What the terminology associated with Zionism is

The main accused man during the Holocaust at Nuremberg was named Rudolf Höss, the military commander of the camp Shotys. He believes at least
Thursday, May 25, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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What the terminology associated with Zionism is
What  the terminology associated with Zionism is

Translator: Davood Salehan
Source: Rasekhoon.net


Gas chambers
The main accused man during the Holocaust at Nuremberg was named Rudolf Höss, the military commander of the camp Shotys. He believes at least two million and five hundred thousand victims at Auschwitz and cremation through fumigation and extermination have been executed and at least half a million people have succumbed to starvation and disease.
He (Rudolf Hoess) to explain how killing in the gas chambers, says:
Half an hour after gas emissions, opened the door and turn on the air conditioner and we were immediately removed the bodies. The agent then, the bodies had come out of the room and the gold teeth from the bodies in pits of fire and the man accumulated oil splashed on them. They were burning pile of bodies in the air so that they can better reach them. All these things were done with indifference and carefree. It seems a trivial task to do every day. Officers are carrying the bodies of smokers to something you ate and when working with the cremation of the dead who were already piled in the mass grave were eating it does not do.
What confessions cravings can be found in the legend insists the feeling is more interesting because they are very dangerous poison its 2000 full of dead bodies in a small space without a gas mask while smoked or ate something move they did!!!Rudolf Höss wrote in his memoir: my first interrogation, the confession were beating me even though I signed it, but I do not know what was in it. Nuremberg from gassing story is very vague and if anyone bothered to check how your gassing to give notice of the confessions would be ridiculous. Toxic material that designers claim the Holocaust, the Nazis have used to keep millions of Jews. The proponent's murder of Jews by the Germans during World War II is a very common image of Zyklon B packages by taking advantage of uninformed readers to display and organize propaganda. But the reader knows how many people use Zyklon B in the German army as the use of insecticide DDT has been common in America's Army? How many of them know that the images of carnage does not mean, as images of a box containing DDT does not convey such meaning.
Now, several questions regarding confessions and how Zyklon B performance arises:
1. How long it was necessary to act Zyklon B?
2. How long gas remain active in an enclosed space?
3. Do as they have claimed, without gas masks impregnated into place and only half an hour after using it possible?
4. Is the crematorium can work day and night as they claim?
A brochure that during the war in Germany was published by fighting harmful animals show that eight in Germany used gas Zyklon B was the most powerful of power due to its high toxicity for spraying in the places great as a hostel soldiers, silos and vessels have been used and the severe toxic and destructive cellular tissues listed. And therefore should only be used by trained personnel. At the same time, have the most powerful people in gas masks with filters, the filter G with, the use of Zyklon B in paragraph seven brochure guide states: the suddenly ventilated long and difficult, given that the gas stick tightly to surfaces, the room is impregnated with Zyklon B gas emissions by at least 21 hours should not be imported. People who have a strong masks are a must after a minute, impregnated with Zyklon B quickly out of the room.
While none of the conditions that are necessary for the gas chambers in camps there, and everyone who worked there and his relatives to endanger their lives. No means no air conditioning and no distribution, and no possibility to add materials and equipment that Zyklon B is not required.
A gas chamber in which the Zyklon B used to be a thick-walled steel or glass is very thick, because due to the vacuum that is created in this room should explode at any moment there is a very ignominious introducing the alleged gas chambers where they were made of stone and plaster and paint. Without any trace of machines needed to kill not one but millions of women, men and children are left behind.
In short, the Zionist and anti-Nazi Nuremberg was formed in the atmosphere and in the Hitler because he committed the crime, it must be admitted that he had killed six million Jews.
To understand why Zionism in the Holocaust Myth Of all the methods of mass killing and genocide is focused on burning method, three main reasons can be outlined:
