Source: Rasekhoon.net
A. Rothschilds' efforts to establish Israel
The 43-years rule of Ali Pasha in Egypt (1805- 1848 AD) is the beginning of a serious intrusion of Europe and the Jews in Egypt, as his election to rule the country was done suspiciously and with the support of some Western centers. In this period he began anti-structure in which, on the one hand, he started the massacre of class of Mamluks, and on the other hand, he began removing the authority of scholars and severely restricting them and established his political base on four non-Muslim or immigrant groups: Armenian, Coptic, Greek and Jewish merchants.
He rebelled against the Ottoman Empire in two stages as central government. Once he did military invasion against it in 1832 I that second Mahmoud lend Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia tsar a hand and compete of tsar with the West powers saved the existence of the Ottoman. His second rebellion or invasion began since 1839. The rebellion was carried soon after the second tour of Sir Moses Monte Fiore, brother-in-law and partner of Nathan Rothschild to Egypt.
Monte Fiore's first visit to Egypt was in 1827. In his second trip, he was Kalantar of London and was considered as friend of Muhammad Ali. Jewish Encyclopedia states: The purpose of this visit was purchasing Palestinian land from Muhammad Ali. In this context, they agreed, but due to the shortening of the Muhammad Ali of Palestinian deal was not done. According to Noam Sokolo, Monte Fiore entered the port of Alexandria on July 13th 1838 and he was warmly welcomed by Muhammad Ali Pasha. Pasha carefully listened to Monte Fiore's plans and promised to give Jews as much land as they wish and he promised them to appoint any governance they want in the rural areas of Palestine and he will use any possibility for the realization of this project. He then ordered Brghas Beig, his finance minister, to confirm the issue s in written form. About success rate of Si Moses they said: "Sir Moses returned to England with hope in his heart and was ready to implement his plans."
Sokolo's contents of the book makes it clear that the problem was not limited to simple shopping Palestinian territory and at this time in Jewish and colonial circles of England the independence plan of Syria (Palestine was considered a part of the Ottoman state) was seriously considered. He writes: "[Now] the idea of the rebirth of Israel became the de facto of the day, an idea that was dear not only for dreamers and essayist and literary, but for every person who believed in the Holy Book and freedom lovers ... money that Ottoman asked in return for agreeing to the independence of Syria and Palestine could be provided by sources in Syria as well as financial assistance of Jews. Financial assistance of Jews could be considered as their establishment in Syria. "
These colonial project was following in this way that people like Lord Palmerston called for the creation of a Jewish republic and those, like Thiers, prime minister of Belgium and the French authorities, were looking to establish a Christian state dependent on France in Syria and Palestine. On the other hand, with diplomatic pressures of Palmerston, Mahmoud II gave plenty of privileges to Muhammad Ali Pasha, according what his Pashaie field included Syria, Damascus and Tripoli, Aleppo and Adrianople increased and stabilized and title of "Pashalik" was also guaranteed in the his life time (and not hereditary), but his expansion-seeking by support of the West, led him to military invasion on the Ottoman on June 24th 1839.
Shortly after that, with death of Mahmoud in July 1839, the Ottoman situation worsened and faced a severe crisis. With the death of Mahmoud, Abdul Majid, his 16-years-old son became ruler of the Ottoman Empire (1839 -1861). He was a person who was known as Abeer Lord Kane Ross, a pupil of Sir Stratford Canning, British ambassador in the Ottoman Empire. British pressure for the withdrawal of Muhammad Ali Pasha of Syria was not limited to his greed for knowing Egypt Pashaie hereditary, and his first disobey was attack of English fleet to the north of Palestine and the occupation of port of Acre (as the fulfillment of the gospel of the Bible) and Haifa and the threat of attack on Alexandria, persuaded him to accept the conditions of England and on February 13th 1841, Abdul Majid also recognized hereditary rule of Muhammad Ali and his family over Egypt due to a decree.
The disappearance of an Italian priest and his Muslim servant and subsequently, gossip of their murder by Jews and arrest of some Jews, directed by Rothschilds led to a great controversy in Europe that advertised the oppression of the Jews in Damascus. Finally a board of the Jews of Europe went to Cairo and Istanbul that Sir Moses Monte Fiore and Adolphe Crémieux (next president of Alliance Israel) were on top of it. Encyclopedia of Jewish knows Damascus story as origin of a move that led to establishment of the Alliance of Israel (1860).
B. Crusader-Zionist endeavors of James Malcolm
Some of the Crusade activities are remarkable due to link of Zionism with some Iranian Armenians and Abdullah Sassoon (Rothschild of the East), especially when its link and the level of struggle was extended to international scope. little information is available about Nasser Al-Din Shah's familiarity or his successors on the event, but checking such a Zionist Armenian link about famous Armenian activists like Mirza Malcolm Khan who apparently does not have kinship relationship with the person in discuss , is like a new look that may reveal newer issues.
James Haraton Malcolm (b. 1285 AH / 1868 AD) was an Armenian from Bushehr whose wealthy businessman family was in the service of the East India Company in the Persian Gulf from generations ago, and since 1261 AH / 1845 he had achieved the desired position of person supported by the United Kingdom. In 1303 AH / 1866 CE, by help of Sir Albert Abdullah Sassoon, he entered college Britain B Lee Yale and then accepted British nationality and stayed in London and there he found a specific situation in the circles of Britain as a contractor and rich international bankers.
