Male sexual impotence and female frigidity

One of the purposes of marriage is sexual needs; unfortunately some people due to different reasons suffer impotency and frigidity and fail to favorably satisfy their partner. This
Sunday, January 1, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
موارد بیشتر برای شما
Male sexual impotence and female frigidity
Male sexual impotence and female frigidity


Translated by: Ahmad Ismaeil Abadi


The factors of Family instability
One of the purposes of marriage is sexual needs; unfortunately some people due to different reasons suffer impotency and frigidity and fail to favorably satisfy their partner. This situation in the long run is traumatic and each couple should consider these problems with courage and honesty and by consulting with specialists such as psychiatrists, psychologists, endocrinologist, a gynecologist, a specialist in kidney and urinary tract and family counselor resolve the issue. Cold-naturing is one of the most common sexual dysfunction that except for rare cases where it is the result of the sexual glands dysfunction, it has often psychic aspect. Sexual relation intercourse is physiology and emotional and mental between husband and wife and one of the important factors of satisfaction and success in the relationship is emotional and psychological satisfaction between husband and wife. It is noteworthy that the role of psychological factors in the act of woman's relationship is more important than men. Hence, sometimes the woman uses frigidity of nature as a mechanism against the man's mistreatment. Therefore, the husband who propose the issue of " respect" he should provide positive emotional background for his wife. However, criticism , in sexual affairs and couple relationship undoubtedly is one of the most difficult criticisms and there is no complain as difficult as it. While, it must be claimed that the root of many of issues and problems begins from sexual intercourse and a healthy sexual relationship is a key to have a healthy family. According to Barger (1978) , it is evident that the power of caring the values and overcoming the most powerful natural attractions begins when they are well -responded. Many of contention and perhaps most runaways and familial coldness and indifference are due to lack of good instinctive sexual satisfaction. However, the men's selfishness and women's frigidity are regarded as the main obstacles for providing this need. However, the use of technical expertise advices and taking advantage of some of treatment recommendations could be helpful in this regard. Top wives are always away from the cold temperamental, impatience and self attentions, dictatorships and self-satisfactions think to supply and the natural coordinated satisfaction of this common sense. Top wives in their sexual relationships gives meaning to this intensive appeal appropriately and effectively and remove the effect of any outward stimulations. Top wives well- know that in the light of the faith of supply, especially mental health needs that the biological and psychological comfort of the wife and family is provided and the development of personality is achieved. Top wives know that security and satisfaction of bio – instinctive needs plays the most important role in life attractions and God has placed the principal of respect in this need. And satisfying this basic need of couples requires optimal growth and transcendent of personality. In Formal and informal statistics has been announced newspapers has been shown that a high percentage of divorces and family disputes, are due to the inability of man in sex or female frigidity. In a Conference held at University of Shahed, at the end of the congress was announced that more than 50 percent of divorces are due to the lack of men's capabilities are in matters of sexual intercourse however, the (head of family health clinic, Dr Sayyed Kazem Foroutan) in an interview said:
We should deal with sexual issues; He added that our society for different reasons, have not had scholarly outlook to this subject; so, emotional treatment facing sexual issues will cause problems even more than before while, we should prevent prejudice in discussing sexual issues.
He added that the officials must deal in training, psychology, psychiatry, social, legal, cultural and scientific sexual fields practically and in whole the country look via a scientific vision. Education for sexual disorders and sexual deviation but if not, there may be deviation because sexual problems are not sexual deviation sexual education, but with teaching false teachings, the likelihood for deviation arises and according to our religious teachings any institution is not more popular than the family to provide us with comfort. Islam's outlook at sexual instincts is not followed with violence, but it's correctly satisfaction has been recommended. To this reason, we should not due to not having a plan to reduce sexual matters, wipe out the question totally. He added. Due to the sensitivity and diversity of sexual matter and its fundamental role in the sustainability of the family we provide appropriate conditions for positive sexual health issues because talk of sexual health in the country has turned out into an anti-value. It is when religious teachings and culture, in looking at sexual health is completely different. Therefore, the more sexual health improves in healthy individuals; the family unit will be more stable. He added that the number of experts for training sexual dysfunctions is so few in number and reminds that most of people who are active in the country have no enough knowledge regarding treatment or true attitude to resolve sexual problems. The messenger of this responsibility is the Ministry of Science and Ministry of Health that by creating a specialized field of family and sexual health that creating a technical family process and sexual health to train specific persons for this serious problem. Because it is associated with the family basis and doing rashly and non-scientific matters and individuals with limited information or with no required commitment may not only intensify the dysfunctions but also in some cases spoil this motivation, as well. Foroutan stated that based on some researches at least 50% divorces occur in the family rooted in sexual matters. Proven by experience that in those couples where sexual issues, sexual and emotional relationship is not perfect they failed to educate their children well so, the majority of these children are prone to cultural and moral deviations. Meanwhile, Mr. Majd, the head of sexual health at Tehran University, in an interview with Health magazine declared that I believe more than 70 percent of divorces are due lack of awareness of man and woman of sexual relations. In this section to familiarize respectable families and young couples initially we identify male impotence and then we explain treatment options.