A) Because Zionism in the creation of this legend to impress people more emotional aspects of this current stresses and to stimulate the emotions of the public, the best way is to use their human emotions, to choosing this method, and the ad it uses videos, stories and novels are trying to create sympathy among the people. They also detailed the incident, using the imagination of the audience, trying to deepen the accident. For example, in the confessions of lust as he passed indifference from officers and rummage bodies have been incorporated for better burning up with more emotional story of survival in the minds of the audience prolong. The result is advertising that exists today, although during the First and Second World War a large number of people were killed, but the people of your country number of dead may do not know it, but the numbers of 6 million Jews is always in the minds of the people there imaginary and that the plan does not happen and awkward but very detailed and expertly drawn.
B) With an emphasis on killing Jews, Zionism no one is looking through a burning pile of bones that have emerged due to the killing of Jews is not, and is otherwise lost, for example, by firing six million Jews, or even very less than it should, which is a significant amount of their remaining bones will be big trouble. In addition to burning the bones, their emotions provoke them.
C) The third reason for the emphasis on burning for up laced with religious Zionism and the creation of Israel is to convince Jews to God. Jewish religious culture and the role of God is burning in numinous. They are passages in Leviticus inspiration that, in accordance with its provisions when their presence in the Holy Land, according to the Lord's command were responsible for burning sacrifices are offered to God:
After cattle are slaughtered before the Lord, and the sons of Aaron the priest, blood and the blood around the altar to bring near unto the tabernacle, the splash and the sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire on the altar and wood on fire and the sons of Aaron the priest expects to pick pieces and the head and the fat on the wood that is on the fire altar expects to pick. And liver and water to wash his legs and the priest shall burn all on the altar.
Accordingly from the perspective of Jewish religious literature, Jews who sacrificed their lives in the cause of God Holy Temple are victims. To reach the goal of his sinister Zionist immigration to Israel is not even Jewish theology uses to where others were killed divine revenge of the Jews. Because they had not immigrated to the Holy Land!
Making soap from Jewish corpses
One of the most sinister fiction that Simon Vayzntal it was common, it was that he created in 1942, changes in execution chambers, and claimed that the rooms have to collect fat drainage Jews in order to soap have been making. In an article entitled "RJF" wrote that the Nazis made soap from Jewish corpses fat RJF engraved symbol that stands for three Rein Judishches Fett word meaning "pure oil Jew" is. Nuremberg without soap to chemical analysis of the samples confirmed it. But soon it became clear that the falsity of the claim. Because the story was that during the war that Germany suffers from a lack of fatty substance, was forced to produce soap under the supervision of the government and what were carved on pieces of soap but three letters RIF letters RJF that symbol Reichsstella Fur Industrielle Fettersergung German phrase meaning "office Reich (Germany) to provide fatty substances" measures. However, some deliberately or in error RIF claimed to read RJF soap from Jewish corpses were produced fat. Basically, the legendary designer of the Holocaust to Zionist influence human emotions in favor of any tools that were used as propaganda tools scattered all over Europe, these ads were so large that anyone thinking about not. Further that anyone had the slightest hesitation in the story he was introduced to the pro-Nazi.
According to the passage, we can conclude that the greatest thinkers of the Zionist movement in his theory relies on the use of literature and culture to audiences of God, and as we said although the Holocaust a myth but because of the internal coherence of is based on the teachings of the Jewish religion, the greatest service at some point in the history of the Zionist usurper regime of Israel do and the lowest was formed. In addition to being the pretext of putting the Jewish legend of the host countries billions of dollars in compensation were Jews during World War I and II and strengthened the foundations of their hated regime. Nevertheless, still in many Western countries and America, even bogus investigation into the incident by law criminalized and how much scientists who are skeptical of its occurrence even in their own country have been harassed many. The French thinker Roger Garaudy example it can be noted that the book describes the history and mock the Holocaust was a heresy trial.
But beyond internal factors that led to the formation of Zionist Jews were, on the other hand causes the exterior and even more powerful than its preparations Jews were involved in the formation of this movement that it can be used the Christian Protestantism name. According to researchers, if not Protestantism Reformation movement, Zionism certainly does not appear to be as powerful today. We briefly consider the interaction between the two.



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