Author: Mohammad Ghasemzadeh
Translator: Mohammad Ali Asefipoor
Source: Rasekhoon.net
Translator: Mohammad Ali Asefipoor
Source: Rasekhoon.net
Extracted from Rasekhoon
Once upon a time, there was no other than God. In ancient times there was a king who could not bring a son whatever he married. Although he was sad, he was patient, until one day that he took a mirror and saw his face in it and became dumbstruck. He saw that his head's hair had become white and his face was fully wrinkled. He sighed and when he encountered the minister said to him: "O my dear minister! My life is ending but I don't have a son yet to inherit my throne and crown. I don't know what I should do. What do you think in this respect?"
The minister said: "O kiblah of the world! I have a daughter who has not married yet. If you accept I propose to marry with her. Also you avow and pray and help the poor in order that God favor you with giving you a son."
The king agreed and married with the minister's daughter. The same first night after wedding the king's wife became pregnant. After nine months and nine days God gave a son to the king. The name Prince Abraham was selected for this son. The king was so glad and did anything to take care of this son and took several nursemaids for him. This was the case until when Prince Abraham became six years old. Then the king sent him to school. A few years Prince Abraham studied and learnt everything because he was very clever. When he became older enough that manly jobs were suitable for him, the prince was handed over to coach to teach him saddle horse and archery. Prince Abraham who had become encouraged then, endeavored more and more and eventually became a man for hunting and war.
One day Prince Abraham said to his father: "Dear dad! I want to go for hunting."
At first the king did not agree, but following the intense insistence of his son, let him to go hunting while being accompanied by a group of gentlefolks. Prince Abraham took some young men and went hunting.
As he was searching in mountains and hunted animals, suddenly passed a cave opening and saw that an old man was sitting in front of the cave and was crying severely while he was watching a picture of a beautiful woman being hold by him. Prince Abraham went ahead and asked: "O old man! Whose picture is that? Why are you crying?"
The old man, as kept crying, answered: "O young man! Don't ask and let I die with my sadness."
But Prince Abraham who had become upset due to his crying said to the old man: "I swear you in respect of everyone you worship, let me know the truth." When the prince wanted the old man so strongly to tell the story, the old man said: "Now that you swore me, I'll tell you the story but its aftermath to yourself. This picture is from Bloodthirsty Incentive. So many men have fallen into her love but she does not accept anyone as her husband and each man goes to request her to marry with him will be killed by her."
But know that this Bloodthirsty Incentive was the daughter of the king of China. When Prince Abraham saw her picture, fell in her love deeply, and returned back to the palace while he was so sad. Without informing his parents, he got ready and took the things needed for journey and set off secretly and went and went until when he reached after a while to China. Since he was strange there and did not know where he should go and what he should do, he wondered there all the day in different places of China. Suddenly he remembered that he should resort to an old woman in order that maybe she could find a way to solve his problem. So the prince searched for that old woman until the sunset. Eventually, he found an old woman. He went ahead and cut her way and said hallow to her. The old woman looked at Prince Abraham and said: "O young man! Where are you from?"
Prince Abraham answered: "O Mother! I am strange here and don't know anywhere."
The old woman took pity on him and said to him: "We have an old house. If you can bear with the dried bread of the poor, you are welcome to our house."
Prince Abraham accompanied the old woman up to her home. Prince Abraham was in deep thinking and suddenly began to cry and shed much tears. The old woman face to him and said: "O young man! Why are you crying?" Prince Abraham said: "O mother! I am so sad. Let me be silent."
The old woman said: "I swear by God, tell me the truth. Maybe I can find a way to solve your problem."
Prince Abraham said: "O mother! Be aware, just as God is aware, that I saw some time ago the figure of the Bloodthirsty Incentive at the hands of an old man. From then on I have fallen in her love. And now I am here to see that girl."
As the old woman heard this speech, she said: "O young man! Take pity on your youth. Don't you know that every young man who has gone to woo the Bloodthirsty Incentive, he has been killed?"
