Abu Al-Feda Esmaeel Ibn Umar Al-Gharshi (Died in 774 Hegira) Al-Bedaya Vanahaya v 8 p 338; published by: Maktabat Al-Maaref; Beirut
المدائنی عن علی بن مجاهد عن هشام بن عروة قال: سأل عبد الله بن الزبیر معاویة حوائج فمنعه فقال: یا أمیر المؤمنین، أو یا معاویة، إنی لخلیق أن أخرج فأقعد على طریق الشام فلا أشتم لك عرضاً ولا أقصب لك حسباً، ولكنی أسدل عمامتی بین یدی ذراعاً وخلفی ذراعاً، وأذكر سیرة أبی بكر وعمر، فیقال هذا ابن حواری رسول الله صلى الله علیه وسلم، فقال معاویة: كفى بذلك، وقضى حوائجه.
Since Abdullah Ben Zobier had some needs from Moavie, he said '' O' Amir Al-Momenin! Or O' Moavie! It is appropriate to sit with people of Sham and I do not abuse and disgrace you. But I open my turban my front and behind head and narrate the biography of Abubakr and Umar so that people know that your biography is false.
People will also say '' who is this person?'' they will say '' he is the son of the disciple of the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants)''. Moavie said '' this amount of grace is enough for you. Tell me whatever demands you have''.
Al-Balazeri, Ahmad Ibn Yahya Ibn Jaber (died in 279 Hegira) Ansab Al-Ashraf v 2 p 98; according to the software of Jamat Al-Kabir
Abdullah Ben Zobeir in the opinion of the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants):
The messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) had some remarks about him. For example, because Abdullah Ben Zobeir drank the blood of the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants), the prophet bade '' woe people from your troubles''. (With valid document).
In addition, the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) has a narration (with valid document) that adjusts with Abdullah Ben Zobeir. He bade '' a person with the name '' Abdullah'', one of warriors of Ghoreish, kils others in Mecca, disrespects Mecca and his blood is considered Halal. Four companions had adjusted this narration to Abdullah Ben Zobeir.
Abdullah Ben Zobeir in the opinion of Amir Momenan and the innocent Imams (peace be upon them):
Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) considers Abdullah Ben Zobeir '' Ibn Su '' (with valid document) and he also considers him the cause of deviation (with valid document).
Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) considers him an idiot.
«سفیه لم یجد مسافها»
Abdullah Ben Zobeir and others
Abdullah Ben Abbas considers him a mean person and hints at him that a Muslim is not mean (with valid document).
Salman Farsi considers him a person that fired Kabe. (With valid document).
Abdullah Ben Zobeir received hush money from Moavie.
Abdullah Ben Zobeir and Ahle Beit:
He had a lot of animosity with Ahle Beit and Amir Momenan and he abused Amir Momenan, Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and his family (peace be upon them). Even he wanted to imprison the people of Bani Hashem and to fire them.
He also exiled Abdullah Ben Abbas and Muhammad Hanife. Therefore, Muhammad Hanife cursed him and the people of Bani Hashem gossiped him. Furthermore, according to the remark of Moavie, he had animosity with Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him); therefore, he gave up peace be upon the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) in his sermons.
Abdullah Ben Zobeir and the Jamal War
He was the main cause of the Jamal War because he provoked his father that had decided to give up fighting with Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) to return to the war (valid document).
with false attestation. (Valid document) take part in the war
Of course, as it was said, the main reason of the war was not to support from Usman, but it was the animosity of Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him).