Translator: Zahra. Kalaa
The second content (along with the mention of Ahle Beit):
The second content has been said in the Shiite books. This content has been said in different books and it has been referred to other books in those books:
1. Kashf Al-Yaghin:
Deceased Alame Majlesi has narrated in the book '' Bahar''
36 - كشف الیقین : عن أبی جعفر بن بابویه برجال المخالفین رویناه من كتابه كتاب أخبار الزهراء ، عن محمد بن الحسن بن سعید ، عن فرات بن إبراهیم ، عن محمد بن علی الهمدانی ، عن أبی الحسن بن خلف بن موسى ، عن عبد الاعلى الصنعانی عن عبد الرزاق ، عن معمر ، عن أبی یحیى ، عن مجاهد ، عن ابن عباس قال : ... یا محمد وعزتی وجلالی لولاك لما خلقت آدم ، ولولا علی ما خلقت الجنة ، لأنی بكم أجزی العباد یوم المعاد بالثواب والعقاب
Behar Al-anvar; Alame Majlesi v 40 p 18-21
It has been narrated from Kashf Al-Yaghin and he has narrated it from Abu Jafar Ben Babuye. We have narrated this narration in the book '' Akhbar Al-Zahra'' from Muhammad Ben Al-Hasan Ben Saeid and he has narrated it from Forat Ben Ibrahim and he has narrated it from Muhammad Ben Ali Al-Hamdani and he has narrated it from Abi Al-Hasan Ben Khalf Ben Musa and he has narrated it from AbdAla Ali Al-Sanaei and he has narrated it from Abd Al-Razagh and he has narrated it from Moamar and he has narrated it from AbiYahya and he has narrated it from Mojahed and he has narrated it from Ebn Abbas… '' O' Muhammad! I swear to my greatness and purity; if you had not been, I would not have created human and if Ali had not been, I would not have created the heaven because I will award and punish human in the doomsday for the sake of you.
Of course, being narrated this narration by the Sunni scientists can demonstrate the validity of the narration because they have no motivation to falsify the virtues of Ahle Beit (peace be upon them) especially Amir Momenan (peace be upon him).
2. Maani Al-Akhbar:
The first narration:
Deceased Sadugh has narrated this narration in the holy book with the following document
حدثنا أحمد بن عیسى المكتب ، قال : حدثنا أحمد بن محمد الوراق ، قال : حدثنی بشر بن سعید بن قیلویه المعدل بالمرافقة قال : حدثنا عبد الجبار بن كثیر التمیمی الیمانی قال : سمعت محمد بن حرب الهلالی أمیر المدینة یقول : سألت جعفر بن محمد علیهما السلام ...
فأوحى الله عز وجل إلیهم : هذا نور من نوری أصله نبوة وفرعه إمامه ، أما النبوة فلمحمد عبدی ورسولی ، وأما الإمامة فلعلی حجتی وولیی ولولاهما ما خلقت خلقی
Maani Al-Akhbar p 350 tradition no 1
Great God made revelation to him and bade '' this light is from my light; its root is prophecy and its branch is Imamate. Prophecy is for my person and messenger, Muhammad, but Imamate is for my reason and guardian; if they had not been, I would not have created the world.
The second narration:
Deceased Sadugh has narrated this narration in the book '' Sharif'' / chapter: Mani Al-Shajare Alti Akel Menha Adam and Hava'' with the following document
حدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس النیسابوری العطار - رحمه الله - قال : حدثنا علی بن محمد بن قتیبة ، عن حمدان بن سلیمان ، عن عبد السلام بن صالح الهروی ، قال : قلت للرضا علیه السلام ...
And its text is as it is followed
فقال آدم : یا رب من هؤلاء ؟ فقال ، عز وجل : یا آدم هؤلاء ذریتك وهم خیر منك ومن جمیع خلقی ولولاهم ما خلقتك ولا خلقت الجنة والنار ولا السماء و الأرض
Hazrat Adam said '' O' my God! Who are these?'' then great God bade '' O' Adam! These are your offspring; these are more superior than you and all of the creatures. And if they had not been, I would not have created you, the paradise, the hell, the sky and the earth''.
