Protocol No. 1 of Jewish (Zionist) leaders to conquer the world

- we would like to scrutinize and examine the realities of our environment beyond the rhetoric and the phrases and only through comparison and inference.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Estimated time of study:
author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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Protocol No. 1 of Jewish (Zionist) leaders to conquer the world
Protocol No. 1 of Jewish (Zionist) leaders to conquer the world

Translator: Davood Salehan


- we would like to scrutinize and examine the realities of our environment beyond the rhetoric and the phrases and only through comparison and inference.
- we want to assess our system that we live in from two points of view namely: the Jews (the Zionists) and non-Jews (non-Zionist) .
- The number of human beings who have bad and evil instincts surpasses the number of those who have good instincts. Therefore, to rule the people, we should resort to force and violence and terror. Every man wants to be dictator, do bully and if he can, he will sacrifice the wellbeing of people for his own expectations and wishes.
- But what stops the beast called as people from the violence?
- Since the social life of humans began, pressures, cruel and animal pressures and behavior of the rulers caused the masses become obedient to their rulers. Then by legislation that were actually changed face of force and threat, people came under the domination of other human beings and here I want to say that according to the law of nature, "right" means coercion and pressure.
- Political freedom is just a theory, not a fact. Therefore, one must know how to use the word political freedom for deceiving the masses of people and then use it to break the power of the ruling party. Of course, if the ruling party has already used "such a way to achieve power" it would be easier to apply the same way about it. Using the word so-called freedom, we can use the same way about them. Using words so-called freedom we can make foundations of the ruling party the weak and shaky and show its invalidity to the masses. Because the ignorant masses cannot lead their goals even for a single day without help and guide, so it will easily accept leadership of the new party and thus the old regime is replaced by the new regime.
- When we came to power, which means when we took the power away from the hands of rulers who rule the people using the term freedom, gold will take place of power. It is impossible to establish a government based on freedom because no one can use freedom in conventional and balanced type. If only for a short time, we give the affairs to people and let them be free and be their own king, it would not last so long that cohesion of issues will be disrupted and people will kill each other and nothing will be remained from the government but a pile of ash.
- whether governments collapse due to internal weakness or the dominance of foreign enemies, eventually we will be under the influence. The capital, which is as a sturdy rope, is in our hands. Governments that do not firmly grasp the rope will fall inevitably.
- Those who think libertarian may criticize the policy that we have clarified above, and they may regard it immoral. But in response to their objections, we will discuss this question:
If any government has two types of enemy, and in order to eliminate external enemy, it is allowed to destroy the enemy in any way, for example surprise the enemy and go to their camps overnight and beat them and crush them, will you call this method immoral? Similarly is destruction of present governments by us considered immoral while these are destroying the common welfare?
- can we find any sensible person who thinks we can hand people only through argument while people have superficial reasoning power? Coping with people is possible only by using their emotions and beliefs. If we want to deal with these people, who have no political understanding, through argument and debate, we have done nothing but spreading seeds of anarchy.
- there is no common denominator between politics and morality. A ruler who is based on ethics can never be veteran and skilled politician and consequently the basis of his political power shall be shaken. Those who want to step in the policy field must be tricky and can convince others. Qualities such as honesty and truthfulness are a great danger for the policy. Because these traits, greater than any enemy, will take rulers down from throne. Of course non-Zionist rulers shall have such attributes so to be destroyed as soon as possible and give up. However, in the Zionist communities' political system, there should be no ethical constraints.
Right means force
- We believe that the right means using force. "Right" is a mental term word that does not take aspects of objectivity. In our political system "right" is said in such interpretation: give me whatever I want because I am stronger than you. We do not need to prove who is right.
- where does right begin from and where does it end?
- in any state that power is adversely structured, rules and regulations will lose their credibility, and get involved in events and eventually liberalism will emerge . According to the strong rule of law, we must break all the rules and regulations and we must become savior for those who have given up liberalism voluntarily.
- now that all the global powers have shaking foundations, our political power has stable foundations because its presence is not sensible. Our power will be manifested when no risk can threaten it.
- political powers of the world have been involved in serious problems due to acts of liberalism. Our duty is to think about planning the future of our state free from these problems. We must think more about necessity than morality and we have to pay more attention to plans rather than goals.
- now we are facing a plan from which the main lines of our future policy is going to be extracted. The plan examines factors that wasted the result of centuries of human thinking and doing. We cannot ignore the role of these factors.
- in order for our policy to have a satisfactory performance, we must first know the masses of people and we shall realize weakness of thought, lack of understanding and lack of attention to their welfare. We must recognize that the power of masses of people is an absurd power. A person, who is not aware of the condition of the masses, cannot handle them. And he, who has no political knowledge, even if he is gifted, cannot lead uninformed masses and eventually he leads society to fall into the abyss.
- only those who have been trained for leadership from early childhood can realize the meaning of words formed by the alphabet policies.
- If we hire those who have no political knowledge, it would not last long that they will lose power and fall because of a dispute between parties. Is it possible to give governing a society to people who are are only concerned about their own interests and think to their interests when dealing with affairs? Can such people defend themselves against the enemy? If we think that we can find some ones among masses of the people who have the ability to manage their affairs, thus we have destroyed political affairs harmony and we have made performances difficult.
We are cruel
- only by the help of a strict authoritarian ruler we can implement plans ahead and we can create a kind of coordination among the various government agencies that work as a car. Therefore it can be concluded that the best form of government for a country is a state in which power can be delegated to one person. Without existence of an authoritarian autocracy, civilization cannot survive, and the civilization can get fertilized only by leaders and elites not ignorant masses. Masses of people are savages and they show barbaric in every situation. When the mass reach freedom, freedom will show itself as chaos that is peak of barbarism.
- alcoholism and indulge in intoxicating drinks is a problem that will be bigger after granting freedom among non-Jews. We Jews are obliged not to take a step in that direction. Non-Jewish people are trained since their youth to have no moral licentiousness by our agents. Our agents include tutors, maids, secretaries and women babysitting in wealthy homes. With the help of Jewish women, we will pollute non-Jewish men to corruption in the brothels and we will divert them from moral road. I name the society that gets corrupted by women as women society because they follow others in corruption and luxury.
- Our government removes opponents through seemingly legitimate executions rather than making fear of war in the people mind, and by creating such a fear their people will surrender easily. The brutality in the punishment leads to stability and strength of the state. In the name of duty and severe and cruel punishments, we can make the states to unconditionally surrender us.
- Our logic is bullying and convincing. In politics, only force wins, especially if political leaders can apply it in secret. If a commander does not want to surrender to others, he has to use violence and deception to convince others that are one of the basic principles the government. As long as non-Jewish people prevent us from achieving our goals, we must promote corruption, treason and bribery. If looting property of people results in their surrender to the government, we should not hesitate in doing so. ..



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