Prince Abraham said: "O mother! I know this. But anyway, I can't bear more. I hope if you can do something for me, otherwise I'll die due to sadness."
The old woman thought a little and replied: "At present, you should sleep. Later, on tomorrow, I will try to find a way. God will help us."
In the morning, the prince gave some jewelry to the old woman. When the old woman saw those jewelry said to herself: "This young man is certainly a prince. But alack! I'm afraid that he will lose eventually his life in this way!"
The old woman thought well. Then she stood up and picked up several chaplets and hung some of them around his neck and took a stick and set off. She slowly went toward the palace of Bloodthirsty Incentive and gently knocked the door. One of the bondwomen came and opened the door. As she saw that a strange woman was at the door, she went back and informed Bloodthirsty Incentive that an old woman had come at the door. Bloodthirsty Incentive said to the bondwoman: "Go and bring the old woman in."
The bondwoman went back and brought the old woman with herself into the court. The old woman said hallo and sat. Bloodthirsty Incentive said: "O mother! From where have you come?" The cunning old woman answered: "O girl! I've come just from Karbala to which I had gone as pilgrim. In return I lost my way and now I am here." In this manner the cunning old woman spread her speech with the girl and gradually guided the speech toward the point she wanted and said: "O girl! With such a beauty and wisdom, why don't you marry?"
Suddenly the girl got angry and stood up and slapped her face strongly. Due to the slap, the old woman fell down unconscious. After they brought her conscious by washing her face with water and rose water, Bloodthirsty Incentive took pity on her and as appeasement said: "O mother! There is a secret in this act that I could not yet to say that to anyone. One night I saw in my dream that I was a female deer grazing and wandering gently in the desert. Suddenly a male deer was found which liked me. I became his mate. For a while we were grazing without any worry in the desert together until when the leg of the male deer fell into a hole dug by mice. Whatever he tried he could not take his leg out of the hole. I went a long way and made my mouth full of water and returned back and poured the water in the hole to make the soil soft. In this manner he could take his leg out. We again move. After a while, this time, my leg fell into a hole dug by mice and I was not able to take it out. The male deer went to bring water, but he returned back no longer. Suddenly I woke up. From that night I decided to kill every man wooing me, because I believed that all the men were disloyal."
As the old woman heard that tale from Bloodthirsty Incentive, she stood up and said goodbye and went. When she reached home, she encountered with Prince Abraham who was such in deep thinking as if only he had sorrow in the world. The old woman faced him and said: "O young man! I listened to the story of the girl. Don't sorrow. I have found a way."
The old woman sat and told the prince all the story of Bloodthirsty Incentive. After listening to the speech of the old woman, Prince Abraham said: "What should I do now?"
The old woman said: "You should build a bathroom and order to paint all the walls of its dressing room with some images. In the first image, two deer, one female and the other male, should be wandering in the desert together. In the second image, the two deer should be painted in such a manner showing that the leg of the male deer had fallen into a hole made by mice while the female deer was bringing water and pouring it into the hole. In the third image a paint should be drawn showing that the leg of the female deer had fallen into the hole dug by mice while the male deer had gone to the fountain to bring water but the hunter had shot to him. When the bathroom would be built and Bloodthirsty Incentive would go to it, she would see those images, and then she would become more kind and you would have the opportunity to woo her."
At the same day, Prince Abraham bought a piece of land and some studding and employed several workers and masons and ordered them to build the bathroom for him as soon as possible. It lasted about two months for the bathroom to be built. T built bathroom was so beautiful and unique. The news of the wonderful bathroom reached to everyone. They said that a young man from Iran had come here and had built so wonderful that was unique all over the world. As Bloodthirsty Incentive heard the fame of the bathroom said: "I should go to see this bathroom."
According to her order, announcers blazed in the city that nobody should be on the way because on that day Bloodthirsty Incentive intended to go to the bathroom. In summary, Bloodthirsty Incentive went into the bathroom and as soon as she saw those paintings, suddenly she suspired and said to herself: "Fie! The male deer had no guilt." She became upset and intended to kill any man no longer and search to find her mate.