The third narration:
Deceased Sadugh has narrated this narration in the book '' Sharif'' / chapter: Mani Al-Amane Alti Arazat Ala Al-Samavat and Al-Arz and Al-Jebal Fabein An Yahmalna and Ashfaghan Menha and Hamalaha Al-Ensan '' with the following document
حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن الهیثم العجلی - رضی الله عنه - قال ، حدثنا أبو العباس أحمد ین یحیى بن زكریا القطان ، قال : حدثنا أبو محمد بكر بن عبد الله بن حبیب ، قال : حدثنا تمیم بن بهلول ، عن أبیه ، عن محمد بن سنان ، عن المفضل بن عمر ، قال : قال أبو عبد الله علیه السلام...
And its text is as it is followed
فقال الله جل جلاله : لولا هم ما خلقتكما ، هؤلاء خزنة علمی ، وأمنائی على سری
Great God bade '' if Ahle Beit (peace be upon them) had not been, I would not have created both of you (Adam and Hava).
3. Elal Al-Sharaye:
The first narration:
Deceased Sadgh has said this narration with such document in the book '' Elal Al-Sharaye''/ chapter: 139-Al-Ele Men Ajleha Lam Yatagh Amir Al-Momenin Hamal the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) Lema Arad Hat Al-Asnam Men Sath Al-Kabe ''
Elal Al-Sharae v 1 p 173; first tradition
The second narration:
He has also said another narration in the chapter '' Al-Ele Al-Lati Men Ajlaha Saret Al-Anbia and Al-Rosol and Al-Hajaj Salavato Allah Alayhem Afzal Men Al-Malaekete'' with the following document
حدثنا الحسن بن محمد سعید الهاشمی قال : حدثنا فرات بن إبراهیم ابن فرات الكوفی قال : حدثنا محمد بن أحمد بن علی الهمدانی قال : حدثنی أبو الفضل العباس بن عبد الله البخاری قال : حدثنا محمد بن القاسم بن إبراهیم بن محمد بن عبد الله بن القاسم بن محمد بن أبی بكر قال : حدثنا عبد السلام بن صالح الهروی عن علی بن موسى الرضا عن أبیه موسى بن جعفر عن أبیه جعفر بن محمد عن أبیه محمد بن علی عن أبیه علی بن الحسین عن أبیه الحسین بن علی عن أبیه علی ابن أبی طالب علیهم السلام قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله علیه وآله
And its text is as it is followed
یا علی لولا نحن ما خلق الله آدم ولا حواء ولا الجنة ولا النار ، ولا السماء ولا الأرض
Elal Al-Sharae v 1 p 5 no 1
O' Ali! If we had not been, God would not have created Adam, Hava, the paradise, the hell, the sky and the earth.
:Al-Oyoon Al-Akhbar
The first narration:
Deceased Sheikh Sadugh has said the second narration of the book '' Elal Al-Sharaye'' in the book '' Oyoon''
Oyoon Akhbar Al-Reza v 2 p 237 no 22
:The second narration
He has narrated the second narration of the book '' Maani Al-Akhbar'' in this book
Oyoon Akhbar Al-Reza v 2 p 274 no 67
Kamal Al-Din:
Deceased Sheikh Sadugh has said the second narration of the book '' Elal Al-Sharaye'' in the sacred book '' Kamal Al-Din''
Kamal Al-Din p 254 no
. Yanabee Al-Mavadat Ghanduzi
It is interesting that this Hanafi scientist has said the second narration of the book ''Elal Al-Sharaye'' in his book '' Yanabee''
Yanabee Al-Mavadat v 3 p 378
Tafsir related to Imam Hassan Askari
فقال لها رسول الله صلى الله علیه وآله : دعوتك لتشهدی لی بالنبوة بعد شهادتك لله بالتوحید ثم تشهدی [ بعد شهادتك لی ] لعلی علیه السلام هذا بالإمامة ، وأنه سندی وظهری وعضدی وفخری [ وعزی ] ، ولولاه ما خلق الله عز وجل شیئا مما خلق .
Tafsir related to Imam Hassan Askari p 169
The messenger of God bade to the tree '' I have summoned you to attest to my prophecy after you attest to the unity of God. Then you attest to the Imamate of Imam Ali and he is also my companion, supporter, arm, greatness and honor. If he had not been, great God would have created nothing.
Sharh Al-Akhbar Ghazi Neman Al-Maghrebi
The first narration:
He has narrated the following narration in his book with the segmented document until Abu Harire narrates it
قال : هؤلاء خمسة من ولدك لولاهم ما خلقتك ولا خلقت الجنة ولا النار ولا العرش ولا الكرسی ولا السماء ولا الأرض ولا الملائكة ولا الانس ولا الجن .
