Translator: Davood Salehan
Source: Rasekhoon.net
Source: Rasekhoon.net
In 1882 Pinscher (1821-1891) wrote a book "self-freedom" in which he asked the Jews to wake up create before asking for a material homeland. He opposed to choose Palestine as a Jewish state because he believed that for this purpose a ground must be selected that is empty of residents and there is no conflict for it, and it is safe and access to it is easy and simple and without using force and violence. He called for a general congress for discussion about the principle. The Pinscher's book was widely sold but did not lead to practical steps.
Ahad Haam also has two important books in Hebrew. One book is "Moses" and the other one is "on the crossroads". The first book was translated into French, but the latter has not been translated into any languages yet.
These two books have a great importance because ruling spirit on them is completely different from all other books written by people such as Moses Hess, Moses Mendelssohn, and Pinscher, authors of lovers of Zion, Herzl, Zangwil, Bentowich and Doctor Rabbi Gaster. Perhaps the difference is summarized in a single feature and that is relying of Ahad Ham on the idea of "rally and attack".
Ahad Haam in addition to writing books and articles was extremely attentive to the practical aspect. With a group of friends, he created a Jewish club called "the sons of Moses". His aim from this move was training Jewish youth on the basis of a new spirit of "rally and attack".
Menachem Mendel Auseshkyn, who was a Russian Jew and accompanied Wiseman in the Zionism convoy, wrote a book called political program of Zionism. He was born in 1863 and died in 1941 in Palestine.
In this book Auseshkyn has discussed the nature of Zionism, as he believed. In this work he speaks openly and candidly because he wrote it to the believers in Zionism and there was no reason for secrecy. However, the Arabic-language newspaper of Palestine in Jaffa acquired a version of this book, which includes several short chapters, and translated it into Arabic and published it again and again. Al-Manar magazine published in Cairo also quoted Palestinian newspaper and published the first five chapters of this book published on August 1914.
At this point, we refer to the terms of Auseshkyn which are taken from different parts of his book:
1. Efforts of the nation of Israel to save from exile has turned from thinking and inertia to move and act for twenty-five years of to return him back his political life in the country of his ancestors. (Chapter One)
2. . The country or territory that (Israeli) nation is asking for its political independence must be economically and intellectually, and actually and really for it. This means that the Jewish people should take all the vital forces of the country, even though the land is under sovereignty and rule of others. Jewish people shall have a spiritual connection with the land, and it soil shall be watered by blood and sweat of them, otherwise the land is not worthy of independency. (Chapter One)
3. All true Zionist thinkers and conscientious people (of the Jews) in the first Basel congress program witnessed the integration of programs of their past in new programs that contained abstract of decisions and summary of aspirations of the people (the Jews), especially the Congress openly proclaim to the world that we will fight to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. To achieve this goal we must achieve the following four themes:
A. controlling economic and spiritual matters of Palestine.
B. Organizing forces of the Jewish people and creating public capital for them.
C. Development and strengthen of sense of Jewish nationalism in the nation.
D. Political effort to agree all objective terms with them (Chapter III)
Menashe Ben Israel (1606-1657), Jewish preacher of Amsterdam is important among the first generation of Israeli historians. Unlike traditions in that time, his books did not discuss issues such as how to conduct religious ceremonies and everyday rituals of the Jews, but in his books past and future of "Ten Tribes" of Israel and the people were depicted in a poetic and mystical way. He believed that Judaism in self-defense needs something beyond local activities and audacity and enlightenment and freedom from routine tasks within the geographical boundaries of a particular country. He has several books in the field in Hebrew, Spanish, and Latin languages and translated some of them into other languages as well.
Menashe in the book "hope of the Jewish people" retells the story of traveling a Jew named Aaron Levi Montenegro Zynus that when traveling in South America in the region Kordyras he met a number of Jewish people who said their daily prayers and held special ceremony of Jews. In fact, they were from Jewish people of Robben tribe. Monte Zynus narrated story of meeting this group of Jews to Menashe; story of Monte Zynus apparently told complete dispersion of the Jewish people around the world. They raised the point because the Jewish diaspora was necessary to revive this nation.
Another Menashe's works is in Latin, which is a book entitled "End of Life" published in 1639 in Amsterdam. His goal in writing this book was to answer the posed questions for his Christian friend, Yan Fan Borvyk and other Clergymen and that is why it had defensive status. However, two topics of this book are about Menashe's views about the Land of the Jewish people and Christian belief. However, he wholeheartedly believed in Monte Zynus' report about scattered Jews around the world and on the other hand he showed a great interest in Palestine. He believed that if the children of the tribe of Judah (Jacob) and the people of Israel are supposed to return to Palestinian land, first the scattered people must be found. Can we think about the return of people of Israel to the Promised Land until they are missing?
