Western media and Zionism

Zionist control over the mass media of the world is now more than ever before. Zionists using this dangerous weapon continues its deadly tricks against
Saturday, August 19, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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Western media and Zionism
Western media and Zionism

Translator: Davood Salehan
Source: rasekhoon.net


Zionist control over the mass media of the world is now more than ever before. Zionists using this dangerous weapon continues its deadly tricks against Islam and Muslims. However, in all corners of the Islamic world, always they talk about conferences, forums and decisive decisions in the face of these tricks, but unfortunately the reactions are superficial and fake.
The first Zionist Congress passed a resolution that became known as the Protocol of Zion leaders. In the twelfth paragraph of the resolution, the way how to control the mass media, especially the press, which at the time was considered the most powerful media, is described. In mentioned paragraph stated:
- All channels (media) that reflect the ideas should be generally in our hands.
- Printing & Publishing shall be ours.
- Literature and the press are the most powerful promotional and educational channels and have to be dominated by us.
- Our enemies shall not have the media in which they express their ideas. Otherwise, we should narrow the field on them so that they cannot attack us through the media.
- We should have the ability to arise emotions of the nation and calm people if necessary. We do this in whatever way, by the truth and lies in news. We'll spread the news in a way that people accept, but before that we shall know how sturdy our position is!
Since Zionism was made of Western countries certainly used all their means to consolidate colonial states' objectives in the region. Due to this, Zionism has taken advantage of all Western popular media.
Certainly The Times in the UK is more popular among other English publications. Zionism had influence this newspaper from the start of publication in 1788. Wealthy English Rothschild paid large sums to John Walter, owner of the newspaper to continue to serve the Zionists.
In 1916, Esther Jewish family bought a large section of the newspaper. Since then, the newspaper has been the most ardent supporter of the Zionist ideal, especially since Robert Murdoch, a Jewish millionaire who has Australian citizenship, fully bought the newspaper.
Zionists in addition to The Times and The Sunday Times and other publications - which are owned by Murdoch - have many other British magazines and newspapers in the hands.
The Daily Telegraph since the founding has moved in the path of interests of the Zionists.
Ayadi Zionism, English-language magazine of The Economist was also in their grasp very early. Isaac Deutscher, a Polish Jew, an analyst of military issues and reporters' head for the magazine in all of Europe, uses his position in the Economist and turned it to defending Zionism speaker, so that arise sympathy of the people of Europe.
Other English presses also more or less have the same situation. For example, the Daily Express, Daily Mail and the News Chronicle were established by Lord Byfer Brooke the Jewish.
Andrew Alexander, English journalist, who is considered as one of the main founders of the Daily Mail, is one of the important service givers of the Zionist goals. He wrote in an article published in April 1983:
Palestinian Arabs are the lowest nation in the world.
According to statistics released in 1981, total circulation of fifteen journals under the influence of the Zionist, which are daily distributed in and out of Britain, is 23/768/000 versions.
In France, the most famous quite Zionist publications are called "Novukayieh" and "new offices" that are both in Paris and are published quarterly under the World Jewish Congress.
Express magazine also has active participation in advancing Israeli plans to hurt Islam and provoking the West against and Islamic movements.
Zionist influence in the French press, especially in the two newspapers of Le Figaro and Lokotyden is very obvious. Magazine Nouvel Observateur is also one of the presses that has a tendency to Zionism and increases Europeans' hatred against Muslims. The mentioned Magazine devoted to attack against Islam in one of his publications entitled as "West in dealing with the Islamic fever".
Zionists are aware of their influence in France and they had dared to publish a publication called the Jewish nation. The magazine was run under the auspices of the Jewish Rokhomo Fyskes.
In America, 90 percent of the total newspapers in America are owned by Jewish people and are operated by them. Some American newspapers have an important effect on public opinion because of the extent of spread, especially public opinion in America. The Wall Street Journal in 1981 was at the head of the American press. The newspaper's daily circulation for the year reached one million, nine hundred and fifty thousand copies and it was released in 1982 with the same circulation.
The Daily News by a circulation of one million and six hundred thousand copies per day is in the second place. Although the two newspapers welcome Zionism, Zionists has always tried to dominate them.
US newspapers and magazines look at the Middle East in the way that Israel looks at the area; as their publication in terms of quantity and theme is entirely in the interests of the Zionist and militant anti-Muslim. One of the publications that play a major role in diverting public opinion in favor of the Zionists is journal Canon. This publication is the result of Zionist propagandists' planning and aims to destroy the Muslim resistance against the Zionist regime.
