Zionism between the two world wars and the issue of mandate

Mahatma Gandhi says: To the extent that English belongs to the England or French belong to France, Palestine belongs to the Arabs.
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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Zionism between the two world wars and the issue of mandate
Zionism between the two world wars and the issue of mandate

Translator: Davood Salehan
Source: rasekhoon.net


Mahatma Gandhi says: To the extent that English belongs to the England or French belong to France, Palestine belongs to the Arabs.
After the First World War, the powerful countries created an international organization of nations called the "League of Nations" in the conference on "Versailles" that at the end of World War II, it continued to work entitled "United Nations".
New rules in international law were recorded in a collection called "Covenant of the League of Nations," which was first statute of permanent international organization and was center of regarding international disputes. In the history of Covenant there are references to international relations of past and solutions for future international relations. One of the new rules in international law is mandate (Manda) that according to Article 22 of the Covenant, the League of Nations Covenant predicted that several clauses for regulation of these lands as below:
1- In the case of lands or colonies as a result of the recent war, they come out of the reign of the kingdoms that have already been ruled and the inhabitants of those areas are the people who with the present difficult situation are not yet capable of handling their own life, following principles will be separated. Prosperity and progress of this action is the sacred duty of civility and it is appropriate to predict guarantees for the implementation of this task in the present Constitution.
2- The best way for practical implementation of the principle is that the mandate of such peoples is given to sample Nations, who are in the light of strength and experience or their geographic status, which are able to undertake this responsible better than other nations and can accept the duty. The mandate will be performed in the state of guardian state (Mandator) and in the name of the League of Nations.
3- Some nations that were formerly part of the Ottoman kingdom have achieved a degree of progress that can be temporarily recognized as the sovereign nation, provided that the advice and assistance of a mandate is controlled by guide of their administration till they would be competent to manage their own solely. To choose mandate state, desires of nations should be considered.
About legal establishing of guardianship (Mandate) it is said that, for the first time in world history, pillage, slavery, dependence, massive global poverty and hunger were legally imposed on three continents, namely Asia, Africa and Latin America.
After the establishment of the mandate, the Assembly consists of elected bodies from Syria, Palestine and Lebanon, entitled "General Syrian Congress" rejected Article 22 in that year and the committee stated that Article 22:
Has reduced us to level of races that are not developed enough and need dependency of mandate powers.
They also feared that England tried to enforce the Balfour Declaration. The Assembly rejected "the Zionists' request to create a Jewish commonwealth market ".
With all these protests, in 1922, the League of Nations at the request of the British gave Mandate to the country in controlling Palestine. In this case, the contract of "Mandate for Palestine" was signed between the League of Nations and the United Kingdom.
The sentence contained statements of Balfour Declaration, and was exactly approved in the same way by the Council of Ministers of England in 1917. Protests took place against the issuance of sentence in the UK that said recognizing the Balfour Declaration was as a governing policy in Palestine and will destroy self-determination of the Palestinian people. Several members of the House of Lords suggested the United Kingdom not to accept this sentence, because according to them, the Mandate for Palestine included the Balfour Declaration. The proposal was set to vote and it was adopted by 60 approval votes against 29 opposing votes.
But the British government ignored decree of the House of Lords and accepted the Mandate for Palestine. As a result, the League of Nations approved the concept of a Jewish national homeland.
Great Britain reached the Mandate for Palestine and asked the League of Nations for its dominance in the territory in the years 1922-1923. As the Arab peoples of this land hardly opposed with Great Britain's colonial oppression, therefore, Great Britain relied on the Zionists and sustained their project of "colonialism" more than ever as it wanted Palestinian people to be ready to protect its interests.
English Manchester Guardian newspaper before the incident wrote: when all of Palestine was under our surveillance and our judgment with full confidence then as soon as a peace treaty was concluded, our policy will be encouraging emigration of Jews to there.
"Irish Times" said:
In Great Britain's point of view, the best way to defend the Suez Canal is the establishment of people in Palestine who will be interested in us.
According to Ivanof, those who are familiar with history of governance of colonial expansion activities of Great Britain and the ways to manage colonies from his area, will see "technical" ways and ruling circles of Great Britain as a good thing.
Royal Commission on Palestine wrote in his 1937 report:
In 1920 and 21 and 29, the Arabs were repeatedly attacked by the Jews, and in 1933 (apart from the revolts of years 1936-1938) also attacked the government ... mandate was merely a means to promote Great Britain's purposes in guise of humanitarian affairs for Jews.
As mentioned, the House of Lords of England was against combining the Balfour Declaration in the Mandate for Palestine. In the argument that ensued on June 21, 1922 in the House of Lords, Lord Islington stated about the propose that explained unacceptability of the mandate in its current form that the action directly violates the pledges and commitments that the government of Great Britain has given to the Palestinian people. In addition the rules of the Declaration on the establishment of the Jewish national homeland are incompatible with Article 22 of the League Covenant which defines the basic principles of mandate system. Lord Islington goes on as follows:
