What is the Palmach and Irgun means?

The idea of a creating a "strike force" for the Haganah raised in the early years of World War II with name of "Palmach". Palmach is abbreviated words and
Sunday, July 2, 2017
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author: علی اکبر مظاهری
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What is the Palmach and Irgun means?
What is the Palmach and Irgun means?

Translator: Davood Salehan
Source: rasekhoon.net



The idea of a creating a "strike force" for the Haganah raised in the early years of World War II with name of "Palmach". Palmach is abbreviated words and the meaning is "acting independently or in collaboration with allies and according to changing circumstances". The action took place in August 1941before deciding Allied's decision of invasion of Syria and Lebanon. In fact, the formation of the Palmach pursued two objectives:
1. Broad offense against the Arabs in their bases.
2. Readiness to cooperate with the forces of Great Britain against the German forces that were threatening Egypt at that time.
Palmach contained 300/1 people after its formation in 1941 who had passed short-term guerrilla war lessons. Each unit was divided into smaller units that were sometimes 2 or 3 people. Cooperation with the British gave Palmach passing points of better training and in better situations than Vengit forces' conditions during the Palestinian revolution. Palmach instructors were of specialized Jews and British men in demolition, ere guerrilla warfare and espionage. In addition, the need to prepare for the clash with the Germans in Palestine provide opportunity to review and education to the most advanced approaches for Palmach commanders. Palmach numbers increased, so that included few thousand young Jews in Palestine who had been absorbed through the kibbutz. Kibbutz by coordination of headquarters of the Hagana, provided regular shares to Palmach , other agricultural towns, socialist youth communities mainly located in cities and Judd Na - youth 13 to 18 years of Haganah.
In fact, the Palmach was Jewish Agency's leverage to impose the formation of an independent Jewish army. Jewish Agency had in mind that this army would have responsibility of defense operations of Palestine during World War II, and then it will turn to ordered Jewish army that mandate government recognizes its existence. During the war years, Weizmann tried to have the British approval for formation of Jewish units which are the official representative of the Jewish nation in the shadow of the flag of Zionism. Three of the Palmach officers won the head of Joint Chiefs until 1970:
Moshe Dayan (1953-1957); Yitzhak Rabin (1963-1967) and Haim Barlow (1971-1968).
It is noteworthy that three other Palmach officers also joined the War Department which was established in June 1967:
Moshe Dayan (Secretary of Defense), Yigal Allon (Minister of Labour), Moshe Karmiel (Ministry of Transport) as well as Israel Jalyly (Ministry of Propaganda) who was one of the founders of the Palmach and was the former chief of Haganah.


Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of the Zionist threats and terrorism in Palestine, founded the Irgun in 1937. David Razen and Abraham Stern had assistance with him in preparing and carrying out the terrorist organization. Stern is the one who later founded the "Stern" organization. Logo of the "Irgun" was a raised hand holding spear on it was written, " only through this way". At the beginning, Irgun's actions limited to the Jewish migration to Palestine from Western Europe. After that, the organization started to set its own ranks, and its members were under six months of training. At the end of each course, a detailed examination of the use of weapons and military equipment were taken and, if acceptable, the member would have sworn to be loyal to organization in emancipation and the struggle to create a Jewish state. After the death of Jabotinskij, the leadership of organization was Menachem Begin's task. He never invaded the principles of the organization until announcing split of three thousand armed members. A characteristic feature of the organization is its secret information branch called "black group". The group is known for its terrorist acts, destruction, and intimidation. In the field, technical engineers graduated from European universities cooperated as well.
During the Second World War Zionists achieved many results. Allied gave Jewish youths military training. So that in the meantime, 16 thousand male and five thousand women were trained. In August 1944, only 500 /23 Jews attended the ranks of Great Britain the army and other groups of them also fought under the banner of Zionism in Europe fronts. Numerous groups also beside Army were fighting in Iraq and Syria. Thus, the Jewish military forces that were formed during the Second World War are as follows:
Desert Army …Hush…about…20/ 000 people
Defense Army… Heim…about…17/000 people
Palmach…heim…about…2/005 people
Jewish police…heim…about…6/000 people
Jewish Yetip…heim… about…5/000 people
Hence, the military forces of the Jews was up to 50 thousand people. Of course this number is regardless of counting Jewish volunteers who participated in the ranks of the army of Great Britain and the number reached 23 thousand.
By examining the Zionist strategy, since the conference Wings (1897) until now, a few important issues can be realized:
1. Limited or extensive military operations against civilians residing along the ceasefire line, and especially in the Palestinian territories of the West Bank (Jordan) and the Gaza Strip which in those days were under the control of Jordan and Egyptian control. The aim of the mentioned operation was two things: one, to intimidate people (Palestine Arabs), and other was creating a permanent instability by exacerbating tensions between Arab governments and people who felt are not supported enough against Israeli aggression.
2. Military operations against Arabs' military installations in border areas, intended to destroy and demoralize their armies and exacerbating instability of the Arab regimes within the military establishment of the regimes.
3. Terrorist attacks and hidden sabotage in the depths of Arabic lands, in order to spy or to create fear and tension and instability.
4. Capturing new territories through war in order to transform Israel into a regional great power.
5. The political and military efforts to eliminate all of claims of sovereignty and ownership of Palestinian Arabs in Palestine through the dispersal of Palestinian refugees and forcing them to migrate to distant parts of the Arab world and other countries.
6. Carrying out sabotage and subversion operation in order to break the Arab world, and crush the national movement (or ethnic) of Arabs, and empowering puppet regimes that will make close communion to Israel becoming a major regional power.
7. Zionism will only achieve its objectives and do activities under the auspices of a big government.
At the beginning, Zionism search for help from the Ottoman Empire who ruled Palestine. Then it went to the arms of Great Britain the mandate over Palestine. With the decline of the sun of Great Britain, it started to strengthen relations with America, as one of the world's most powerful governments.
8. Zionism Strategy is in fact a part of the strategy of the Middle East colonized by the West and after World War II, America's imperialism and is prevention means in hands of policies of the United States of America. In addition, Zionism is the new face of the colonial West.
9. Zionist military organization in implementing the strategic goals of imperialism has the utmost importance. The use of this organization is not only the result of the events of 1948 and it has dominated their thoughts since beginning of the Zionist movement.
10. Making discord and separation among Arabic countries through the dissemination of ethnic slogans and utilization of them as well as forming party organizations in order to create division in their ranks. The destruction of Lebanon is also a part of this Zionist colonial plan. The plan has several goals: a. paralyzing the Eastern Front (through Syria occupation and to divert its attention to events in Lebanon and thus gradually distance of the country from the main scene of the conflict with Israel.(
B. Project of Lebanon conflict as a sectarian conflict between Christians and Muslims so that similar conflicts occur in other Arabic countries.
C. Proof to the claim to the world that the PLO requests about creating a secular nation-state in Palestine, including the Arabs and the Jews, is impossible.
D. The elimination of the Palestinian resistance in Lebanon by making conflicts with the Government of Lebanon and Syria.
Finally, since 1897 until now, advertising forms the cornerstone of Zionist strategy. Israel understands it well that his fate is largely thanks to support from of West for the regime because international recognition alone does not guarantee the existence of the regime abroad. Thus, Zionism reached the conclusion that for minds in West it needs to create the feeling that security of Western interests and its progress largely depends on Zionism regime's survival and protecting it. The Zionism regime was very successful in achieving the goal as Zionism could create the belief for West that they can used the vast facilities in appropriate way. Zionist tries to use the powerful propaganda of West and by help of Western states it created a nice picture of Zionism and could change all facts in a form appropriate for Zionism and Imperialism goals and ideas. Zionism using powerful propaganda circle was successful to show Zionist forces acts against the defenseless people of Palestine as a defense not as an act of aggression that legitimate Palestinian resistance.
Zionist propaganda has tried to strengthen its basic concepts that in this area for the West there is no one better than the West. This is demonstrated in existence of a state like Zionism state; a state relying on Western countries since the beginning and has been engaged in defending their interests in the region.

It said:

Survival of Israel as a Western deterrent force and defending the interests of the West is considered as a significant issue for the defense of Europe and in the long run, it is defending the security of America States.
Inciting public opinion against Arabs and showing them ugly and reversing the facts related to the Palestinian question, with considerable attention by the Israeli authorities, politicians and academics, is designed and developed. Professor Benjamin Azar said:
Induction of the point will consolidate the views and concepts that were based on the fact that Arabic countries want to destroy Israel and wipe it off the earth. This is an issue that we have to try to convince people and minds about it with all powers we have in control as the issue is considered as our highest interests.
Zionist propaganda in this regard used advanced promotional technology officially supported and approved by West - especially the United States of America. For example, the words of George Bush the son that says Sharon is man of peace! is just an official propaganda to justify the crimes of Sharon.
We can say that since the beginning of the twentieth century, the military efforts of the Zionist were synchronous and concurrent with their diplomatic movements and this fact was clearly evident during World War I. During the war years, the Zionists could constitute the first Jewish army which in the last stage of the campaign to Palestine cooperated Alan B side. This army was combination of volunteers from Jews of England, America and Palestine and was in form of organized battalions.



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