On the other hand the old woman informed Prince Abraham that the girl had come to the bathroom in that day. Then she said him: "Today you should wear white clothing and go to the court of the girl and shout o my deer, o my deer, o my deer, and immediately after that you should flee in order that no one to nab you. At the second day you should wear green clothing and again you should go to her court and shout the same words three times and flee. At the third day you should wear red clothing and again you should go there and shout the same words, but this time you should not flee. When they caught you and took you to Bloodthirsty Incentive, she would ask you why you utter these words. You should answer that you had a dream one night in which you had become mate with a female deer and had gone together to graze, and your leg fell into a hole dug by the mice and the female deer went as long as a mile and brought water to save me, and it lasted no long time that the leg of the female deer fell into a hole made by the mice and you went to bring water that suddenly a hunter shut to you. And after that shot you woke up suddenly and now there was several years that you were searching your mate."
As the order of the old woman, Prince Abraham wore white clothing and set off and went to the court of Bloodthirsty Incentive and shouted the same words learnt by the old woman. The girl said to the servants: "Catch this poor boy."
They attacked toward him, but before they reached the prince, he fled swiftly. At the second day, he wore green clothing and again, in the manner of the first day, went to the palace of Bloodthirsty Incentive. This time too as they wanted to catch him, he fled. At last in the third day similar to the two days before, he shouted o my deer, o my deer, o my deer! But this time he did not flee and they caught him and took him to the girl. By chance, as the girl saw him, she also fell in his love deeply but did not appear her love and asked from herself: "Why have I fallen in the love of this poor boy?" When she thought well, she took a decision and said: "O poor boy! Why did you utter those words during these three days? Hurry and tell me what happened for you. Who has been guilty in this respect?"
In response, Prince Abraham said what the old woman had thought him. Suddenly the girl sighed and passed out. After pouring water and rose water on her, she recovered and said: "O young man! O poor man! God liked both of us. No I am regret for the many men I have killed. Be glad now that I am that mate of you you are searching. I thought that all the men are disloyal and I do not know that the male deer was shut by the hunter."
After saying so, she wanted him to sit by her and asked him who he was and from where he had come. Prince Abraham told her that he was the son of the king of Iran and his name was Abraham. At the same day, the girl sent a messenger to the court of her father and said to him that she intended to marry. The king of China became surprised and did not know what had happened that his daughter, after those so many murders, now wanted to marry. But when he realized the the mate of her was the son of the king of Iran, wrote a letter to his daughter and said her that she was free in her decision, On the other hand the girl's father prepared a wedding celebration for her and Prince Abraham married with the girl during that celebration.
Now hear from the father of Prince Abraham. When he was informed that his son had become disappeared, he ordered to search all the cities and regions to find him. But whatever the slaves search for him, they could not find him. Prince's father had only that son. So he put aside his kingdom and put on the mendicant's clothing and began to search for his son city after city and region after region. By chance, at the same night of the wedding of Prince Abraham and Bloodthirsty Incentive, the prince's father had reached China. He noticed that all the people had set off gladly toward the palace of the king. He asked someone what had happened that day. He answered him that day was the celebration of the wedding of Bloodthirsty Incentive, the daughter of the king of China, and Prince Abraham, the son of the king of Iran. As the dervish heard the name of his son, he became unconscious. When he recovered he went to the court with the people. When he entered the court and Prince Abraham saw him among the people he recognized his father immediately. The prince run ahead and embraced his father and kissed him, and then ordered to take him to bathroom and to put on him a royal dress. The king came out of the bathroom and Prince Abraham took him to the king of China and said to him that he was his father. The two kings embraced together.
They held general celebration seven days and seven nights with singing and dancing. At the seventh night they manicured the girl so beautifully and guided her to the bride chamber. After a while Prince Abraham returned back to his country with his wife and farther. Since the king had become old, the king determined the prince as the king of Iran and ordered the coins had printed on them the name of Prince Abraham as the king of Iran. After that they continued their life so gladly.
