Understanding the terminology associated with Zionism

It is necessary to discuss the Zionist movement and its causes, words and terms that are often used in different meanings and sometimes joint has
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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Understanding the terminology associated with Zionism
Understanding the terminology associated with Zionism

Translator: Davood Salehan
Source: Rasekhoon.net


It is necessary to discuss the Zionist movement and its causes, words and terms that are often used in different meanings and sometimes joint has carefully considered during the discussion, the term would be more complex. It is worth mentioning here only tangentially and thus the demand for this article is written with the purpose of training and a simple way to these terms, and be For more information, dear reader to issue of refer Detailed.
State of Palestine
About two thousand five hundred years BC, several Arabic tribes migrated to the region, the Palestinian who later called Canaanites. They were a tribe that their important Jebusi of tribe lived in Jerusalem and its surroundings. Although in the past the land of Canaan, the land of Palestine, but Palestine was said on the occasion of one of the tribes Crete that almost twelve centuries before Christ were thrown on the Mediterranean coast between Jaffa and Gaza residence and later Palestinians became known as the land has been given.
Name the capital of Judah (Palestine) and the East Mediterranean region and southwest of Lebanon's most important places in the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) is frequently mentioned and is known as the City of David and Solomon. In the Old Testament that was the old name of the city Jebusi and after much David conquered Jerusalem is renamed. This name is not used in Islamic culture and mainly is used in the Jerusalem word. The city built the house of God to celebrate the first Qibla of the special sanctity of the world by Prophet Solomon (Peace be upon him). Aside from the city's Muslims and Jews, it is also important to Christians because they believe that Prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him) was crucified and buried in the city Urban, although according to the Gospel narrative of his burial place is risen. In Hebrew Literature Jerusalem means city of health and safety.
As I passed this name in the Bible is frequently among them:
Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem because the law wills Sady and he will judge the nations and will punish many people.
Then they returned to Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives near Jerusalem and called the Sabbath is a day-distance.
Jerusalem is where Jesus is also the burial place of the holy shrine have been seen on it, and the city was one of the first churches were established, and the first missionaries spread the news of Jesus' resurrection in the world.
Geographically mountain near Jerusalem and one of the four holy mountain in Jerusalem. According to biblical tradition Zion is a hill in southeastern Jerusalem. In Jewish culture that dates back to the time of David term returns, and it has a castle called the Jebusites that David or Solomon in the tenth century BC temple, the temple of the village and on it built the Ark of the Covenant was kept inside it.
These terms are synonymous in some written and widely used of all the land of Israel in the Old Testament is mentioned. Most popular books of Psalms and Isaiah the prophet, see. Sometimes two words to Jerusalem and Zion in one sense, and sometimes have come apart.
To avoid these two words come together as follows:
And the angel who was speaking to me said that I had called to say that the Lord of hosts, Behold, I have the great honor, especially Jerusalem and Sion.
Also elsewhere:
For the rest of Jerusalem and Rstgah will come out of Mount Zion. The zeal of the Lord will perform.
Attributed to Zion; it is a title before the state of Israel to those that favored the establishment of the rule. So anyone who agrees with the return of Jews to Palestine.
Jewish and Muslim creed international party. Professional group that advocates domination and influence of Jews on the other, peoples and nations. Movement derived from the ideal of the Israelites to the Promised Land Christian tribe and nation and government units.
According to Russian researcher Yuri Ivanof, modern Zionism, the ideology of the bourgeoisie and the policy of large institutions and wealthy Jewish People are the exclusive circles of the United States of America and the Union's other imperialist countries. And its basic content is the chauvinism War and anti-worker.
Unlike today that the issue of Palestine and Israel Zionism many relationship with the country, but in the wind, and when designing the Zionist argument put forth a theory not raised any discussion of Palestinian land that day, according to the founders of this school of ideas and opinions just a matter of a Jewish state and the world Jewish community was in a certain region.
As the theory of Zionism long before the formation of the state of Israel in Palestine was fake, by summing the Jews in a single landmass to the displacement of hundreds of years of their interests and their support to end. Although the establishment of the Zionist state of Israel was less than a century ago, but theorizing about it dates back to a few centuries ago, and many people tried to establish a Jewish state, but they failed. Among them, the German-born Hungarian journalist Theodor Herzl was able to fulfill this ominous almost.
Theodor Herzl
