Position of Shiite religion in relation to other religions

On the face of it, these scholars have not understood the pray well. The difference between Naseby and Sunnite is as much as the difference between the
Monday, May 8, 2017
Estimated time of study:
author: علی اکبر مظاهری
موارد بیشتر برای شما
Position of Shiite religion in relation to other religions
Position of Shiite religion in relation to other religions

Translator: Zahra. Kalaa
Source: rasekhoon.net


On the face of it, these scholars have not understood the pray well. The difference between Naseby and Sunnite is as much as the difference between the earth and the sky. The exact wordings of Sheikh Tusi (may God’s mercy be upon him) are
و لا يجوز نكاح الناصبية المظهرة لعداوة آل محمد عليهم السلام
‘’It is prohibited to marry a Naseby person that has animosity with the prophet’s family (peace be upon them)’’.
Do the scholars that have translated this in the Sunnite rather than Naseby consider themselves Naseby? Do they consider themselves as the enemies of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them)? Sheikh Tusi has said (may God’s mercy be upon him) ‘’ marrying the enemies of the prophet’s family is prohibited’’. The Sunni scientists are fond of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) and we believe that they are fond of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them). In addition, they consider uttering praise to Muhammad and his descendants (peace be upon them) as one of conditions in the rightness of their prayers. If they do not utter praise to Muhammad and his descendants (peace be upon them), they will consider their prayers false. They also utter praise to Muhammad and his descendants (peace be upon them) in the sermons of their Friday prayers.
I want all of dear Shiites to record the statement that I am reading, to refer to its source, to blue tooth it, to put it on sites and web logs and to do necessary actions. When enemies make riot in our area, we should not stop any actions and we should defend ourselves.
Sheikh Tusi (may God’s mercy be upon him) bade
و لا يجوز نكاح الناصبية المظهرة لعداوة آل محمد عليهم السلام
‘’It is prohibited to marry a Naseby person that has animosity with the prophet’s family’’.
Then Sheikh Tusi (may God’s mercy be upon him) narrated a narration from Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him)
لا يتزوج المؤمن بالناصبية المعروفة بذلك.
‘’ a Shiite man is prohibited to marry a Naseby woman’’.
This interpretation has been mentioned in the narration (page three hundred and three)
سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن الناصب الذي عرف نصبه و عداوته، هل يزوجه المؤمن و هو قادر علي رده و هو لا يعلم برده؟ قال: لا يتزوج المؤمن الناصبية و لا يتزوج الناصب مؤمنة.
‘’I asked Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him) about marrying a person that is Naseby and has animosity with the prophet’s family (peace be upon them). He bade ‘’ a devout man is prohibited to marry a Naseby woman and a Naseby man is prohibited to marry a devout woman’’.
If these scientists are devout, the narration of Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him) can be related to them. Marriage of a Shiite woman with a Nasebi man and the enemy of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) is prohibited and false. We think that a Sunni person who believes in the affection of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) and this verse ‘’ قُلْ لَا أَسْأَلُكُمْ عَلَيْهِ أَجْرًا إِلَّا الْمَوَدَّةَ فِي الْقُرْبَي ’’should not marry a Nasebi man and the enemy of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them).
It has been said in this blue tooth
‘’ the meat of their killed animals is impure and it cannot be eaten’’.
It has been narrated from Imam Bagher (peace be upon him)
ذكر الناصب فقال: لا تناكحهم و لا تأكل ذبيحتهم و لا تسكن معهم
When it was discussed about the Naseby religion, Imam Bagher (peace be upon him) bade ‘’ do not marry them, do not eat the meat of their killed animals and do not communicate with them’’.
