Translator: Davood Salehan
Source: Rasekhoon.net
Source: Rasekhoon.net
How was population structure of Palestinians and Jews at the time, when the resolution was issued?
- at the time of announcing the Israelis existence Jewish people were between 700 and 750 people and Palestinians were about one million two hundred thousand to one million three hundred thousand in population.
Do you mean Palestinians were the absolute majority?
- Yes. About resolution we should say that it was not in competence of UN General Assembly and General Assembly there was no right about this for Assembly or membered countries. By the way, issuances of UN are not essentially supported by the executive force and the UN has no right to allocate a territory for other people and basically this aspect has no legal legitimacy. ا of course in that time, Palestinians did not accept the resolution. The point raised here is that Israel always react the issue in two ways. When resolution 181 was passed by UN in 1947 and then when the Declaration of establishment of Israel in 1948 was read and broadcast to the world, the whole Palestinian territory was under the control of Zionists and their occupation was only 5% of the geography of Palestine. The Zionists were based in 5% of the soil of the Palestinian land.
Is 5% related to the time of Israeli government formation?
- Jews resided in only 5% of the total geographical Palestinian era until they announced their presence.
How did Zionist seize 5% of Palestinian land?
- Palestine was a part of the Levant at the time of the Ottoman Empire. Syria, Lebanon and Palestine were known as the Levant. Some feudal people had lands that were held in Palestine that were not Palestinians and they were not based in Palestinian region, but they were from Syria, Lebanon or elsewhere. On the other hand some representatives of consulates and representatives of some Western governments also were there that some of them owned some lands by some excuses. Jews by manipulating the feudal lands or their political representatives received or purchased their lands.
There was another way that Jews captured Palestinian lands. In Ottoman times there was a bank called "Ottoman Bank" that lent low interest loans to people. England caretaker government closed the bank in Palestine; on one hand, they expected heavy taxes on people lands and on the other hand, they founded a Zionist British entity called "Anglo Palestine" bank whose shareholders were Zionist. Bank sued to lend people loans by heavy benefits and the condition of the bank was to put documents of land in bank so as if after 5 years people failed to pay the loans, the Zionists can record these documents and own lands. So they put Palestinians under so much pressure to own their land.
The land that Zionists took was 5 percent!
- No, less than one percent. It means all the land they bought by tricks or exchanged or put pressure on the poor people of Palestine was less than one percent. 4 percent was given in the hands of the Zionists by Britain's caretaker government during time.
So the discussion of sales of lands is nonsense?
- Yes. Now you might say how did Israel seize the rest of Palestine? Following Israel's existence some Arab countries and the Palestinian people gathered and rose up. In this way there was an Arab-Israeli conflict but immediately the United States and Europe entered and the Security Council officially declared a ceasefire. During the temporary two weeks of ceasefire, Zionist centers recognized talented Jewish pilots due to their influence in Defense Department of America and they appointed those professionals to attend the war.
They imported arms and army from some countries in Eastern and Western Europe in favor of Israel.
You mean the two-week cease-fire was for preparation of Israel?
- Yes. Whole western world besides Eastern Europe which were communist countries helped the Zionists and the interesting point is that after two weeks of cease fire Israel began the war again and they killed innocent unarmed people. That is here that brutal massacres like Deir Yasin happened and more than 250 men and women and children were killed and this is a small sample of the crimes of Zionists. They used to kill people cruelly and then advertised the crimes among the people. For example, they showed naked dead bodies of Palestinians in tracks and created fear among people. In the first war between Arabs and Israel known as 1948 war, more than 500 villages and cities were collapsed by supervision of America and Europe. That is a figure of about one million Palestinians in the short term of the first Arab-Israeli war were either massacred or displaced.
So the Zionists found a superior crowd in Palestine in this way?
- totally. Because of Palestinians being killed or displaced. On the other hand within a few months of occupation of Palestinian land, they turned 5 percent to 78 percent. It means more than 20 thousand kilometers of 27000 kilometers of Palestine was occupied by them. And only the west bank and Gaza Strip were not in their hands and these regions have a total 5900 kilometers of lands. It meant although Israelis declared their legal documents in Resolution 181, they did not consider it enough and although Resolution 181 gave 56 percent of Palestine to Zionists, they occupied 78 percent of the country and the world was silent.
Interestingly, this did not stop them. In the third Arab-Israeli war in 1967, they also captured West Bank and Gaza Strip, and therefore they occupied all Palestinian territories. Here a few key questions are raised. America recognized Israel 11 minutes after the announcement of its existence and then Soviet Union and then England and UN and rest of the countries recognized Israel officially. The question is which Israel had these countries recognized. Israel in UN General Assembly's Resolution 181, which gave 56 percent of the land of Palestine to the Zionists or Israel in 1948, in which they had 5 percent of Palestine in their possession? What is the task now that Israel has occupied 78% of Palestine? We have to say that Israel is illegitimate, not because we are Muslims and we have prejudice, no. legal basis of Israel is shaky. You know that three factors must be based on international law of a country, state, territory and people. Zionists brought people from elsewhere. The land was from others and state was in their hands and they formed it by force. Now our question for secretory general of UN is that after the third Arab-Israeli war, UN issued Resolution 242. The Resolution says that Israel must exit the lands of 1967 (West Bank and Gaza Strip). Now why would no one talk? Why did not they leave there? Not only they did not exit there, but they started housing in the area. Right now 200 settlements have been made in the West Bank. Who answers the paradox? Unfortunately, public opinion in Europe and the West do not know these things. There was a survey in the UK two years ago and its people have said we do not know the Zionists are occupying Muslim lands or lands of the Muslims are owned by Zionists! This is deplorable.
How is Palestine's combination of population now?
- We have about 9 million Palestinians. Almost half of the Palestinian population is displaced inside the country and half are displaced around the country. Of course, I have a point to make. West recognized Israel of 1948, which had 78 percent of Palestinian land and they call the Arabs who are in this land as Israeli Arabs that are from 120 to 130 thousand people, and today the population is living in the worst conditions. I read a report of France Peres reporter in which he wrote that we were in an area that the Arabs lived as well. Skyscrapers and modern facilities were all around the location of the Arabs, but Muslims lived like Stone Age there. So they are under so much pressure so they have to leave and go.
How many people are now Zionists in Palestine?
- about 6 million Jews are now living on occupied land and about 400 thousand settlers are in the West Bank and more than 8 thousand are in Gaza Strip and thanks to God, they have already been cleared.
One topic that I think I shall say at the end of this part of my article is that one of the French reporters prepared a report in 1967 and after the third war. He wrote that after the war we went to Jordan, a country near the Palestine. The reporter wrote that there is a hill called "Moudaba" inside Jordan and neighboring Palestine. We saw there displaced Palestinians, who each night came to the top of the hill with the darkness of air, and they looked at the lights of Quds by sadness, cried, and came down the hill again to their place of residence in the nowhere. This French reporter, called Anya Franco, continues that we suspected that this movement was a temporary one, but we saw that this work continued for them each night and became a ritual for them. In our view, this love is flaming in the lives of the Palestinians. Some displaced people still have their houses' key, and they will return to their homeland once upon a time.