World War II and the Holocaust

At the beginning of this topic something in connection with my position should be referred and that is: we are not happy any oppression and crime be
Monday, July 3, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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World War II and the Holocaust
World War II and the Holocaust

Translator: Davood Salehan


Jewish Holocaust story:

At the beginning of this topic something in connection with my position should be referred and that is: we are not happy any oppression and crime be applied even against our enemies and we condemn all crimes that have taken place in past, and we hate those who have committed the crimes.
Another point is that we are sick of hearing about the Holocaust of the Jews and addressing this issue! Why not spending time on the numerous crimes that Jews have committed throughout history? Why do not we talk about various direct or indirect holocausts that were done by Jews?
Jews with being influential in America have been trying to ratify laws in various states of America to make passing course named the Jewish Holocaust be compulsory for secondary school pupils, but there are no words about crimes that Jews have committed throughout history.
Jews for emphasis on their Holocaust claim that the Jewish Holocaust is the biggest crime in the history and non-Jews should know about the Holocaust so that they never repeat it again.
When some American ask Jews why do not non-Jews need to know about other crimes that have historically been done (like 135 thousand people killed in the city of knock in Saxony Germany and 11,000 Polish officers were killed in Ketin and their bodies were found by the Germans in Ketin forests near Asmolenzik or the massacre of nearly 9,500 people in Vintesa in Ukraine? As an answer they will repeat the same sentences and say that the Jewish Holocaust is the greatest crime in history and you - non-Jews - should know it, so that you will never repeat the crime.
In fact it is in this way that we, non-Jews, should know about Auschwitz because the Jews claim that they were killed in there, but we should not know other cases where non-Jews have been killed because:
Firstly, non-Jews are not God's chosen people and killing them does not matter.
Secondly, non-Jewish should have feelings of guilt and a feeling that they owe Jews, because non-Jews allowed such killing so that this event happen and on the other hand, raising the claimed Holocaust of Jews have had great benefit to the Jews and huge sums are paid to them.
Thirdly, if the Jews talk about killing in Ketin and Vintesa, then they should make a confession to the massacres they have committed. In this case, billions of dollars from various sources that are paid to the Jews about the Holocaust claim will stop and Jews must also pay compensation for their crimes. Jews have always demanded from non-Jews. They demand from the oppressed people of Iraq is the most recent example.
Americans say that: if the American media is in the hands of Poles living in America, then we would have talked about Ketin destruction. If the American mass media was in the hands of Germans living in America, then they would have spoken about Dresden destruction. If American media was in hands of Ukrainians living in America, then they would have spent time on Vintesa destruction and made America's students aware of the crimes committed by Jews. Now that it is in the hands of Jews, they constantly speak about Jews' lies and Auschwitz and the Holocaust and overlook and the crimes that have been committed by Jews throughout history.
Reason and logic of Jews:
In relation to the alleged Jewish Holocaust a few things should be mentioned.
On the issue of alleged Jewish Holocaust some points should be noted. Jewish logic and reasoning in relation to the Holocaust is like their logic in relation to other issues such as Palestine and so on.
We mention an example to make you more familiar with the nature of the Zionist Jews, as well their as logic, reasoning and judgment. Before this example, a point should be said. In cases that people saw Imam Khomeini and asserted their love towards him and chanted slogans indicating undisputed compliance of them for the Dear Leader of the Revolution, and showed that they will sacrifice life for him, Imam also mutually waved his hand and responded feelings of people. Sure you (in person or by IRIB) have watched this scene.
In 1993 Jews established tow museums called Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles and Washington D.C. and in total, by the end of 2008, they established 62 museums in the world for hi Holocaust story. Jewish Holocaust Museum in Los Angeles was named Museum of Tolerance of Simon Center Vizental. The museum was sponsored by the Jewish Zionist Vizental Simon. The museum's founder is leader of Los Angeles rabbis, Rabbi Marvin Hier. Rabbi Marvin Hier is the Zionist Jew that when Jews made huge attacks against Marlon Brando, after a few days, said to the Jews through the media in America: Marlon Brando came to my office and literally cried and said he is regretful of what he has said and is happy to visit the Museum of tolerance on Friday (April 12th, 1996). Accordingly, Rabbi Hier requested Zionist Jews to end the attacks against Marlon Brando.