All of these are the matters from the book ‘’Tahzib al-Ahkam’’ that I mentioned and it turned out that the purpose of the narrations and Sheikh Tusi (God’s mercy be upon him) was the Naseby people and the enemies of the prophet’s family صلوات الله عليهم أجمعين)).
Some references have been mentioned in relation to ‘’ من لا يحضره الفقيه’’ (volume one/page eight and volume three /page two hundred and fifty eight’’ (these are only things that we have in the computer’’. The second address is: volume three/page four hundred and eight. It is clear that I would like all of the Sunni and Shiite scientists to pay attention to this statement. The statement of Sheikh Tusi (God’s mercy be upon him) is
و من إستحل لعن أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام و الخروج علي المسلمين و قتلهم حرمت مناكحته، لأن فيها الإلقاء بالأيدي إلي التهلكة و الجهال يتوهمون أن كل مخالف ناصب و ليس كذلك
‘’ marrying a person that accepts cursing the leader of the faithful (peace be upon him), standing against the Muslims and killing them is prohibited. Idiots and stupid people imagine that all of the opponents (the Sunni people) are Nasebi, but they are not’’.
It does not matter who these idiots and stupid people are (whether they are people that give sermons, praisers or the Shiite scientists and whether they are Sunni or Vahabi scientists, betrayer or pensioner).
This is a statement that Sheikh Sadugh (may God’s mercy be upon him) bade. Dear sisters! Dear brothers! Dear Sunni people! Do not let them enter among you and stand firmly against the prattlers that distort the narrations.
He narrated from Sheikh Sadugh (may God’s mercy be upon him) in the book ‘’ Men La Yahzere al-Faghie’’in this blue tooth
‘’Marrying a Sunni person is false and prohibited’’.
Our purpose is not the Sunni people at all. Sheikh Sadugh (may God’s mercy be upon him) bade
و الجهال يتوهمون أن كل مخالف ناصب و ليس كذلك.
‘’ Idiots and stupid people imagine that all of the opponents (the Sunni people) are Naseby, but they are not’’.
This has been mentioned in this blue tooth
‘’the vomit of a Sunni person is worse than any enemies of the Islam’’.
We should say that Sunnite has not been intended at all.
These have been mentioned in the book ‘’Man La Yahzare al-Faghie ‘’ (volume one /page eight’’ and the sample that we have is in (page nine/ Hadith eleven)
Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him) has bade
و لا يجوز الوضوء بسؤر اليهودي و النصراني و ولد الزنا و المشرك و كل من خالف الاسلام و أشد من ذلك سؤر الناصب.
‘’It is prohibited to eat the food that has been half eaten by Yahudi , Nesby ,polytheist and every one that is against the Islam and worse than all, the food that has been half eaten by Naseby people and the enemy of the prophet’s family’’.
Has this narration not been said clearly that the Sunni people are not intended?!
We would like to ask Sunni people
‘’if people that issue these statements and distribute these blue tooth are Sunni and consider themselves the enemies of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them), we should not have any doubts. All of old and new jurisprudents have issued fatwa ‘’the people that have animosity with the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) and abuse them are impure’’.
Moreover, most of the Sunni jurisprudents have the same ideas as the Shiite jurisprudents. If they consider themselves friends of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them), these narrations cannot be related to the Sunnite.
What do the Shiite jurisprudents think about marrying Sunni people and eating the meat of killed animals?
You have asked very good question. Dear audience! If they state two narrations against you, you should be alert enough to say
‘’ we do not care about these narrations and we are not followers of Sheikh Tusi (may God’s mercy be upon him) and Sheikh Sadugh (May God’s mercy be upon him). There are valid and weak narrations in their books, but we cannot recognize valid and weak narrations. We are followers of our authorities and we should be informed of their fatwa in order to act them’’.
What do the Shiite jurisprudents think about the purity of the Sunnis and marriage with them?