Once upon a time, there was no other than God. In ancient times there was a king who could not bring a son whatever he married. Although he was sad, he was patient, until one day that he took a mirror and saw his face in it and became dumbstruck. He saw that his head's hair had become white and his face was fully wrinkled. He sighed and when he encountered the minister said to him: "O my dear minister! My life is ending but I don't have a son yet to inherit my throne and crown. I don't know what I should do. What do you think in this respect?"
The minister said: "O kiblah of the world! I have a daughter who has not married yet. If you accept I propose to marry with her. Also you avow and pray and help the poor in order that God favor you with giving you a son."
The king agreed and married with the minister's daughter. The same first night after wedding the king's wife became pregnant. After nine months and nine days God gave a son to the king. The name Prince Abraham was selected for this son. The king was so glad and did anything to take care of this son and took several nursemaids for him. This was the case until when Prince Abraham became six years old. Then the king sent him to school. A few years Prince Abraham studied and learnt everything because he was very clever. When he became older enough that manly jobs were suitable for him, the prince was handed over to coach to teach him saddle horse and archery. Prince Abraham who had become encouraged then, endeavored more and more and eventually became a man for hunting and war.
One day Prince Abraham said to his father: "Dear dad! I want to go for hunting."
At first the king did not agree, but following the intense insistence of his son, let him to go hunting while being accompanied by a group of gentlefolks. Prince Abraham took some young men and went hunting.
As he was searching in mountains and hunted animals, suddenly passed a cave opening and saw that an old man was sitting in front of the cave and was crying severely while he was watching a picture of a beautiful woman being hold by him. Prince Abraham went ahead and asked: "O old man! Whose picture is that? Why are you crying?"
The old man, as kept crying, answered: "O young man! Don't ask and let I die with my sadness."
But Prince Abraham who had become upset due to his crying said to the old man: "I swear you in respect of everyone you worship, let me know the truth." When the prince wanted the old man so strongly to tell the story, the old man said: "Now that you swore me, I'll tell you the story but its aftermath to yourself. This picture is from Bloodthirsty Incentive. So many men have fallen into her love but she does not accept anyone as her husband and each man goes to request her to marry with him will be killed by her."
But know that this Bloodthirsty Incentive was the daughter of the king of China. When Prince Abraham saw her picture, fell in her love deeply, and returned back to the palace while he was so sad. Without informing his parents, he got ready and took the things needed for journey and set off secretly and went and went until when he reached after a while to China. Since he was strange there and did not know where he should go and what he should do, he wondered there all the day in different places of China. Suddenly he remembered that he should resort to an old woman in order that maybe she could find a way to solve his problem. So the prince searched for that old woman until the sunset. Eventually, he found an old woman. He went ahead and cut her way and said hallow to her. The old woman looked at Prince Abraham and said: "O young man! Where are you from?"
Prince Abraham answered: "O Mother! I am strange here and don't know anywhere."
The old woman took pity on him and said to him: "We have an old house. If you can bear with the dried bread of the poor, you are welcome to our house."
Prince Abraham accompanied the old woman up to her home. Prince Abraham was in deep thinking and suddenly began to cry and shed much tears. The old woman face to him and said: "O young man! Why are you crying?" Prince Abraham said: "O mother! I am so sad. Let me be silent."
The old woman said: "I swear by God, tell me the truth. Maybe I can find a way to solve your problem."
Prince Abraham said: "O mother! Be aware, just as God is aware, that I saw some time ago the figure of the Bloodthirsty Incentive at the hands of an old man. From then on I have fallen in her love. And now I am here to see that girl."
As the old woman heard this speech, she said: "O young man! Take pity on your youth. Don't you know that every young man who has gone to woo the Bloodthirsty Incentive, he has been killed?"
Prince Abraham said: "O mother! I know this. But anyway, I can't bear more. I hope if you can do something for me, otherwise I'll die due to sadness."