Sharh Al-Akhbar v 2 p 500 no 884
God bade '' they are five persons from your generation; if they had not been, I would not have created you, the paradise, the hell, throne, the sky, the earth, the human and the jinn''.
The second narration:
The following narration has been narrated in the sacred book
قال : یا آدم صفوتی من خلقی لولاهم ما خلقت الجنة ولا النار ، خلقت الجنة لهم ولمن والاهم ، والنار لمن عاداهم .
Sharh Al-Akhbar v 3 p 6 no 923
O' Adam! These are the selected creatures; if they had not been, I would not have created the paradise and the hell. I have created the paradise for him and persons that love him and the hell for persons that have animosity with him.
Ghesas Al-Anbia:
Deceased Ghotb Ravandi has narrated the first narration '' Sharh Al-Akhbar'' in his book with a complete document from deceased Sheikh Sadugh
وعن ابن بابویه أخبرنا إبراهیم بن هارون الهیت
وعن ابن بابویه أخبرنا إبراهیم بن هارون الهیتی ، أخبرنا أبو بكر أحمد بن محمد بن عیسى ، أخبرنا محمد بن یزید القاضی ، أخبرنا قتیبة بن سعید ، أخبرنا اللیث بن سعد وإسماعیل بن جعفر عن أبیه ، عن أبی هریرة
Ghesas Al-Anbia p 57 no 10
Faraed Al-Semtin
The Sunni scientist, Hamuini, has narrated the first narration '' Sharh Al-Akhbar'' in his book
Faraed Al-Semtin p 5 Makhtut v 1 p 36; Matbu refer to SharhEhghagh Al-Hagh v 9 p 254; and Nafahat Al-Azhar v 4 p 213
. Arjah Al-Mataleb
The Sunni scientist, Alamer Tesri, has narrated the first narration '' Sharh Al-Akhbar'' in his book '' Arjah Al-Mataleb''
Faraed Al-Semtin p 5 Makhtut v 1 p 36; Matbu refer to SharhEhghagh Al-Hagh v 9 p 254; and Nafahat Al-Azhar v 4 p 213;
. Bahr Al-Maref
وروی فی بحر المعارف : لولاك لما خلقت الأفلاك ، ولولا علی لما خلقتك . وفی ضیاء العالمین للشیخ أبی الحسن الجد الأمی للشیخ محمد حسن صاحب الجواهر بزیادة فقرة : ولولا فاطمة لما خلقتكما . ونحوه من كتاب المرندی
Mostadrak Safinat Al-Behar; Al-Sheikh Ali Al-Nemari Al-Shahrudi; v 3 p 169
He has narrated in the book '' Bahr Al-Maref'' '' if you had not been, I would not have created the heavens and if Ali had not been, I would not have created you''. In addition, Ziya Al-Alamin Sheikh Abi Al-Hsan, the maternal grandfather of Maham Hasan, the writer of Javaher, has added '' if Fateme had not been, I would not have created both of you''. Similarly, it has been said in the book '' Marandi''.
Majma Al-Nurin Fazel Herandi
a) Al-Mostadrek Safine Al-Bahar from Majma Al-Nurin
كتاب مجمع النورین للفاضل المرندی قال : وفی الحدیث القدسی : لولاك لما خلقت الأفلاك ، ولولا علی لما خلقتك ، كما ذكره الوحید البهبهانی
وروی فی بحر المعارف : لولاك لما خلقت الأفلاك ، ولولا علی لما خلقتك . وفی ضیاء العالمین للشیخ أبی الحسن الجد الأمی للشیخ محمد حسن صاحب الجواهر بزیادة فقرة : ولولا فاطمة لما خلقتكما . ونحوه من كتاب المرندی
It has been narrated in the book of Majma Al-Nurin Fazel Herandi that he said'' it has been said in the Ghodsi Hadith, '' if you had not been, I would not have created the heavens and if Ali had not been, I would not have created you'' as Vahid Bahbani has narrated. He has narrated in the book '' Bahr Al-Maref'' '' if you had not been, I would not have created the heavens and if Ali had not been, I would not have created you''. In addition, Ziya Al-Alamin Sheikh Abi Al-Hsan, the maternal grandfather of Maham Hasan, the writer of Javaher, has added '' if Fateme had not been, I would not have created both of you''. Similarly, it has been said in the book '' Marandi''.