Playwright and journalist who knew nothing of Hebrew language and culture. His father was a wealthy merchant and Hungary Herzl was raised in a Christian environment. He studied law at Vienna University and after graduation, writing literary articles. Began to work as a journalist in "Nyofry Press" was appointed. During his conviction Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French espionage Jemaah France when public opinion was strongly against the Jews excited the initiative interesting that gained his fame .He exploited the incident so tenure of Jewish community leaders and create a small booklet of ads in their favor as the Jewish state wrote. In this book he urged the Jews to establish a Jewish state to be freed from oppression host countries. He stated that Jews wherever they may be and to his government, no matter how much love and interest in and to serve their countrymen, they never allowed the Jews to live in peace towards having independent state. Herzl encouraged the founder of modern Zionism has never been raised not hide his unbelief of the Jews, to the point that he said about the Zionist project of faith is no stimulus has inspired. Also in response to what he has to do with the Torah, the answer was that I am a free thinker. Since his plan is totally colonial design for the project was to lap the British colonial power and location of the project was also of great importance to him. But because the Jews sought to use his friends told him that the Palestinian codename that will be more effective in mobilizing Jews.
Herzl was a realistic diplomat welcomed their suggestions and powerful legend of what he called the "myth of return" has a large operation. As mentioned earlier return or would make sense that the migration has already occurred and the displacement of the Jewish homeland was completely impossible. In his view, Palestine was a great religious meaning, he says: In the case of the promised land can tell you everything except its location ... we have all the natural factors to consider ... we have to its global business in the future, in the seaside settlement of account for. And to their agricultural lands, beaches and abundant and range we need.
It's almost the definition of Zionism and global Zionism is not just Israel. The work of the conferences was to Herzl that the conference helped advance the goals of Zionism.
Zionist conferences
Herzl continued its extensive activities to establish a Jewish state to hold a series of conferences, to the construction techniques to examine the cause of Zionism. Conferences are often held in August and Switzerland in Basel. But in some cases the situation when in cities like London, Hamburg and has been held. But after the Quds occupying Zionist conference held in Jerusalem. Participants at the conference are representatives of different Jewish groups around the world. The conference and the results are favorable impact on the realization of the goals of the Zionist movement and the creation of unity among the scattered Jewish tribes was followed by a full century from 1897 to 1997, the ten most recently held 33 meetings from 1951 Almds composed of bits. According to some researchers Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the conference originated.
The myth of the Holocaust
They claimed that Hitler targeted and sustainable mobility for the Holocaust in which 6 million Jews design and implement! They were killed. According to this claim, the bulk of the population was killed in the gas chambers and crematoria were destroyed during and after the burn, fat bodies of the victims of the Nazis produced soap! However ill-founded myth of the Holocaust is not a theory, but on the contrary it Anjsam internal structure and fundamental principles and political interests to perpetuate huge class. They were taken from the myth of self-made propaganda so that even books on the Holocaust issue the necessary course materials were placed in high schools and universities And the books were published, some of which books to sell half a million copies and was translated into several languages. The main advantages of this victimization of the usurper state of Israel and to keep Israel safe from criticism critics. Their religious justification for the killing of Jews, it is God's will, firstly, and secondly as a means of punishing only Hitler and redeem God's people think And cite the Bible that they are people that God will punish them yet chosen!! The beginning of the Holocaust myth dates back to early 1942, when the Nazi party anti-Semitic tendencies and their efforts to expel the Jews from Germany and occupied territories reached its peak.
In addition to the creation of Israel, Zionism and Zionism, international efforts to achieve the goals of the other two major objectives of this victimization of the Jews and the sanctity of the Holocaust that followed:
Public uprising against Zionism and prevent the victimization of the world and arousing feelings of the Jewish race and political unity among them.
But the objective of Europe and America and the promotion and support of Holocaust plan can be summarized as follows:
A. maximum evacuation of Jews from Jewish lands in one place
B .The focus of the Jews at the junction of three continents: Europe, Africa, Asia and the establishment of Israel in the heart of the Middle East to establish a base in the Middle East watch over the interests of the West.
C. West security zone in the heart of the Islamic region to oversee and monitor the security interests of the West in the region.
But what's the truth? Although prove their artificiality of this fabulous opportunity requires a separate, but related debate so quick look at the origins of this myth to throw. To unravel the nature of the falsity of this claim have 3 issues of gas chambers, burned bodies of incinerated corpses were examined and soap.



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