The meaning of the word '' seven skies '' in Quran

If his purpose is that number seven represents high number, it is a sensible possibility that should be analyzed.
Friday, April 7, 2017
Estimated time of study:
author: علی اکبر مظاهری
موارد بیشتر برای شما
The meaning of the word '' seven skies '' in Quran
The meaning of the word '' seven skies '' in Quran

Translator: Zahra. Kalaa


If his purpose is that number seven represents high number, it is a sensible possibility that should be analyzed.
Some of scientists: they consider seven skies as planets that orbit around the sun.
For example, the writer of the book '' the secret of seven skies'' writes
'' When I searched and studied about this case, I concluded that the purpose from seven skies is seven separate layers of atmosphere that has covered the earth and it starts from the vicinity of the earth and continues until thousands kilometers''.
These seven layers showed include from the vicinity of the earth: the layers of homusfor, Yunosfor, the layer n of molecule, the layer O of atom, the layer He of atom, the layer H of atom and vacuum layer. Altogether they are seven layers and it should be mentioned that they are separate layers.
Then he reminds that the material suggestion of seven skies does not avert their spiritual idea because material discipline can emerge materials and the world of materials.

Then presenting shapes, he presents detailed information about the thickness and content of these layers.
Notification: sometimes, the sky means the atmosphere of the earth (Ghaaf Surah/ verse 7). Hence, this possibility can be designed and later we will talk about it.
11. Allame Shahrestani: it has been expressed in Quran and Hadith that we have created seven earths and seven skies. These seven earths include: Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus.
Seven skies are same atmospheric atmosphere that cover these seven planets.
Notification: Allame Shahrestani was asked why he did not consider Neptune and proton. He answered that these two planets were not seen with normal eyes. Therefore, they have not been expressed in Quran and Hadith.
The main fault of the remark of Allame Shahrestani is that the word '' Arz'' is applied for six considered planets in lexical and expression meanings.
12. Some experts and interpreters: all of these planets, systems, stars and even galaxies are the first sky of Quran and six other skies are beyond the point of view human. Such a possibility is accepted by the authors of the book '' exemplary interpretation''.
This remark is only a planned possibility and we will deal with it.
13. Muhammad Baqer Behbudi: he concluded in the book '' seven skies'' that Quran focused only on solar system not other systems about seven skies because the destiny of the earth is related to the destiny of the solar system. Moreover, in the solar system, seven skies are same seven planets that are flying over the earth and over the head of human not those under planets that are considered as the earth and do not move above our head.
These seven skies include: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Proton and other small planets of Asteroid (the key of the secret of seven skies). Then he presented detailed explanations about each planet of the sky.
He does not explain why he ignored mercury and Venus Notification:
and did not consider the moon that moves above our head. He does not say why the destiny of the earth is not related to solar system regarding the movement of the sun, system, comet and …
14. Allame Tabatabaei:
It can be understood from his remarks about these verses (Sejde Surah/ verse 5, Foslet Surah/ verse 12, Momenun Surah/ verse 17, Nuh Surah/ verse 15 ), that he presents another meaning about the word of the sky in Quran. He considers the sky a religious matter (the rank of closeness, presence, the way of the manners of the order, the prudence of the world and the coming and going of angels) and the orders of God are performed through it.
The word of the sky is accepted as the meaning of the rank of closeness and presence (spiritual sky) in all of the verses of Quran because it is talked about the descending of rain from the sky in some verses (the atmosphere of the earth and the place of clouds) such as the following verse
«وَنَزَّلْنَا مِنَ السَّماءِ مَاءً مُبَارَكاً»( Ghaaf Surah/ verse 9)
The remark of Allame is appropriate in some cases and can change the discussion in those cases; we will discuss about them.
Notification: as it was already discussed, Jewish and Christian people accepted spiritual sky.
15. Some of other writers: It can be understood from Baghare Surha/ verse 29 and Nuh Surah/ verses 15 and 16 that the purpose of seven skies is the skies of the earth that the sun and the moon shine. The atmosphere of the earth whose thickness and thinness is divided into seven parts and or seven starts of the solar system that the sun makes them warm and luminous like a lamp.
Another possibility is that the reason of the division of the skies to seven is clear for God and it is unknown for human.
16. Dr. Muhammad Jalal Al-Din Al-Fandi: he classifies the seven skies of Quran in this way:
The first sky: solar system;
The second sky: the galaxy of the Milky Way;
The third sky: A collection of galaxies called '' Al-Majmue Al-Mahalie'';
The fourth sky: it is the sky '' Anaghid Al-Daraje Al-Avali'' that is far from us about 20 until 50 million light years;