1) Hazrat Ayat Allah al-Ozma Khui (may God’s mercy be upon him)
Hazrat Ayat Allah al-Ozma Khui (may God’s mercy be upon him) (رضوان الله تعالي عليه) is one of well-known Shiite jurisprudents and he has trained thousand students. He says clearly in the book ‘’ al-Tahere’’ (volume 2/page 84 / the third publication /year 1410/Dar al-Hadi of Qom)
فلا يعتبر في الإسلام غير الشهادتين.
‘’ to prove whether a person is Muslim or not, we should take care of attestations’’.
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله
‘’Every one that says these attestations will be considered a Muslim’’.
Then he says
السيرة القطعية الجارية علي طهارة أهل الخلاف، حيث إن المتشرعين في زمان الأئمة ـ ع ـ و كذلك الأئمة بأنفسهم كانوا يشترون منهم اللحم و يرون حلية ذبائحهم و يباشرونهم.
‘’the firm document demonstrates the purity of the Sunnis. It also proves that the religious people and the Imams bought meat from them, considered the meat of their killed animals pure and communicated with them’’.
Not only do I consider the Sunnis pure, but all of the jurisprudents, from the time of the Imams (peace be upon them) until now, issued fatwa about the purity of the Sunnis during the history. Even the Imams (peace be upon them) considered the Sunnis pure. This is the fatwa of the famous Shiite jurisprudent. There is no question about purity of the Sunnis. Vahabi supporters have tried to make the Sunni scientists accept that the Shiites consider them impure. These Sunni scientists are ignorant.
It is interesting to know that Mr.Ben Jabrin (I have said his fatwa several times and I have mentioned in the book ‘’ Vahabiat from the point of view of the mind and the religion’’ that is the second mufti of Saudi Arab says
‘’the Shiites are unbeliever and we have no doubt about their blasphemy for few reasons: 1) the Shiites consider the Sunnis impure and if they shake hand with the Sunnis, they will wash their hands right away’’.
If a camel driver of the deserts of Riyaz or one of wanderers in Zahedan says such a remark, we will have no complain because people talk within their knowledge, but if the second mufti of Arab and a well-known personality and jurisprudent with Ph.D from university says such a remark, what should we say?
Excellency Hazrat Ayatollah Khui (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants bides in the book ‘’al-Tahere’’ (volume 2/page 83) about the Sunni scientists that do not believe in the guardianship and Imamte of Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) and the Imams ( peace be upon them)
‘’ we do not consider them impure’’.
لعدم ثبوت الخلافة عندهم بالضرورة لأهل البيت ـ ع ـ نعم الولاية ـ بمعني الخلافة ـ من ضروريات المذهب لا من ضروريات الدين.
‘’ we do not consider them impure because it has not been proved (because of ignorance or lack of reasoning) that Imamate of Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) and the Imams (peace be upon them) are the essentials of the faith. Guardianship that means caliphate is from the essentials of the religion not faith‘’

2) Alame Heli (may God’s mercy be upon him) (died in 726 A.H.)
Alame Heli (may God’s mercy be upon him) that is one of the religious founders and well-known personalities of the Shiite bade clearly in the book ‘’Mokhtalef al-Shiite’’ (volume eight / page three hundred)
‘’the meat of killed animals of the Sunnite is clean and it can be eaten, but the meat of killed animals of the Naseby is not clean and it cannot be eaten’’.
3) Vahid Behbahani (may God’s mercy be upon him)
Deceased Vahid Behbahani (God’s mercy be upon him) has this interpretation (the meat of killed animals of the Sunnite is clean and it can be eaten, but the meat of killed animals of the Nasebi is not clean and it cannot be eaten) in the book ‘’Majma al-Faede Va al-Bohran ‘’ (volume one/page six hundred and sixty one)
4) Alame Taba Tabai (may God’s mercy be upon him) (died in 1231 A.H.)
Deceased Alame Taba Tabai (may God’s mercy be upon him) bade in the book ‘’Riyaz al-Masael’’ (volume 12/page 102)
‘’ marrying Sunni people is not prohibited and the meat of killed animals of the Nasebi is clean’’.


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