Protocol No. 12 of Jewish (Zionist) leaders to conquer the world

- Words of freedom can be interpreted in many ways. But the definition that we define for freedom is as follows:
Monday, November 6, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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Protocol No. 12 of Jewish (Zionist) leaders to conquer the world
Protocol No. 12 of Jewish (Zionist) leaders to conquer the world

Translator: Davood Salehan


- Words of freedom can be interpreted in many ways. But the definition that we define for freedom is as follows:
- freedom is the right to do anything that the law permits it. Such a definition of freedom can help us to achieve our goals in the best possible way because the law is in our hands and we will be allowed to do whatever we want, and add or remove whatever we want.
- function of press in our territory will be as follows:
A – Since media has a very big role in stimulating and suppressing the people's feelings, we can use the feelings in appropriate time in order to achieve our goals.
B – Since the majority of people do not know who press serve for, so we will make them serve us and we will even put the factors that may attack the press under monitoring and tight control.
C - Today establishment, publication and distribution of press costs extremely expensive. But when we come to power, we will give permission to press to start only by receiving tax, stamp duty and heavy bank books, and thus, considerable money also goes to our state treasury. On the other hand, we will make a situation in which our government will be immune of danger of criticize attack of press and press cannot target our government.
D – We will close press whenever we want and under the pretext of making public opinion confused.
E – We will force some of our agents to attack some of our policies in the press time to time; the purpose of this work is to deceive people.
We will control the media
- press will not be able to offer people the least news without notifying us. However, at the present time we have reached the limits of such purposes. For all information centers of the world receive their news from multifocal limited global news sites. These several multifocal limited news centers which will be entirely in our hands in the near future, will dictated everything that we broadcast around the world.
- if we can be able to implement the measures that we have thought about the press, mind of Gentiles will be under our domination, and they will look at world's events from behind the colored glasses that we put on their eyes.
Indeed, if at the present time, there is no country, can anyone prevent us to form our nation, which stupid non-Jews called it invisible government? Of course, by the destruction of all states of the world, all countries of the world will obey us.
- Let us re-examine the future of the press. Those who want to address things such as publishing books and newspapers, are required to have a certain degree and certificate so that in case of violation, they will be immediately denied the benefits of such license. By applying such an approach, educational degree will be a sign of intellectual merit and certificate will be issued by the government so that masses of the people are not misled of the way we want and do not follow everybody by the name of progress and prosperity.
Would any of you not know that relying on the ideas and imagination of man is a misappropriate way that lead s human to foolish imaginations and its result is chaos between humans for power?
The word progress reminds us freedom from any limitation and it breaks any restrictions. If this principle does not apply in all cases, at least it is true in the chaos of thought. In these circumstances, everyone starts hunting their rival to achieve freedom and all will be caught in a web of chaos, and all people will protest against one another.
- Now, we turn our attention to magazines. We will receive taxes, stamp duty and collecting Protective deposit from journals and periodicals newspapers. Such funds for books by less than 30 pages will be double because we consider such books as "pamphlet". Basically, "magazines" are considered as the most virulent printed materials and our effort is to reduce the number of these issues on the one hand, and to force the writers to write long stories and the size of contexts become more and reader gets tired from reading a long text and on the other hand.
Especially when these issues are expensive, people's interest in these publications will be low. In addition, what we will publish will affect readers' mind in direction to our interests and we will prepare them and make them available cheaply, so people read them voraciously.
Collection of taxes and penalties will make writers dependent and if a writer wants to write anything against us no one will try to print it. Meanwhile, if anything is to be published, publisher or printer should be responsible for having the official permission for publishing it. So we will know in advance what tricks are on the way against us.
- Literature and journalism are two important educational factors, so our government will have majority of the newspaper under its ownership. Such action will foil adversely effect of private Press and newspapers and puts us in a position to make a great impact on public opinion. If we let people to have the right to publish ten types of newspapers, we will dedicate the privilege of thirty newspapers for us. Of course, this must be done in a way so that people do not get suspicious. To avoid suspicion, self-published newspapers seemingly will have opposing views and thus our opponents' suspicion will be fully "resolved, and they will be soon caught in our trap and cannot hurt us.
- our opponents are classed into three categories. The official organs are in the first category that will always stand against our interests, but their impact is not significant.
- semi-official organs are in the second category whose attacks are mild and trivial.
- In the third category, there are those situations that apparently disagree with us, but in fact we have determined them. There are some things in the writings of the categories that seem to have friction with us (are disapproved). Our real opponents will assume such opposition as their opposition and make us identify them.
- The content of all our newspapers will be combined of variety of thoughts even aristocratic, republican, revolutionary and anarchistic and anarchism ideas, which are advertised by the newspapers. Newspapers will have a hundred hands such as the Vishnu, idol of Hindu, and they have a finger on each hand and their task is monitoring and controlling the public opinion. When the heart rate is intensified, the movement of the hands is intensified as well and public opinion will be led in the direction of our interests because when someone is excited, he will lose his judgment power and he will accept any comments and suggestions. In addition, those ignorant people who repeat our articles, and think that newspapers express their views are mistaken because the newspaper will merely express our will and demand. People, who defend the parties by notice, in fact follow the flag which we have exalted for them.
- To move our competitive newspapers we should apply utmost attention in the planning and presentation of articles. Of course, we will establish an institution called Central part of Press and we will collect the writings and content. Our agents will decide to publish what content in the center without attracting any attention. They will also start contradictory and false war arguments on the territory of the press so that we can express our opinions as much as possible.
Only lies will be published
- the approach that we have adopted to adjust and present issues attracts their trust to our government so that it be invisible to people. We are very happy to use such an approach because we can use this method occasionally to provoke feelings of the people towards the political issues or set it down. Sometimes we will tell the truth and sometimes we will tell lies and sometimes we will present conflicting demands. We are confident that we will overcome enemies, and they cannot express their opinions through the media as we do.
- We said that our opponents, who are in third category and express their appearance opposition in the press, if necessary, we will deny their criticism strongly in semi-official organs.
- Even if today, we consider the French press as an example, we can realize signs of Freemasonry's cooperation well. All organs of the press are mysteriously connected together and they do not reveal the source of information like ancient prophets unless all decide to disclose their source. And until the time mystery is limited within a number of them, prestige and dignity of journalists will attract the attention of the majority of the people and the masses will enthusiastically follow them.
- We shall expand the scope of our counted activities in the field of press to the provincial level. Sparking hopes and motives that will lead to our domination on centers in the country cause me are purely necessary for us. We will pretend to the capitals that such demands are independent demands of people of the provinces. Of course, the real source of these events is provinces is us. What we want is to put the capitals of the countries in the siege of public opinion of provinces until the time that we own maximum power at our disposal.
- stop wanting the old regime and joining the new regime, which in our view leads to complete overcome over all the regimes, is called "transitional period". During this period, the press should not be allowed to reflect the inaccuracies and wrong actions of people. It is necessary for the new regime to convince all that crime has been totally eradicated.
If some crime cases occurred, only victims and witnesses must be aware of the issue and not someone else.



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