The fifth sky: it is the sky '' Anaghid Al-Daraje Al-Avali'' that is far from us about 100 until 150 million light years;
The sixth sky: it is the sky '' Anaghid Al-Daraje Al-Avali'' that is far from us about 2until 3 billion light years;
The seventh sky: we know about its radio waves (Maa Al-Quran Fi Al-Kut 189-193).
Notification: his remark has no reasons. In other words, the word '' sky '' is not applied for a specific galaxy in expression and lexical meanings and its application in Quran is not proved in this way.
Hence, although God stated that there were seven skies, it would be no problem that there were more skies and the number of skies was not important and this number seven was not the reason of the limitation of the number of skies.
To clarify the purpose of Quran from seven skies and earths, we will answer several basic questions and will analyze the ideas of the interpreters of Quran.
What is intended from the sky?
The word '' sky'' and its derivations have been used in Quran three hundred and ten times and they have complete conception and different meanings and kinds are presented from them. Hence, lexically science and Quran are used with different purposes and meanings.
a. Lexically, the word '' Sama'' comes from the root of Samu as the meaning of height and its principle is from Sariani and Hebrew and it means higher and superior (above). The sky of everything is the above of that thing. Even some lexicologists claim that the above of anything is sky and the down of everything is earth.
b. The new science of physique: the sky is defined in the science of physique in this way:
'' It is a declined event and a domed place that provides the ground of seeing planets and stars''.
c. Sky in Quran: the word of the sky has used as singular and plural nouns have been used over three hundred times, but in all cases, a meaning and a kind are not intended. Generally, sky has been used in spiritual and material conceptions in Quran. Some of them include:

1. The sky as the meaning of above (up way):
This is in line with the lexical meaning of the sky. The following verse is mentioned as an example
أَصْلُهَا ثَابِتٌ وَفَرْعُهَا فِي السَّماءِ( Ibrahim Surah/ verse 24)
Some of contemporary interpreters have mentioned this meaning and some of other experts believe that this meaning has been used in Quran figuratively because the word '' above'' cannot be added; therefore, the word of seven skies cannot have such a meaning.
2. The sky as the meaning of the atmosphere around the earth, the place that there are clouds and air:
وَنَزَّلْنَا مِنَ السَّماءِ مَاءً مُبَارَكاً( Ghaaf Suarh/ verse 9)
3. The sky as the meaning of the place of planets and stars:
تَبَارَكَ الَّذِي جَعَلَ فِي السَّماءِ بُرُوجاً وَجَعَلَ فِيها سِرَاجاً وَقَمَراً مُنِيراً( Forqan Surah/ verse 61)
4. The sky as the meaning of the rank of closeness and the rank of presence that are considered as a place for deciding about the affairs of the world:

Some interpreters such as Allame Tabatabaei have related '' sky'' to this meaning in different cases.
يُدَبِّرُ الْأَمْرَ مِنَ السَّماءِ إِلَى الْأَرْضِ( Sejde Surah/ verse 5)
5. The sky as the meaning of a superb and real creature:
Some thoughtful persons believe that the sky is used as the meaning of material sky. It is also used as the meaning of the rank of existence and superb creature that is same spiritual and supernatural world and the whole world is descended higher than that rank.
وَفِي السَّماءِ رِزْقُكُمْ وَمَا تُوعَدُونَ( Zariat Surah/ verse 22)
The word '' sky '' is not used at the same meaning in science and Quran, but it is applied in different meanings and kinds. In other words, it is a common word although it is possible to apply some of these meanings and kinds in a common conception. For example, we can consider the fourth meaning and the fifth meaning of Quran that we narrated from Allame Tabatabaei (may God's mercy be upon him) and Mesbah Yazdi as the meaning of the spiritual sky.
What is intended from seven?
The word '' seven'' is applied in two ways in Arabic Language:
a. The word '' seven'' is used as a specific number in math;
b. The word '' seven'' is used as the symbol of abundance because the word '' seven'' is sometimes used in Arabic Language and its ironical meaning, the high and abundant number, is intended.
It is clear that '' seven seas'' represents abundance in this verse and if hundreds seas are joined together, it will not be enough to write words about God.
Some interpreters have mentioned the second possibility in verses related to seven skies and others have confirmed the first possibility, but both possibilities are far from mind.
If we accept the first possibility, the purpose of the number in Talagh Surah/ verse 12 will be that there are seven real skies and if we accept the second possibility, the purpose of the verse will be that there are a lot of skies.

What is the purpose of Quran from the word '' seven skies''?
According to expressed matters and meanings and kinds for the words'' sky and seven'', we can conclude that there are there are several possibilities about the word '' seven skies'':
1. If seven is considered as a real number, these possibilities will be considered:
a. Seven skies with full of stars and planets the same as seven globes of the earth;

This matter is accepted scientifically because some scientists believe that there are millions suns and planets the same as the earth in the galaxies of the world. They do not consider impossible the existence of worlds the same as this sky full of stars because the scientists of the astronomy science and cosmological physique have been able with their telescopes to see millions stars and planets, but they say that there are unknown and dark spaces that are beyond the horizon of our view.
Hence, there is the possibility of six similar words and six other skies that have not been discovered. This matter is in line with the appearance of some verses of Quran.
b. Seven ranks of closeness and presence and the spiritual superb creature
2. The word '' seven'' means abundance:
It means that God has created a lot of skies globes, planets and …




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