Life rules in Quran

he role of faith and morality in a family Faith is one of the most important factors in the consolidation of a family. At first, the author defines faith and
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
موارد بیشتر برای شما
Life rules in Quran
Life rules in Quran

Translator; Zahra. Kalaa

he role of faith and morality in a family Faith is one of the most important factors in the consolidation of a family. At first, the author defines faith and expressing relationship between science and faith and the matter of the ranks of faith, he recommends that we should constantly increase our faith as we increase our science and knowledge. In this part, the benefits of faith such as familiarity with and relationship with the center of good actions, avoiding vices, spiritual and mental comfort and the matter of the disadvantages of faith such as polytheism and sins are discussed.
Praying and right actions increase faith. Hence, the author explains the meaning of devotion, the reason of worshiping and the ranks of worshiping and emphasizes that when worshipping is done sincerely and with religious rules and customs, it will be more desirable.
In the matter of morality in a family, the author refers to some virtues that lead wives, husbands and children toward spirituality such as trusting God, chastity, patience, kindness and good behaviors.

The way of behaving husbands and training children

This chapter includes two parts, the duties of women and men in house. In the first part, it is discussed about the duties of women such as understanding their husbands, being honest with them, the preservation of trust, frugality, the preservation of the greatness of their husbands and training children and in the second part, it is discussed about the duties of their husbands.

The way of management in house

In this chapter, the importance of management in the life and the principles of management in house have been discussed. The author believes that Quran and the rank of mission (prophets) has left the responsibility of the presidency of families to men. The second principle is the comfort of a family that is left to women. They are supposed to make their houses full of favors and kindness. In return, the preservation of the foundation of families is left to men. The presentation of ways to women in optimization such as emotional trade, preventing from dirt and distress, assuring to husbands and foppishness and decoration are other matters discussed in this chapter.

Activity and effort

Attitude of the author toward the effort of women at home is considered as a Jihad and Hazrat Fateme Zahra (peace be upon her) is considered as a pattern in such a case. He considers it as a consistent Jihad and mentions its narrative and historical documents.
The author believes that a successful woman is a person that is foresighted and she plans and works in the life wisely. A successful man is a person that recognizes a right and superior path as he consults with his household.

Women in the community

There is no question that to specify the real position of women in the community and at home, we can revitalize the social and individual rights of women. Regarding superior patterns of women such as Maryam and Asieh from the point of view of Quran, the author proves that the reason of the attendance of women in the society is to recommend people to do good actions. The Islam recommends to establish an emotional society and the opposite point of such a society is a negligent society. The Islam allows women to attend the society according to Islamic wearing (Hijab) and their relationships should be according to religious rules. Moreover, the author introduces the prominent women of the early Islamic period and explains about the role of women in Islamic revolution.

Solving family problems

There are difficulties and problems in married lives and women have an effective role in solving such problems. He pays special attention to the role of women in these cases as well as suggests some solutions such as union, low expectations, consultation, the division of tasks, avoiding overindulgence, avoiding rivalry, lack of effect from the interference of others and paying attention to solving the problems of children.

3. Admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin

The necessity and importance of admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin can lead to the revelation of the society and the norm of the good feature of Islamic society.
Quran considers admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin as the mission of the prophet of the Islam (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and narrations consider it as a necessary action and a good action grows in its beam. Guidance, spiritual growth and the improvement of internal motivations depend on admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin. This necessary action is considered as the pivotal principles of the invitation of all prophets. The author divides verses that deal with this aspect of the invitation prophets in four groups. Then he explains the position of this principle in two scientific and practical aspects in the way of the life of innocent Imams (peace be upon them).

The recognition of right actions and sins

The recognition of right actions and sins is necessary for implementing this principle. After the writer conceptualizes right actions and sins, he talks about their abundance. Then he tries to introduce the way of the recognition of right actions and sins that include: nature (heart), wisdom, religion and the custom of the community.

The conditions and the ranks of admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin

The recognition of right actions and sins, the probability of effect, the probability of insisting on sin, the prevention of corruption are considered as the conditions of the necessity of admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin that the author explains about according to verses and narrations.
The ranks of admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin include: the expression of satisfaction or inner hate, oral order and prohibition and practical action. The author explains about each of these ranks, the expression of the principles of oral and practical order and prohibition and the way of applying power as well as refers to the necessity of the preservation of ranks and the recognition of ranks.
The duty of Islamic government against right actions and sins is considered as other matters that have been discussed. The Islamic government should use a lot of ways and facilities in order to extend right actions in the society and to eradicate sins. One of these ways is the formation of groups for admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin.