The ability of employing Jews in the press as one of the policies of the Jews is indicated in the sample that three major and very influential newspapers in America, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Washington Post are in control of the Jews. The three newspapers that dominate America's financial and political capitals, are the newspapers that determine path of conduct for other media in the country. They are the ones that determine news in national and international level and are involved in shaping news.
In terms of weekly newspapers, two magazines of Time and Newsweek have the highest circulation and widely distributed, not only in America, but in many parts of the world. The press of the world knows the magazine as the world's most famous magazine.
Weekly Newsweek, which was founded in 1933, had a circulation of about three million in 1981. Direct control of Zionists on the magazine began from 1937. In that time, Thomas Martin, owner of the English magazine, faced financial crisis and Jewish Malcolm Meyer used the opportunity to buy it and became in charge of editorship. Later it was owned by Eugene Mayer.
Another publication that strongly supports Zionism is the Boston Club. This publication has always reflected the views of Zionists. For example, in number 11.6.1982 of the magazine, an article was published written by Shilva Fenyry, former director of the Israeli Foreign Ministry. In this paper he defends Israel's plans in Lebanon and emphasizes the need to establish a Christian state in Lebanon as well as annexation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip to Israel.
Zionists have influence and domination on a number of scientific specialized journals and exploit them for their advantage. National Geographic is one of these magazines, which has a reputation in the field of geography. It seems that the Zionists have been involved in this magazine since past. Because in one of numbers in1915, the magazine published a map of the world with an explanatory table that there was "the Land of Israel" next to the word "Palestine" on the map.
6. The definition of the Jewish state
In 1948, nine-tenths of the Jews in Palestine were originally European, and their institutions and culture was mainly European. After the 1948, mass migration of Jews from North Africa and Asia started and it caused profound changes in population composition in 1948 which was not foreseeable. Although European immigrants still make up the majority of foreign-born population, but the number of children born from African and Asian parents in Israel was in an amount that could establish numerical balance between the two groups. Cultural and educational gap between "European" and "Oriental" Jews living together in a country with Western foundations has created many problems for Israel.
Due to this combination, the first essential characteristic of Israeli society is that the majority of its population is composed of immigrants or their children. In 1968, 1/986/682 was number of adult Jewish population (i.e. more than 15 years old people) that only 24 percent were born in this country that only 4% of parents were born in Israel. The population of Israel today is still an immigrant community and has many characteristic.
Constant struggle between society of settled ones and the indigenous who are Arab Palestinian refugees never stops, and this controversy has shaped Israel's society, politics and economy. The second generation of Israeli leaders are well aware of this. In 1956, General Dayan in his famous speech at the funeral of a member of one of Israeli kibbutz who was killed by Palestinian partisan, said:
We are settled generation of Israel and we are not able to build a house and plant a tree without a helmet and bullet. Do not panic of the feud that has excited hundreds of thousands of Arabs. Let us be responsible do not let your hands be shaking of fear .this is fate of our generation and the only way to live is to be prepared and armed, strong and tough so that sword would not fall from our hands and our lives would not come to an end.
The Israeli society does not have a homogeneous texture, but is composed of people who came from more than a hundred lands, as it is inconsistent with numerous tribes. In addition to Arabs who are considered the third-class citizens, Jews are divided into two groups: the Oriental Jews who came from Arabic and North African governments, and Western Jews from Europe. Eastern Jews are more, but Western Jews who came from the lands of Eastern and Western Europe, have been mastered the regulations of the country and have turned the Eastern Jews have as second-class citizens.
Although some Arabic and Oriental Jews have been living in Israel for more than twenty years, live in slums. But as soon as Western Jews came to Israel, the Government immediately start to provide a convenient location with grants and loans to buy new furniture for their homes.
According to Alasdyd Drisdel, nation-making experience of Israel cannot be easily compared with none of the countries in the region. Israel is a paradox. From one perspective Israel is a geopolitical political visualization and the fruit of Zionist ideology that its primary goal is Jewish organizations as an independent nation with full sovereignty in Palestine.
From another perspective, Israel has very difficult issues in unity. In order to make Zionist dream to come true, not just the original Arab population of the territory needed to leave the country, but also large migration of Jews was needed too: the Jewish population of Israel was made of 102 different countries. So, modernization and secularization and revival of Hebrew language as the official economic language were necessary, not just as a symbol of national revival. Even now, Israel's population is multilingual and Hebrew is spoken with Arabic, German, Polish, English and some other languages. Attracting successive waves of immigrants and imposing culture to newcomers has not been easy.



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