He had extensive work in support of the Armenians' desire, and was representative of the International Committee of the Armenians in London as well as the Armenians and the British Committee and Association of Russian fans. He had managed close ties with British Jewish circles that knew their Zionist aspirations similar to the aspirations of the Armenians through Sassoon family and editor of the magazine "Jewish Chronicle ". James Malcolm hoped that with the fall of the Ottoman Empire, both groups can fulfill their wish with British help.
He, along with Mark Sykes (British MP) and Sokolov (Zionist) traveled to Paris to share Armenians and Jewish targets by the French government. In 1917, he played the role of Zionists' message deliverer of the French. In 1917 CE / 1335 AH James Malcolm familiarized Mark Sykes with Zionist leaders in the UK, including Dr. Chaim Weizmann, and Wiseman prepared notes by request of Sykes in which the Zionists' goals were expressed and the point was emphasized that Palestine is recognized as the national home of the Jewish people. Thus, an Iranian educated Armenian of Britain played a role in issuing the fateful Balfour Declaration in November 1917/15 Muharram 1336 AH.
A good starting point for studying the Jewish influence in the Iranian government, which was related to Freemasonry, is the story of the migration of some Jews from Baghdad to Iran and India. In the meantime, Sassons (Rothschilds of the East) are along with clans like Dorian (Khodvary), Azqel, Ezra Gabbay, Nassim, and Chaim and they are among the Jews who formed a broad network in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries AD, as "Baghdadi Jews" and its widespread branches in Iraq, Iran, India and south-east Asia has considerable influence; a networked that had the main role in global opium international trade in the nineteenth century and it is still present today.
Sassoon's family lineage goes back to Sheikh Sassoon Bin Saleh who was head of the Baghdad Jews and exchanger of Pasha of Baghdad in the years 1781 - 1817. Azqel Gabbay, brother of Ozra Ben Rahel, is successor of Sheikh Sasson, and exchanger of Sultan Mahmoud ottoman II.
What is important for the present discussion is that in the last years of the reign of Fath Ali Shah, shortly after the conclusion of the treaty Turkmenchay and when Sir John Malcolm ruled in Mumbai, Sassons and a great number of Jews in Baghdad migrated to Bushehr port in groups. Sheikh Sasson died in 1830 in Bushehr and his eldest son David (the next David Sassoon and friend of Edward VII) opened his trade center in Mumbai. A group of mentioned Baghdadi Jews immigrated to various Iranian cities, including Isfahan and Shiraz. Some were newly converted to Islam and falsified their history by fake IDs and some remained Jews.
At the same time, Ghavam Shirazi family who were newly converted to Islam, were from descended of Jews who had immigrated to Iran in the first half of the eighteenth century, and they had political authority in the central government and Shiraz was their native power base. A Jewish member of Qavam Shirazi family called Molla Aqa Baba was the head of Iran's Jews. Mirza Ebrahim Khan Kalantar (qAVAM ShirazI) played a decisive role in Iran's political fate with his coup against the Zand by establishment of Qajar government. These factors naturally facilitated the deployment and penetration of new immigrants of Baghdad, and the newly converted to Islam Foroughi family migrated from Baghdad to Iran and Foroughian position in the government of Iran does not need explanation. Only as an example of the relationship between these newly converted to Islam Jews, we points out that Abolhassan Foroughi was a main primary member of the lodge of "awakening Iranians", who translated the Constitution of Freemasonry for the first time along with others.
Sassoons' company and its agents in Iran, most of whom were newly converted to Islam Jews, had many effects were on political economy of Iran. For example, its main role in the cultivation of opium, which had a great effect on famine in 1288 BC and its investment for the establishment of the Imperial Bank of Persia in 1889, as compensation of Reuter Concession is unforgettable.
The Jewish scrambling and situations should be evaluated in different families. For example, according to the Khan Malek Sassani, Haji Mohammad Hassan Isfahani, known as Amin al-Zarb who was one of the major financial figures in the course, was Jewish, as Amin al-Sultan family was newly converted to Islam and was from Salmas' Armenians.
Interestingly, the emergence of the Babi cult occurred shortly after the above migration and its origin was the port of Bushehr. In Babi-Baha'i sources they repeatedly pointed to ties of Ali Mohammad Bab with Jews of Bushehr. At this time the Bushehr port was important commercial center of the British East India Company and it had permanent link with Mumbai, and Ali Mohammad Bab was staying at Bushehr from the age 18 years for five years in the chamber of his uncle and he was in contact with merchants of the port. Later, people like Mirza Asadullah Diane, the writer and of Bobby of Letters of the Living, who knew Hebrew, came around Bab. Knowing Hebrew in the era is new evidences of him being Jewish and we also know that Baha'i and then Baha'ism were mainly promoted by newly converted to Islam Jews. For example, according to Habib Levy: "the first people in Khorasan who converted to Babism were newly converted to Islam Jews of Mashhad."