Other book of Menashe is "breeze of life" published in Hebrew in 1651 in Amsterdam. This book is a clear picture of himself as a Jew preaching to his brothers in Hebrew. A careful reading of the book in the original language clearly reveals Menashe's religious views, Jewish national consciousness, or nature of Zionism.
In "Nyshmas Chaim" Menashe unequivocally stated his Jewish nationalism. He believes national individuality and Jewish descent can be expressed in a Jew, who was born Jewish, and he addresses that as a "Jewish soul".
Menashe's thinking system deeply roots in transcendent nature of Jewish people that is actually an extraordinary action to race, and he looks at the Jewish history from such an angle.
Here it is necessary to refer to another Jewish author Porza Samolenskyn who was a pioneer of modern Zionism. Although he did not explain the exact details of modern Zionism, he has described Monashe as a great pioneer of Zionism in his book "the nations of the world".
Among the Christian friends of Monashe we can name Edward Nicholas, author of apologia for the Jewish people.
Other Zionism author is Moshe Medzyny who based on his studies on the diplomatic history of Zionists tried to encourage his readers to believe that Zionists still have substantial political capacities despite the disapproval about the policies of Great Britain after the Balfour Declaration in the face of opposition of Arabs for the Zionists.
Medzyny published his first book in the late 1920s, when the social - economic crisis overcomed Europe and therefore Bishvu(Jewish community before the state of Israel). The book, in fact, reflects the circumstances of those days and years. He wrote his second book after the shock of the crisis and riots in 1929 and put pressure on Chaim Weizmann to resign from the leadership of the World Zionist Organization. At that time, Zionist movement was the conflict sphere between the revisionist and workers. In his book, referring to past serious crises in the Zionist movement, noted that the Zionists will not success in the shadow of diplomatic efforts and they can achieve their goals only through internal unity, hard work and self-confidence. N.M. Gylber also outlines the political power of the Zionist movement and its ability in analysis of Balfour Declaration. The book was published in 1939, after the Zionist movement leaders lost their position among rival powers and were totally dependent on Great Britain. The result was a major political defeat quoted on the White Paper on May1939.
Gylber's book was the first book in a series of books about Zionist political coalition of Great Britain that led to entrance of a group of scientists to this sector. Since his access to document centers of Britain and other countries was limited, he mainly relied on Zionist sources and thus, the results were only a part of the truth. Twelve years later, when the archives' centers of Great Britain became public after the end of World War II, Leonard Stein was able to draw a complete picture of the subject. Mayirurt also spent years to examine the reasons why Great Britain issued the Balfour Declaration, and this was analyzed by Friedman.
After a project by the Foundation ESCO, Zionist historiography published two books, one "studying Jewish policies" and "Arabs and politics in Great Britain" by Yale University Press in the years 1947 -1949. Most pages and chapters of the book were written during the Second World War in pre-war predictions about the future of Israel. Some of the people, who were involved in writing the books, were Zionist activist and university professors and educated ones who felt sympathy for Zionism were such as archaeologist William Fox Well Albright, who had done research about the relations between Christians and Muslims in Palestine. Jules Karmykayeel, expert of Arabs' issues in the Zionists' Organization of America, also wrote a chapter in the book of the Arab National Movement in Palestine. Oriental Winnie, Gustav Von Green Baum also wrote several chapters of the book about the Arab world. Polish Jewish historians: Isaac Levitates and Bernard Vinreb also wrote several chapters in the political - economic history of Bishvu in this book. Another of the authors, who contributed to this book, was James McDonald, professor of history and international relations at the National Union and had served at the UNHCR and was supposed to be appointed as America's first ambassador in Israel. This project was published by the goal of influencing public opinion of Americans that reflected the change of nature of Zionism historiography during the World War and depicted Britain's actions in early days of Zionism movement till beginning of the World War. Three long chapters of the book are also dedicated to analysis of promises, claims, rights and policies of three Arabs, Jews and Britain's parties since the World War I, Belfour Declaration and peace conference of Basel till granting mandate of Palestine to Britain. The rest of the book describes the development and completion of the national home of the Jews against Arabs' resistance.
American William Blakston (1841-1935) is one of the most important Christian - Zionist figures, who began his activities by writing Yeshua published in 1878. The book had a huge impact on America's Evangelic Protestantism. The book, which sold more than one million copies and is translated to 4800 languages including Hebrew, became one of the most important books that reflected Zionism Idealism in framework of believing in happiness millennium.
In 1891, Blakston wrote a "request" to Benjamin Harrison in which he asked him to return the Jews to Palestine and signed it by 413 of America's leading Christian figures.