The second content has been said in the Shiite books. This content has been said in different books and it has been referred to other books in those books:
1. Kashf Al-Yaghin:
Deceased Alame Majlesi has narrated in the book '' Bahar''
36 - كشف الیقین : عن أبی جعفر بن بابویه برجال المخالفین رویناه من كتابه كتاب أخبار الزهراء ، عن محمد بن الحسن بن سعید ، عن فرات بن إبراهیم ، عن محمد بن علی الهمدانی ، عن أبی الحسن بن خلف بن موسى ، عن عبد الاعلى الصنعانی عن عبد الرزاق ، عن معمر ، عن أبی یحیى ، عن مجاهد ، عن ابن عباس قال : ... یا محمد وعزتی وجلالی لولاك لما خلقت آدم ، ولولا علی ما خلقت الجنة ، لأنی بكم أجزی العباد یوم المعاد بالثواب والعقاب
Behar Al-anvar; Alame Majlesi v 40 p 18-21
It has been narrated from Kashf Al-Yaghin and he has narrated it from Abu Jafar Ben Babuye. We have narrated this narration in the book '' Akhbar Al-Zahra'' from Muhammad Ben Al-Hasan Ben Saeid and he has narrated it from Forat Ben Ibrahim and he has narrated it from Muhammad Ben Ali Al-Hamdani and he has narrated it from Abi Al-Hasan Ben Khalf Ben Musa and he has narrated it from AbdAla Ali Al-Sanaei and he has narrated it from Abd Al-Razagh and he has narrated it from Moamar and he has narrated it from AbiYahya and he has narrated it from Mojahed and he has narrated it from Ebn Abbas… '' O' Muhammad! I swear to my greatness and purity; if you had not been, I would not have created human and if Ali had not been, I would not have created the heaven because I will award and punish human in the doomsday for the sake of you.
Of course, being narrated this narration by the Sunni scientists can demonstrate the validity of the narration because they have no motivation to falsify the virtues of Ahle Beit (peace be upon them) especially Amir Momenan (peace be upon him).
2. Maani Al-Akhbar:
The first narration:
Deceased Sadugh has narrated this narration in the holy book with the following document
حدثنا أحمد بن عیسى المكتب ، قال : حدثنا أحمد بن محمد الوراق ، قال : حدثنی بشر بن سعید بن قیلویه المعدل بالمرافقة قال : حدثنا عبد الجبار بن كثیر التمیمی الیمانی قال : سمعت محمد بن حرب الهلالی أمیر المدینة یقول : سألت جعفر بن محمد علیهما السلام ...
فأوحى الله عز وجل إلیهم : هذا نور من نوری أصله نبوة وفرعه إمامه ، أما النبوة فلمحمد عبدی ورسولی ، وأما الإمامة فلعلی حجتی وولیی ولولاهما ما خلقت خلقی
Maani Al-Akhbar p 350 tradition no 1
Great God made revelation to him and bade '' this light is from my light; its root is prophecy and its branch is Imamate. Prophecy is for my person and messenger, Muhammad, but Imamate is for my reason and guardian; if they had not been, I would not have created the world.
The second narration:
Deceased Sadugh has narrated this narration in the book '' Sharif'' / chapter: Mani Al-Shajare Alti Akel Menha Adam and Hava'' with the following document
حدثنا عبد الواحد بن محمد بن عبدوس النیسابوری العطار - رحمه الله - قال : حدثنا علی بن محمد بن قتیبة ، عن حمدان بن سلیمان ، عن عبد السلام بن صالح الهروی ، قال : قلت للرضا علیه السلام ...
And its text is as it is followed
فقال آدم : یا رب من هؤلاء ؟ فقال ، عز وجل : یا آدم هؤلاء ذریتك وهم خیر منك ومن جمیع خلقی ولولاهم ما خلقتك ولا خلقت الجنة والنار ولا السماء و الأرض
Hazrat Adam said '' O' my God! Who are these?'' then great God bade '' O' Adam! These are your offspring; these are more superior than you and all of the creatures. And if they had not been, I would not have created you, the paradise, the hell, the sky and the earth''.
