Betar organization and Zionism

Betar organization's goals and programs during the first conference in 1922 in Warsaw was as followsby Jabotinskij :
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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Betar organization and Zionism
Betar organization and Zionism

Translator: Davood Salehan


Betar organization's goals and programs during the first conference in 1922 in Warsaw was as followsby Jabotinskij :
1. Establishing Empire of Israel on both sides of the Jordan River.
2. Lezhionism (formation of a volunteer military groups).
3. Severe discipline.
4. Consolidate the status of the Jewish people.
5. The mobilization of forces.
6. Hebrew language.
7. Monism
During the conference Betar, Jabotinskij declared: Zionism should avoid any political and religious mixing.
Elements of the organization then formed a new Zionist Organization, the Irgun terrorist organization, led by Menachem Begin.
The Talmud (Aramaic, derived from the Hebrew = education): A collection of Jewish oral law attached to rabbinic interpretations. Compared with the faithful Jews' written law that know it valid everywhere, Talmud in the first stage included Mashna that is text of oral law in Hebrew and then Gomara, in Aramaic, which is an interpretation on Mashna. Yerushylmy or Jerusalem Talmud provided by Palestinian scholars, ended in the early 5th century AD. The Babylonian Talmud was provided at the beginning of the 6th century AD and it was considered a valid reference because the text of the Jerusalem Talmud was not quite reserved. In the 2nd century AD, the Talmudic period began, which lasted until the 6th century AD and the Talmud was collected, compiled and interpreted in this century.
Rabbi: rabbi is known as scholars and members of the Jewish community. Jews, called their elders and scholars as "Rabn"(= our master) or rabbi (= Master I), but since past, with a humble they called themselves "Telmiz Khakhamym» (= pupils of Wise). The word rabbi is common between Muslims and in Arabic it means wise person. However, Rabn in fact was as Jews' scholar not priests and it was common between Palestinian since old times. The major task of Rabn was doing legal and judicial affairs of Jews and in the period after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, the Rabns were in charge of compiling Jewish oral law. Karaite Judaism sect that did not believe in any explanation and interpretation of Rabns, and did not know the Talmud right, called their opponents who also believed in the contents of the Talmud, called Rabanim (= Rabani).
Ghetto: separate neighborhoods in the cities where the Jews were forced to stay together. The first mandatory ghetto was in the late 14th century in Spain and Portugal. The most famous ghetto is Frankfurt ghetto that Jews were forced to stay in it in 1460. Venice ghetto was established in 1516. In 1870, the last ghetto vanished in Rome. Ghettos existed as "Jewish neighborhoods"in some Islamic countries as well.
Diaspora: literally means dispersion. It is Hebrew word that is usually used for settlement of scattered Jews out of Palestine, after the exile to Babylon that ended in 536 BC, or it is said to areas outside of Palestine in where Jews were settled, and it was sometimes used for the Jews living outside Palestine.
Kibbutzim - Kibbutz: it is a Hebrew word by meaning of categories and groups, but its meaning had changed and is symbol of a group of people who collectively worked and lived together in the fields. And the term refers to Israeli collective farms. Kibbutz apparently is a production-agricultural unit, but the basic elements of it feed from Zionism's philosophical - political framework for Palestine's occupation. Therefore, its members are not only farmers, but they are fighters who do not agriculture. Kibbutz members are considered as human resources of establishment of Jewish settlements and the confiscation of Palestinian lands. One of the significant differences between kibbutzes with Russian Kolkhoz (Soviet collective farm) is outstanding reputation in relation to their military occupation.
Hastdrot: the biggest and the most important General Union of Israeli Workers that has been created in 1920 to create Jewish workers society. Its full name is Hastedrot Audym that means the General Union of Jewish workers in Israel and usually Hastedrot is used alone. Its establishment was officially announced in 1920 in Haifa, but its establishmentgoes back to recent years, particularly 1911, while establishming Jewish trade unions in Palestine. In Congress which was held from 4 to 9 December 1920, the purpose of establishment of the Union was announced as integrating all the workers and the farmers who accelerated work and reclamation. It had 200,000 members by the end of the British Mandate, but in 1969, the number of its members became 653/038/1members, and in 1974, 42% of the total population and 90 percent of all workers were members.
Hastedrot is a powerful economic force that is involved in 60 percent of crop production and 50% heavy industry and 25% of industrial production and 45 percent of construction work and 39% of the logistics and approximately A quarter of national production belongs to it. it participates government and foreign investment in the occupied Palestinian territory and in foreign countries. It has especiall bank, publication and institute. In terms of politics, it has crucial influence and position.
Knesset: it is a Hebrew name that means conference and rally to Israel's parliament. The Jewish Temple is also called "Haknesset house," that means a place where Jews gather together.
Racism: racism is a theory that says there is a relationship between racial and cultural traits and some races are inherently superior to other races. Racism put all non-biological groupings such as religious sects, nations, language groups and cultural groups in the race content and so it can be considered as extremely ethnocentrism.
Anti-Semitism: being against the Jewish people and supremacy and enmity with the Jews and incitement against them; before the nineteenth century, anti-Semitism, that mostly had religious aspects, was expressed in form of murder, pillage and mass deportation and social exclusion. Jews were not allowed to do jobs such as usury, resulting in anti-Semitism finding economic aspect.
Israel (Hebrew = someone who fights along with God), the name that was given to the Prophet Jacob by Torah (Genesis 28032), and it is mentioned in the Quran twice. Their children who are the Hebrews or Jews are called children of Israel. Twelve Tribes or twelve tribes of Israel have been called after 10 sons and 2 grandchildren (children of Joseph) of Jacob: Ravyn, Simon, Judah, Zebulun, Issachar, Dan, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh. For the thirteenth tribe (Levi).
The building of the Holy Temple: Prophet David began building the temple of Jerusalem, but at the time of Solomon the temple was finished and it was called Temple of Solomon.
Sakineh Ark: the Ark of the Covenant is the same that Moses put his tablets in it. Sakineh means peace and children of Israel carried the ark in wars so they can be calm and reassuring.



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