Jews tactics to penetrate the states

One of Jews' tactics to achieve their goals is that they put their beautiful women and girls in service of the right people, thus they pave the way to
Friday, June 2, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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Jews tactics to penetrate the states
Jews tactics to penetrate the states

Translator: Davood Salehan


One of Jews' tactics to achieve their goals is that they put their beautiful women and girls in service of the right people, thus they pave the way to achieve their goals. The topic has been mentioned in their protocols. Jews have used this trick throughout history. Note the examples of this category.
England- Edward VII:
Before Edward VII became the British king, Jew using this method changed British policy in relation to the Jews. Jews, put some of their women in the hands of Edward VII and British policy completely changed in relation to the Jew. Some of the British and Americans have also cited the names of women who had sexual relations with Edward VII and touted them as Edward's mistresses. When Edward VII had a formal marriage, the relationships continued. In explaining the relationships, they say that Edward's wife was also aware of what he was doing and she had accepted that, too. Edward VII's daughter also had liaison with Rotchild.
In other cases if Zionist Jews cannot achieve all their goals use this also as blackmail. When Thomas Woodrow Wilson, former president of America, taught at the university, Zionist Jews used a married Jewish woman as a tool. After Wilson was the president of America, Zionists Jews used the case as blackmail to achieve their goals. Jewish Zionist Samuel Untermeyer followed the case and led to Brandeis Zionist being appointed as a judge in the Supreme Court of America and Louis Dembitz Brandis also suggested fake story of hitting SS Sussex ship of America by Germany to Wilson. Later, the America's presence in World War I and then giving Palestine to the Zionist Jews by England was parts of this story that were in direction with the goals of the Zionist Jews.
America's former president - Bill Clinton – did outstanding services for Jews and had close relationship with the Zionist Jews, but the Jews wanted absolute obedience from him. At least 65 people in his cabinet or in the White House, who were in very sensitive positions, were Zionist Jews, but then, they set another trap for him that was Monica Lewinsky affair. Monica Lewinsky is a Zionist Jew. Also, Linda Tripp was the person who stated that Maniac told me this story and she revealed it was also a Zionist Jew. @ Washington Post - the first media that published the story – is also owned by the Zionist Jews. After the publication of this story, Jews entertained the people of America by the story for a long time until they were transferred to the next bunkers and found harder positions to dominate the people of America.
Iran – Xerxes – Iranian Holocaust by Jews
Mordecai came to the court of Xerxes, and later, Esther was at the disposal of Xerxes, and then she reached her goals including the massacre of 77,000 Iranians, even women and children.
Why did Jewish Mordecai, who believed in Judaism and claimed to be concerned for Jewish people, let her cousin be in service of a person who did not believe in Judaism? Is it other than doing this to achieve their sinister goals, as well as domination over the Iranian people?
Mordecai, a Jew who was taken from Jerusalem to Babylon and came to Iran from there and penetrated the court of Xerxes and with the help of his assistant - Esther who was Mordecai's cousin, compensated Kingdom blessings and miracles for Jews at the time of Cyrus at the time of Xerxes. At a time when Mordecai was in the court of Xerxes, there was a plan to evict the king's wife, named Vashti and then Mordecai entered her cousin to the court. Then, Mordecai, who had the role of a counselor for Esther, caused Esther to be selected as the wife of Xerxes. Based on the story of the Jews in the Book of Esther in the Old Testament (Torah itself), Xerxes had no information about Mordecai and Esther relationship as being cousins. Esther prepared drinking feast and invited Xerxes and Haman, Minister of Xerxes. In the House with the role that Esther plays, permission to kill Haman, 10 sons of Haman, 500 of courtiers of King, 300 people in Susa, and killing people in other parts of Iran is obtained that result (as Jews have noted in the Old Testament) is killing 77,000 Iranians - even women and children – and the killings should be called as Holocaust took place by Jewish. Note that every year Jews celebrate a day under the name Forum for committing this crime in which they dance and even drink alcoholic beverages in their synagogues. Jews explain about the crime in their religious books, the Old Testament in Esther chapter. Jews say that after killing Haman, Mordecai was the second biggest power after Xerxes in Iran. Jews say that the killings led to hundreds of thousands of Mizrahi Jews to live in Iran for 2,400 years. In some cases, Jews in America and Israel addressed some Iranian officials and say we will do the same as what we did to Haman. (Audacity to what extent?) Of course, Zionist Jews are so rude and aggressive that if they could, they would have called Haman, Xerxes' minister a Nazi, and stupid people also would have believed it.
For us Iranians it is a shame that people like Mordecai and Esther led to death of 77,000 Iranians even women and children and they were the second power in Iran and Iranian queen. Note that the Jews call them as prophets.
Of course, the killing of 77,000 Iranians - even women and children – is not the first and last murder of Jews throughout history. During the past 77 years, the Zionist Jews committed the same crimes not only against Palestinian men, but against Palestinian and Lebanese women and children and they have slaughtered them. Killing about 2,000 people in the camps of Sabra and Shatila (Lebanon) - even women and children - is an example of their crimes.



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