The third narration:
Deceased Sadugh has narrated this narration in the book '' Sharif'' / chapter: Mani Al-Amane Alti Arazat Ala Al-Samavat and Al-Arz and Al-Jebal Fabein An Yahmalna and Ashfaghan Menha and Hamalaha Al-Ensan '' with the following document
حدثنا أحمد بن محمد بن الهیثم العجلی - رضی الله عنه - قال ، حدثنا أبو العباس أحمد ین یحیى بن زكریا القطان ، قال : حدثنا أبو محمد بكر بن عبد الله بن حبیب ، قال : حدثنا تمیم بن بهلول ، عن أبیه ، عن محمد بن سنان ، عن المفضل بن عمر ، قال : قال أبو عبد الله علیه السلام...
And its text is as it is followed
فقال الله جل جلاله : لولا هم ما خلقتكما ، هؤلاء خزنة علمی ، وأمنائی على سری
Great God bade '' if Ahle Beit (peace be upon them) had not been, I would not have created both of you (Adam and Hava).
3. Elal Al-Sharaye:
The first narration:
Deceased Sadgh has said this narration with such document in the book '' Elal Al-Sharaye''/ chapter: 139-Al-Ele Men Ajleha Lam Yatagh Amir Al-Momenin Hamal the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) Lema Arad Hat Al-Asnam Men Sath Al-Kabe ''
Elal Al-Sharae v 1 p 173; first tradition
The second narration:
He has also said another narration in the chapter '' Al-Ele Al-Lati Men Ajlaha Saret Al-Anbia and Al-Rosol and Al-Hajaj Salavato Allah Alayhem Afzal Men Al-Malaekete'' with the following document
حدثنا الحسن بن محمد سعید الهاشمی قال : حدثنا فرات بن إبراهیم ابن فرات الكوفی قال : حدثنا محمد بن أحمد بن علی الهمدانی قال : حدثنی أبو الفضل العباس بن عبد الله البخاری قال : حدثنا محمد بن القاسم بن إبراهیم بن محمد بن عبد الله بن القاسم بن محمد بن أبی بكر قال : حدثنا عبد السلام بن صالح الهروی عن علی بن موسى الرضا عن أبیه موسى بن جعفر عن أبیه جعفر بن محمد عن أبیه محمد بن علی عن أبیه علی بن الحسین عن أبیه الحسین بن علی عن أبیه علی ابن أبی طالب علیهم السلام قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله علیه وآله
And its text is as it is followed
یا علی لولا نحن ما خلق الله آدم ولا حواء ولا الجنة ولا النار ، ولا السماء ولا الأرض
Elal Al-Sharae v 1 p 5 no 1
O' Ali! If we had not been, God would not have created Adam, Hava, the paradise, the hell, the sky and the earth.
:Al-Oyoon Al-Akhbar
The first narration:
Deceased Sheikh Sadugh has said the second narration of the book '' Elal Al-Sharaye'' in the book '' Oyoon''
Oyoon Akhbar Al-Reza v 2 p 237 no 22
:The second narration
He has narrated the second narration of the book '' Maani Al-Akhbar'' in this book
Oyoon Akhbar Al-Reza v 2 p 274 no 67
Kamal Al-Din:
Deceased Sheikh Sadugh has said the second narration of the book '' Elal Al-Sharaye'' in the sacred book '' Kamal Al-Din''
Kamal Al-Din p 254 no
. Yanabee Al-Mavadat Ghanduzi
It is interesting that this Hanafi scientist has said the second narration of the book ''Elal Al-Sharaye'' in his book '' Yanabee''
Yanabee Al-Mavadat v 3 p 378
Tafsir related to Imam Hassan Askari
فقال لها رسول الله صلى الله علیه وآله : دعوتك لتشهدی لی بالنبوة بعد شهادتك لله بالتوحید ثم تشهدی [ بعد شهادتك لی ] لعلی علیه السلام هذا بالإمامة ، وأنه سندی وظهری وعضدی وفخری [ وعزی ] ، ولولاه ما خلق الله عز وجل شیئا مما خلق .
Tafsir related to Imam Hassan Askari p 169
The messenger of God bade to the tree '' I have summoned you to attest to my prophecy after you attest to the unity of God. Then you attest to the Imamate of Imam Ali and he is also my companion, supporter, arm, greatness and honor. If he had not been, great God would have created nothing.
Sharh Al-Akhbar Ghazi Neman Al-Maghrebi
The first narration:
He has narrated the following narration in his book with the segmented document until Abu Harire narrates it
قال : هؤلاء خمسة من ولدك لولاهم ما خلقتك ولا خلقت الجنة ولا النار ولا العرش ولا الكرسی ولا السماء ولا الأرض ولا الملائكة ولا الانس ولا الجن .