Mandate sentence knows the United Kingdom responsible for the creation of a Jewish political state where 90 percent of people are neither Zionist nor Jewish... In fact, many religious Jewish people in Palestine and elsewhere in the world are quite pessimistic to Zionists' demand, while are not reluctant to have a national homeland...; plan to strengthen the Jewish political rule by establishing a national homeland by calling foreign Jews from all over the world to Palestine...; calling an alien race and accommodation of them at the heart of indigenous region's people is pure opposition to all tendencies of the century and an unusual experience ... and frankly this act will result in disaster.
Thus mandate had two main goals:
The first goal was to realize Article 22 of the League Covenant. The first paragraph of the introduction to this Convention says:
Considering that the original Confederate had agreed to fulfill the provisions of article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, and the Palestinian Authority is entrusted to the guardian that is appointed by the above states.
To implement the above issue, Article 2 of mandate provides that:
Guardian is responsible for the development and strengthening of autonomous organizations.
The second objective was to implement the Balfour Declaration and provide facilities for Jewish immigration.
To implement the above issue, Article 2 of the mandate forecasts that:
Guardian Government is responsible to make the political, administrative and economic situation of country in a way that creating a national Jewish homeland, as mentioned in the introduction, is supplied and support the development of autonomous organizations and national and religious rights of the Palestinian people, regardless of race and religious.
However, the government of Great Britain having mandate in control and using the power of his empire and confirm of Israeli forces, implemented the Balfour Declaration in this country against the wishes and despite the opposition of the indigenous Palestinian people. Opposition of indigenous people was in form of protests, seizures and armed uprisings, but these riots were repressed by force or deceptive promises.
Great Britain mandate adopted five major policies to achieve the above objectives:
1. Encouraging the immigration of Jews to Palestine.
2. Facilitating the sale of Arabs' land to Jews.
3. Creating social and economic organizations of Jews in Palestine and preventing the formation of Arabs' organizations against them.
4. Military training of Jews by the English officers.
5. Encouraging investment in favor of the Zionists in Palestine by the American and English capitalists.
British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, after the issuance of Balfour Declaration said that the Jews should get the majority in Palestine to form a Jewish Commonwealth Society. Because of that, large migrations and any attempt to maximize the Jewish population was encouraged by the Mandate authorities. Encouraging and facilitating Jewish immigration from England occurred even during the first years of world war. Between 1905 and 1914, the number of Jews in Palestine did not go beyond a few thousand. Since the beginning of the war until the end of it, 59 Jewish settlements were created in Palestine with about 20 thousand inhabitants and between 1923 to 1919 the number of Jews was 35,000 people and from 1924 to 1931 the number was more than 180,000 people. The number took on increasing in the second and third mandate. During the 10 years after 1931, the number of Jews reached 250,000 people. During the years of war that the restriction of immigrants was free and there was not limitation, the Jewish population amounted to 600,000 persons.
Thus, after approval of Mandate for Palestine by the League of Nations in 1922 and the appointment of Herbert Samuel Zionist as Governor General of Palestine by the British, as well as delegating many military, commercial and office centers to Zionist occupiers and even providing grounds for faster occupation of Palestine by Zionism, and in addition to continuous efforts of the Zionist networks in collecting Jews from different parts of the world and transfer of them to Palestinian, finally in 1925, Zionists succeeded to increase the Jews of Palestine statistics with the transfer of thousands of Jews.
During the mandate, taking Palestinians out and seizing their land was considered a systematic action. Manager of "Jewish National Fund" that was agent of sale and buying land in Palestine and was called Joseph Whites wrote in 1940:
We have to be clear that there is no room for two nations in this country. If the Arabs leave the country, it will be enough for us [...] there is no other solution but to transfer them; no Arab village and tribe should be here. It should be explained to Roosevelt and all the heads of friendly states that the land of Israel is not too small, but if all Arabs leave it and its borders should go to the north and along the Litany River and in the east it should reach the Golan Heights.
Due to the imperialism policy of British, the Arabs should be disappeared and that is why the main characteristic of the construction of Jewish settlements was colonialism and occupation. In this sense, racism is not a transverse issue and the issue of promiscuity or moral individual or group arrogance, but it is a key feature, because for the realization of the Zionist dream, the original inhabitants inevitably should be disappeared, and if they do not disappear, then this dream would not be fulfilled. Hence, Zionists are responsible founding racism and they have developed it.
During the Mandate period, Jewish political – social organizations were consolidated in Palestine with the full support of Great Britain and over the years of mandate gradually started destruction of Arabs' industries and professions and strengthening alien and Jewish industry in Palestine



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