Examining the meaning of life in the supreme method of Mullah Sadra
What is the meaning of "meaning of life"? Is the life a set of material jewelry collection such as stone, wood, water, etc or a category of specialties or events or processes? In the combination of life meaning, what is the purpose of meaning? Is the purpose of life its value or its meaning? Have transcendental school have had a specific outlook toward life? What are the frameworks of this idea? However, these are the questions that we respond them in this paper. Simple sentences like air and water streams, required breathe plant, solid name stars, rock, deriving tree leaf from the tree and the questions like this.
In the literary universe and its true school, more or less, we have heard and read, {that} things are familiar. But, nobody told us where the life reference is (Mohammad Reza Shafiee.
Meaning of life
The concerns of ontology like "where do we come from?" where I am ""why I am" and where do we go? And psychological concerns such as Anxiety and restlessness, sadness and depression, despair and emptiness, struggle with himself and with others, aggression, fear, anger and revenge, greed, envy, vanity and arrogance ,why there is in the life of people ? why the people have stayed alone and have said that today's community is the crowd of the alone people. Because some people do not consider life valuable; why some people have forgotten the reality of life and have resorted to different ways self- forgetting, self-deception and seeking help illusionary substances like hallucinogens, narcotics, psychotropic and alcohol? Why there is the growing number of suicides? Why love is colorless and disarms? Why family ties have become so loose? And why….? These are some of the things that bring to mind the meaninglessness of life, but quest for the meaning of life separately. The life along with experiences, actions, memoirs, dreams and stories placed in one category. Life is one story, live and real one that can be spoken. It is a Network of experiences, thoughts, actions, memories, plans, projections, relationships, social relationships, assumptions the like that all are tied together and under the governance that have a norm-based nature and streams from the nature of the man as a humanistic factor as well as lifestyle that person himself has established. All of this complicated collection often is merely depends on a specific person and is reinforced by that. However, the more the plan of a person about human life is based on the critical rules , that person will be free of the nature and will play a more prominent rule in providing his life. As far as we know, in cultural societies human beings are the only creatures with high positions that can spend their life; it is because only they possess required culture for spending a life with self-discovery. Therefore; defining life for the man is not merely a set of affairs like eating, drinking, sleeping, birth, marriage, employment, and life and death, but the overall plan that covers all of these and creates a sort of coherence and integrity. The meaning of life among various religions, philosophy and psychology has been discussed and each spoke differently. The divine religions by suggesting the world's purpose in terms of essence emphasizing on source and hereafter, overcoming of good over evil, facilitating of morality of life, God's rule on the world, God's mercy and forgiveness, spirituality and taste of life by creating intimate relationship with God and divine experiences. But, among the philosophers there is no such consensus. . Some, such as Thomas Nagel (2001: 107-92), by emphasizing on the absurdity of life, questions the meaningfulness of life. In contrast, existentialist philosophers mostly with subjects such as human existence, freedom and responsibility and death believe in the meaning of life. At the same time this question is being posed that is the purpose of life is worth of it? Is the meaning of life discoverable or counterfeiting? The meaning of life, above all, is a psychological problem and understanding the subject is prior to the Mulla Sadra's vision plan. So here we simply suffice a psychological vision Abraham Maslow ((Maslow، 1986: 206). In his view, the needs are as hierarchy. All people are often motivated by a need and since the needs of low-level are not well-satisfied, the values and meaning of life is less motivated. However, when low-level needs are satisfied, the upper level needs are being stimulated. Part of upper needs including needs of high level so, Maslow considers the satisfaction of basic needs to the meaning of life satisfaction and mental health essential and believes their failure leads to disease. In his view, the most important high-basic needs that in fact create the meaning of life are: a system of values, philosophy of life and the religion. Batista, 1973 and Almond has considered the meaning of life as cognitive and emotional evaluation of the person that is related with person's beliefs. Therefore, the more individual people believe in more values and to be relied on them, the more they will enjoy the life. Most of the psychologist agrees upon the fact that life meaning is an abstractive concept and the best way of its definition is considering specific dimensions like life satisfaction, purpose, enjoyment and self-escaping.
Victor Frankel defines the meaning of life a feeling or incentive that at the time of examining our favorable activities, going to the nature, visiting friends, watching arts and literary works or when we are related to a source of eternal relationship and consider us relied on frameworks such as religion and philosophy of life. However, he considers the meaning of life from three aspects;
1- By doing something creative and valuable
2- with a high-valued experience such as facing with the wonders of nature, culture or personal understanding due to love.
3- With suffering of pain that is the best indicative of human –internal value.
So, according to Baumeister 1991: 690-676, the meaning of life by satisfying four needs is obtained
1- Need a purpose in life,
2. The need to feel self-efficacy,
3. The need to have a set of values that can justify one's behavior
4- The existence of a firm stable and firm basis for having a positive sense of self-efficacy.
In summing up the opinions of psychologists, we can say;
1- Psychologists, especially school of humanism, in discussing the meaning of life are influenced by the philosophers of existentialist
2- A Philosophical outlook takes the meaning of our life toward our goal that is mainly discoverable and can be said that is a general mindset toward life but the psychologist along with goal emphasis on the performance and life-value and mainly consider it personal , internal and susceptible to be faked.
3- the meaning of human life is obtained by the man communicating with purpose of life as well as the world that to some extent is by according personal situation with general goal.
4- This relationship in its cognitive dimensions tries to understand the philosophy of the universe and the human and emotional aspects of it, tolerance, patience and acceptance of adversity and its implications.
5- Believing and reliance on the values that can justify the situation of the world as well as the person's behavior provides the way of achieving the life concept.
However, we follow these points about meaning of life in transcendental method and comparative basis.
The transcendental knowledge
Sadr al-Din Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Shirazi (1050-979Q), known as Mulla Sadra and Mulla Sadra, with reviewing the works of predecessors, especially the peripatetic philosophers and illumination discovered their shortcoming and in fact, the seed contained transcendental philosophy that many years ago with ideas and concepts and arguments in his thought had been planted, with mystical observations and taking internal realities was blossomed.
1- Existence and the nature of essence
The concept is essentially the existence of objective reality and the true nature of reality, and only narrates the scope of reality.
2- Doubts in essence
The external reality and the reality of essence is an objective reality and the multiplicity in external realities returns in doubts in steps of essence that in fact is the same as privilege.
The reasoned relationship:
The existence of the reasoned in the universe is just as the same relevance to reason, radius and its beam of it does not exist. The existence of the caused is the ishraqia adding of the reason and not dependant on it.
4- Inky move
Move is regarded as analytic outcomes of essence and accidentally attributed to inky nature or disclaim. Therefore, as the movement exists in accidental categories like the category of "when, this and etc, moving in the origin of inky is also possible. While there are some cases in other schools and is not regarded as distinguishing features of this school, moving in the origin of the ink is also possible and some other have not been in such a position.