Sharh Al-Akhbar v 2 p 500 no 884
God bade '' they are five persons from your generation; if they had not been, I would not have created you, the paradise, the hell, throne, the sky, the earth, the human and the jinn''.
The second narration:
The following narration has been narrated in the sacred book
قال : یا آدم صفوتی من خلقی لولاهم ما خلقت الجنة ولا النار ، خلقت الجنة لهم ولمن والاهم ، والنار لمن عاداهم .
Sharh Al-Akhbar v 3 p 6 no 923
O' Adam! These are the selected creatures; if they had not been, I would not have created the paradise and the hell. I have created the paradise for him and persons that love him and the hell for persons that have animosity with him.
Ghesas Al-Anbia:
Deceased Ghotb Ravandi has narrated the first narration '' Sharh Al-Akhbar'' in his book with a complete document from deceased Sheikh Sadugh
وعن ابن بابویه أخبرنا إبراهیم بن هارون الهیت
وعن ابن بابویه أخبرنا إبراهیم بن هارون الهیتی ، أخبرنا أبو بكر أحمد بن محمد بن عیسى ، أخبرنا محمد بن یزید القاضی ، أخبرنا قتیبة بن سعید ، أخبرنا اللیث بن سعد وإسماعیل بن جعفر عن أبیه ، عن أبی هریرة
Ghesas Al-Anbia p 57 no 10
Faraed Al-Semtin
The Sunni scientist, Hamuini, has narrated the first narration '' Sharh Al-Akhbar'' in his book
Faraed Al-Semtin p 5 Makhtut v 1 p 36; Matbu refer to SharhEhghagh Al-Hagh v 9 p 254; and Nafahat Al-Azhar v 4 p 213
. Arjah Al-Mataleb
The Sunni scientist, Alamer Tesri, has narrated the first narration '' Sharh Al-Akhbar'' in his book '' Arjah Al-Mataleb''
Faraed Al-Semtin p 5 Makhtut v 1 p 36; Matbu refer to SharhEhghagh Al-Hagh v 9 p 254; and Nafahat Al-Azhar v 4 p 213;
. Bahr Al-Maref
وروی فی بحر المعارف : لولاك لما خلقت الأفلاك ، ولولا علی لما خلقتك . وفی ضیاء العالمین للشیخ أبی الحسن الجد الأمی للشیخ محمد حسن صاحب الجواهر بزیادة فقرة : ولولا فاطمة لما خلقتكما . ونحوه من كتاب المرندی
Mostadrak Safinat Al-Behar; Al-Sheikh Ali Al-Nemari Al-Shahrudi; v 3 p 169
He has narrated in the book '' Bahr Al-Maref'' '' if you had not been, I would not have created the heavens and if Ali had not been, I would not have created you''. In addition, Ziya Al-Alamin Sheikh Abi Al-Hsan, the maternal grandfather of Maham Hasan, the writer of Javaher, has added '' if Fateme had not been, I would not have created both of you''. Similarly, it has been said in the book '' Marandi''.
Majma Al-Nurin Fazel Herandi
a) Al-Mostadrek Safine Al-Bahar from Majma Al-Nurin
كتاب مجمع النورین للفاضل المرندی قال : وفی الحدیث القدسی : لولاك لما خلقت الأفلاك ، ولولا علی لما خلقتك ، كما ذكره الوحید البهبهانی
وروی فی بحر المعارف : لولاك لما خلقت الأفلاك ، ولولا علی لما خلقتك . وفی ضیاء العالمین للشیخ أبی الحسن الجد الأمی للشیخ محمد حسن صاحب الجواهر بزیادة فقرة : ولولا فاطمة لما خلقتكما . ونحوه من كتاب المرندی
It has been narrated in the book of Majma Al-Nurin Fazel Herandi that he said'' it has been said in the Ghodsi Hadith, '' if you had not been, I would not have created the heavens and if Ali had not been, I would not have created you'' as Vahid Bahbani has narrated. He has narrated in the book '' Bahr Al-Maref'' '' if you had not been, I would not have created the heavens and if Ali had not been, I would not have created you''. In addition, Ziya Al-Alamin Sheikh Abi Al-Hsan, the maternal grandfather of Maham Hasan, the writer of Javaher, has added '' if Fateme had not been, I would not have created both of you''. Similarly, it has been said in the book '' Marandi''.