The old woman thought a little and replied: "At present, you should sleep. Later, on tomorrow, I will try to find a way. God will help us."
In the morning, the prince gave some jewelry to the old woman. When the old woman saw those jewelry said to herself: "This young man is certainly a prince. But alack! I'm afraid that he will lose eventually his life in this way!"
The old woman thought well. Then she stood up and picked up several chaplets and hung some of them around his neck and took a stick and set off. She slowly went toward the palace of Bloodthirsty Incentive and gently knocked the door. One of the bondwomen came and opened the door. As she saw that a strange woman was at the door, she went back and informed Bloodthirsty Incentive that an old woman had come at the door. Bloodthirsty Incentive said to the bondwoman: "Go and bring the old woman in."
The bondwoman went back and brought the old woman with herself into the court. The old woman said hallo and sat. Bloodthirsty Incentive said: "O mother! From where have you come?" The cunning old woman answered: "O girl! I've come just from Karbala to which I had gone as pilgrim. In return I lost my way and now I am here." In this manner the cunning old woman spread her speech with the girl and gradually guided the speech toward the point she wanted and said: "O girl! With such a beauty and wisdom, why don't you marry?"
Suddenly the girl got angry and stood up and slapped her face strongly. Due to the slap, the old woman fell down unconscious. After they brought her conscious by washing her face with water and rose water, Bloodthirsty Incentive took pity on her and as appeasement said: "O mother! There is a secret in this act that I could not yet to say that to anyone. One night I saw in my dream that I was a female deer grazing and wandering gently in the desert. Suddenly a male deer was found which liked me. I became his mate. For a while we were grazing without any worry in the desert together until when the leg of the male deer fell into a hole dug by mice. Whatever he tried he could not take his leg out of the hole. I went a long way and made my mouth full of water and returned back and poured the water in the hole to make the soil soft. In this manner he could take his leg out. We again move. After a while, this time, my leg fell into a hole dug by mice and I was not able to take it out. The male deer went to bring water, but he returned back no longer. Suddenly I woke up. From that night I decided to kill every man wooing me, because I believed that all the men were disloyal."
As the old woman heard that tale from Bloodthirsty Incentive, she stood up and said goodbye and went. When she reached home, she encountered with Prince Abraham who was such in deep thinking as if only he had sorrow in the world. The old woman faced him and said: "O young man! I listened to the story of the girl. Don't sorrow. I have found a way."
The old woman sat and told the prince all the story of Bloodthirsty Incentive. After listening to the speech of the old woman, Prince Abraham said: "What should I do now?"
The old woman said: "You should build a bathroom and order to paint all the walls of its dressing room with some images. In the first image, two deer, one female and the other male, should be wandering in the desert together. In the second image, the two deer should be painted in such a manner showing that the leg of the male deer had fallen into a hole made by mice while the female deer was bringing water and pouring it into the hole. In the third image a paint should be drawn showing that the leg of the female deer had fallen into the hole dug by mice while the male deer had gone to the fountain to bring water but the hunter had shot to him. When the bathroom would be built and Bloodthirsty Incentive would go to it, she would see those images, and then she would become more kind and you would have the opportunity to woo her."
At the same day, Prince Abraham bought a piece of land and some studding and employed several workers and masons and ordered them to build the bathroom for him as soon as possible. It lasted about two months for the bathroom to be built. T built bathroom was so beautiful and unique. The news of the wonderful bathroom reached to everyone. They said that a young man from Iran had come here and had built so wonderful that was unique all over the world. As Bloodthirsty Incentive heard the fame of the bathroom said: "I should go to see this bathroom."
According to her order, announcers blazed in the city that nobody should be on the way because on that day Bloodthirsty Incentive intended to go to the bathroom. In summary, Bloodthirsty Incentive went into the bathroom and as soon as she saw those paintings, suddenly she suspired and said to herself: "Fie! The male deer had no guilt." She became upset and intended to kill any man no longer and search to find her mate.