1- Masturbation in men
In this action forbidden in Islam, Prophet Muhammad (PBHM) said "the one who satisfies himself by his hand is cursed and two problems occur in person. 1- Rupture of the urethra 2. Bursting genital tract so will cause sexual disability in men.
2- Psychological factors, modesty and embarrassment
Lack of readiness of thought and lack of sexual experience;
4. Fear and humiliation of failure
5- Sexual deviation
6- Tiredness of hard work
7- mental and routinely disorders
8- Life problems and unfavorable encounters
9- Using drugs
10- Unfavorable food and lack of complete growth
11- Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism of thyroid gland;
12- Failure of internal structures such as lack of one testis, small testes and testicular laziness;
13- Being humiliated by the woman because of the sexual potency
14 aging
15- Diseases, especially diabetes, heart disease and kidney
16- Low sexual appetite;
In some cases of sexual dysfunction caused by hormone deficiency, localized disorders genitals or other constitutional factors which led to reduce in male sexual power and in many cases sexual impotence rooted in psychic as well as mental disorders of man such as ;
A) High belonging to the mother b) Fear and Anxiety
C) The emotional conflicts and d) nervous temperament e) tendency to the same sex.
These causes of impotence are in men: Of course, we should say sexual dysfunctions are treatable, but it must be done under the supervision of experienced and qualified physicians.
The Treatment of sexual impotence in men
Many young men and middle-aged and elderly are complaining of sexual impotence. Although modern medicine by prescribing drugs and injecting chemical hormones alleviate this issue, in the pas by serving useful Foods and delicacies as well the use of traditional herbs treated this disorder.
Weakness by harming the waist, heavy load and falling
In this case it is necessary with olive oil and green oil , pure ghee , mummy to massage the waist and tie it with wool fabrics and relaxes.
2- Weakness because of the humidity and daily work
Consumption of honey and celery, coconut, dates, raisins, bananas, eggs and avoidance from eating yogurt, tomato, lettuce and cucumber helps to solve this issue
3- Those in trouble due to excessive lusting are recommended to use;
quince jam, canned carrots, dried figs, strawberries, garlic and white onion, baked beans, walnuts, dates, raw nuts, coconut, roasted peanuts, milk, honey, eggs, Ostrich meat, jam and saffron.
All those who are suffering from asthenia and physical disabilities should avoid eating foods with cold nature in addition high salt intake, in addition to reduce vision, lowers the lust, as well.
Doing sports and performing physical exercise, whether to preserve health, and the mental health care including sexual health, is worthy of considerable attention. If In any case, nearly half an hour before sex, we perform some
Exercises will improve your health.
Reducing sexual pleasure:
Reducing sexual pleasure or its runaway is much prevalent in married couples than most people think of that. In accordance with a research done in this field ,up to 40% percent of happy couples have pointed to reduction of their sexual pleasure in a way that the love of initial marriage time increases the flames of passion or by this period overtime ,the summit of sexual pleasure drops.
The reasons behind women's frigidity {in sexual intercourse}
Frigidity is a mostly used expression but is rarely used in its correct use; as nowadays, by hearing the expression of frigidity a set of sexual displeasure in women is equal to sexual dysfunction in men and in researches has been proved that 90 of female frigidity is due to men's lack of information about sexual relationship. Bellow, we will follow some of them.
1- Women fail to positively satisfy the sexual demands of a man who is disinterested in her.
2- Girls who lived in families who have strict and violent fathers so, they internalize a sort of hatred toward men.
3- Lack of knowledge about opposite sex
4- Diseases like (diabetes, blood pressure, heart diseases, and thyroid disorders
5- Using anti-depression drugs and anti-pregnancy drugs
6- Women's shyness
7- Forbiddance of satisfaction
8- Sexual deviations
9- Job titles
10 fear of failure in sexual pleasure
11- Hatred of man (imposed marriages)
13- Fear of the boys' presence
14 - Hatred of man
16- Retaliation of kindless, and man's disloyalty however; in a narration Holy prophet said: "you punish your wife by the day and expect to embrace her by the night" you should create a positive outlook of woman toward you otherwise; she will be cold-natured with you.
16- the woman considers sexual act something bad and with hatred while in Islam and in our narrations it is followed with reward . The God messenger said: when the man has relation with his wife;
A) Is like a person who participate in Jihad
B) His sins fall down like the leaves in the autumn
c) His sins will be cleaned away
The prophet (PBUH) said : when a true believer sex with his wife, about 70 thousands of angles open their wings and at this time the divine mercy falls down and for each drop of water (bathroom after sex) God will built a home for them in the Paradise.
Curing women's sexual frigidity'
Sexual disorders in women is a prevalent sexual disorder that leads to a personal distress and might affect life quality however; information examines the female patho- physiology are rare therefore, a comprehensive psycho-medical evaluation, continued teaching of the sufferer as well as medical treatments is recommended moreover, referring to experts can paves the way for treatment of sexual frigidity.


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