In "unmasked America" book, in the section " Jews pretending to be oppressed " some points in connection with the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles are noted, including the fact that, in 1997, a visitor to the museum realized that the Jews have put the picture of Imam Khomeini while shaking his hand for people alongside Hitler's image that his hands is straight for his Nazis fans, including Ashkenazi Jews. Jewish museum guide also states that Khomeini is no different with Hitler, and Imam was described as Hitler. He spoke to them and asked them to take his picture down. It was also reflected in the Los Angeles Times. Some Muslims residing in America suggest that due to the fact that Imam Khomeini is considered as an Islamic leader as well as an example and a model of Islam, therefore, the Zionist Jews in this way want to say that Islam and Nazism are the same.
However, you imagine when Zionist Jews in the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles put the picture of Imam Khomeini next to an image of Hitler and state that Hitler and Khomeini have same characters and same policy line, and know the ideas of Imam and Hitler the same, then you will realize Zionist Jew and their relatives' nature and logic, reasoning and judgment in various items.
In another example is in connection with the issue of Palestine and the crimes that are committed by Zionist Jews in Palestine. Zionist Jews state that Israel is the land of our fathers and ancestors, and when we came here from Europe and so on, nobody lived here and a nation called Palestine did not exist at all, these cases were made by Muslims later. In connection with the massacre committed by the Zionist Jews in Palestine, they say that we do not kill them. We are in some cases doing self-defense. The Palestinians are the ones who have occupied our land and throw stones at us such for issues like Intifada and so on, and target our towns with their missiles and injure our people and kill them.
Relatives of Zionist Jews also repeat the same content. For example, when Colin pollen, who was in the cabinet of George Bush as America's foreign minister, in his speech in one of the Arabic countries in the Persian Gulf that "Saddam Hussein is your enemy, not Ariel Sharon". At the same time, many times Zionist Jews attacked occupied Palestinian territory including in Jenin that international observers visited the city of Jenin, and they said it was like an earthquake-stricken city. Then, Colin Powell said on April 26, 2002 in connection with the attacks by the Israeli army to Jenin: "There is no evidence that Israel has committed a crime in Jenin". At the same time, on April 25, 2002 another Zionist Jew named Tom Daley, who was a member of the House of Representatives of America, said at a hearing of the Senate Committee of America in connection with the issue of Israeli attacks on Jenin and killing people: "I went to Israel and I saw no occupied territories."
Now you imagine if Zionist Jewish slaves have such judgments in connection with recognizably criminal Zionist Jews in occupied Palestine, then, what false content that the terrorist Zionist Jews say and what facts that they cover up in connection with crimes that are committed every day in Palestine! Jews have such attitude and judgment in relation to various issues. In connection with the killing of their prophets, killing 77,000 Iranians, killing John F. Kennedy, and other cases they also said such false statements. You can never hear the right words from Zionist Jews and their relatives! Because lying and war mongering and crimes are their habits. Accordingly, some of the Americans call them "congenital liars" and "congenital terrorists" when it comes to features of Zionist Jews and their relatives.
In connection with the killing of women and children in Iran, Jews say that the Iranians were planning to kill us, but we were faster than them (even women and children) and killed them and the destruction caused hundreds of thousands of urethra Jews easily live for 2400 years in Iran.
In the case of the killing of John F. Kennedy, they say that Ben Gurion had a very good relationship with them on the issue of Israel's nuclear issue and the Mossad did not assassinate John F. Kennedy. Note that, in all Hollywood films in connection with the death of John F. Kennedy, Hollywood is in the hands of Zionist Jews and does not to speak of the Mossad any time.
All lies and stories that are told in connection with the September 11 scenario, there was to talk of Zionist Jews and Mossad involved in these cases. They also never talk about this: Why nearly 3,000 Jews, who worked in the two skyscrapers of World Trade Center, did not go to work on Sept 11th (11th September did not even happen on Saturday that the Jews say: We do not work on Saturday). In any case nothing is said on this issue. Jews have committed many crimes throughout history, but when they tend to speak about those crimes, they cover the facts and do not tell them and instead, start storytelling and evade telling the truth in different ways or conceal the facts.
In any case, in connection with the story of the Holocaust, Jews like all other false cases state false things and evade the facts that need to be expressed, or completely cover them. In a word, judgments and statements of relatives and fellows of Zionist Jews in relation to various issues are judgmental and discriminatory, biased and deviation statements. In this section, we will continue the discussion of Hitler.



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