On the other hand the old woman informed Prince Abraham that the girl had come to the bathroom in that day. Then she said him: "Today you should wear white clothing and go to the court of the girl and shout o my deer, o my deer, o my deer, and immediately after that you should flee in order that no one to nab you. At the second day you should wear green clothing and again you should go to her court and shout the same words three times and flee. At the third day you should wear red clothing and again you should go there and shout the same words, but this time you should not flee. When they caught you and took you to Bloodthirsty Incentive, she would ask you why you utter these words. You should answer that you had a dream one night in which you had become mate with a female deer and had gone together to graze, and your leg fell into a hole dug by the mice and the female deer went as long as a mile and brought water to save me, and it lasted no long time that the leg of the female deer fell into a hole made by the mice and you went to bring water that suddenly a hunter shut to you. And after that shot you woke up suddenly and now there was several years that you were searching your mate."
As the order of the old woman, Prince Abraham wore white clothing and set off and went to the court of Bloodthirsty Incentive and shouted the same words learnt by the old woman. The girl said to the servants: "Catch this poor boy."
They attacked toward him, but before they reached the prince, he fled swiftly. At the second day, he wore green clothing and again, in the manner of the first day, went to the palace of Bloodthirsty Incentive. This time too as they wanted to catch him, he fled. At last in the third day similar to the two days before, he shouted o my deer, o my deer, o my deer! But this time he did not flee and they caught him and took him to the girl. By chance, as the girl saw him, she also fell in his love deeply but did not appear her love and asked from herself: "Why have I fallen in the love of this poor boy?" When she thought well, she took a decision and said: "O poor boy! Why did you utter those words during these three days? Hurry and tell me what happened for you. Who has been guilty in this respect?"
In response, Prince Abraham said what the old woman had thought him. Suddenly the girl sighed and passed out. After pouring water and rose water on her, she recovered and said: "O young man! O poor man! God liked both of us. No I am regret for the many men I have killed. Be glad now that I am that mate of you you are searching. I thought that all the men are disloyal and I do not know that the male deer was shut by the hunter."
After saying so, she wanted him to sit by her and asked him who he was and from where he had come. Prince Abraham told her that he was the son of the king of Iran and his name was Abraham. At the same day, the girl sent a messenger to the court of her father and said to him that she intended to marry. The king of China became surprised and did not know what had happened that his daughter, after those so many murders, now wanted to marry. But when he realized the the mate of her was the son of the king of Iran, wrote a letter to his daughter and said her that she was free in her decision, On the other hand the girl's father prepared a wedding celebration for her and Prince Abraham married with the girl during that celebration.
Now hear from the father of Prince Abraham. When he was informed that his son had become disappeared, he ordered to search all the cities and regions to find him. But whatever the slaves search for him, they could not find him. Prince's father had only that son. So he put aside his kingdom and put on the mendicant's clothing and began to search for his son city after city and region after region. By chance, at the same night of the wedding of Prince Abraham and Bloodthirsty Incentive, the prince's father had reached China. He noticed that all the people had set off gladly toward the palace of the king. He asked someone what had happened that day. He answered him that day was the celebration of the wedding of Bloodthirsty Incentive, the daughter of the king of China, and Prince Abraham, the son of the king of Iran. As the dervish heard the name of his son, he became unconscious. When he recovered he went to the court with the people. When he entered the court and Prince Abraham saw him among the people he recognized his father immediately. The prince run ahead and embraced his father and kissed him, and then ordered to take him to bathroom and to put on him a royal dress. The king came out of the bathroom and Prince Abraham took him to the king of China and said to him that he was his father. The two kings embraced together.
They held general celebration seven days and seven nights with singing and dancing. At the seventh night they manicured the girl so beautifully and guided her to the bride chamber. After a while Prince Abraham returned back to his country with his wife and farther. Since the king had become old, the king determined the prince as the king of Iran and ordered the coins had printed on them the name of Prince Abraham as the king of Iran. After that they continued their life so gladly.