The factors and successful grounds of admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin

The success of admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin depends on paying attention on points such as learning a proper and appropriate way, paying attention to prevention, the recognition of the root of sins and eradicating the ground of corruptions, using direct and indirect ways and respecting the greatness of the opposite side. The author refers to ten factors in detail in this matter and has used verses, narrations and historical documents.
The expression of the features of persons that admonish others to do right and persons that prevent others to do sins such as association between remarks and behaviors, sincerity and promise, patience and loyalty to the rules of God are considered as other matters of this chapter.

The factors and consequences of ignorance of admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin

Some factors of ignorance of this social responsibility include: fear from financial losses and loss of life, lack of religious bias, greed, the uselessness of admonishing others to do right and to avoid sin, the spirit of adaptability, faith in determinism and a false interpretation from the expectation of Faraj (the advent of Imam Zaman).
The consequences of ignorance of this obligation have been analyzed by the author in two individual and social parts. Its individual consequences include the transformation of personality, egotism, sharing the sin of others and the deprivation of the superb ranks of the hereafter. Its social consequences include the outbreak of corruptions, the decline of blessings, the domination of outlaws and the domination of aliens on the Islamic society.

Education and training in the Islam

Quran and the life of innocent Imams are full of educational and moral trains. The book '' education and training in the Islam'' written by Hussein Rohaninejad'' is an attempt to use the opinions of intellectuals of training sciences with regarding Quran and Sunnah.
In the first chapter, the author discusses about the definition of education and training and relationship between these two cases and considers divinity, comprehensiveness, guidance and thinking as the features of Islamic training.

The purposes of education and training

The author refers to the necessity of the recognition of purposes in educational and training planning and then he reminds that these goals should be simple and flexible and they should be in line with the culture and needs of the society. Moreover, the author explains about the purpose of education and training from the point of view of schools such as existentialism, pragmatism, realism and experience and apart from criticizing and evaluating them, he mentions the purposes of education and training in the Islam. The ultimate goal of education and training is to promote each person to its utmost perfection. After the author mentions the ultimate goal, he reminds its features.

The features of the Islamic training

Tendency to perfection the movement of the world and human toward a specific objection and volition and freedom are three other principles that are effective in training human.
Faith in God is one of the principles of the Islamic training whose benefits include optimism toward the system of creation, hopefulness, insights, and the spirituality of soul, the assurance and peace of soul. The author believes that although worshiping is considered as one of purposes of training, we can consider it as one of the principles of the Islamic training since it can be considered as the source of closeness to God. After he explains about righteous actions, he mentions its foundation.

The value and philosophy of job in the Islam

Job is the essence of the life. Searching a special definition about job, he analyses different definitions available and considers job a purposeful activity. The kinds of jobs are divided into five kinds according to five rules from the point view of the Islam. The matter about the value of job is mentioned in the rest of the chapter from three point of views, the value of action, the value of motivation and the value of the Islam. A sincere action has stages in the Islam and the Islam gets all of persons to pay attention to the consequences of their actions in the doomsday and its necessity for self-reliance of the society.
In this part, the author deals with topics that are related to the matter of job such as difference between poverty and affluence and the negative effect of poverty from the point of view of the Islam, the factors of weakening of tendency toward job, the rejection of asceticism and trust God in its distorted meaning, the existence of excuses by persons for the relaxation of body, superstitious beliefs as barriers for working such as belief in chance, pessimism toward the world, looking down work and worker in the belief of the society as a main barrier in the resignation of most people of the society from the culture of job and the matter of unemployment and its problems.
Apart from the above factors, the author mentions the results and benefits of job and reminds its individual and social results.

Morality and the culture of working

In this part, at first the author discusses about the features and culture of working. Then he reveals three main performances in the morality of working, the morality of working in legal attitude and approach, the morality of working in the attitude of economy and the morality of working in religious attitude. Afterwards, he surveys the morality of working and its principles in two schools of Islam and Christianity.



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